
We already knew that the Trump team had an enemies list of career officials they planned to fire based on their first term experiences. This is more wide-ranging. Last week I told a friend in the federal govt to delete his social media and start a Truth Social account. Only half-joking.
You can watch John Oliver's explanation of Schedule F here. Two points: 1) Engage in ideological purges is a central strategy to the GOP's governing doctrine now. 2) There is not equivalent energy in fighting back from the center or the left.
The Public Opposes Trump's Plans to Politicize Public And John Oliver provides a Project 2025 explainer for you to share
What we are seeing are the tactics used by people like James O' Keefe and Chris Rufo used on a mass scale - find someone saying something critical of Republicans, accuse them of bias, and try to get them fired. The key difference is that with Schedule F they really would be able to get them fired.
It is amazing that we've been so desensitized that this flies too far under the radar when folks ought to have their hair in flames. Some citizens have just turned themselves off for the benefit of their own sanity, but the cost will be that and more.
I don't know what equivalent energy would like like, but ideological purges are not really how we do things on the center-left. To match methods with the populist right would be to lose ourselves.
To be clear - I don’t think the center/left should adopt fascist tactics, but should be doing more to fight them.
Would be interested to hear specifics on the how of that, ideally things that wouldn't make us lose sleep.
Rhetorical engagement to increase salience with voters would be a start - how many people are aware of this?
Equivalent energy would be sounding the death knell for the non-partisan civil service. Equivalent energy would be fighting back with equal energy as they are fighting to end expertise and non-partisanship.
He said equivalent energy fighting back, he did not say equivalent methods
This is true, although it's hard to know what that means and I worry it will be parsed in the populist "I find it exhausting to be civilized and follow rules and be non-maximalist" sense.
Can't craft all skeets for all people, unfortunately
The center left /left is still trying to figure out what time it is and running the usual election tropes ... thoughts and prayers everyone
The Fascism is the point. If Trump can pull this off #Project2025 he will be forgiven all and any miss deeds by his right wing base. The Game is a foot 🦶
Dude, this is why I killed my Twitter account. I believe Elon would happily hand over the DMs of any fed to a new administration.
I deleted all my tweets & deactivated 2 accounts on Twitter last fall. I'm thinking of getting rid of my fb account too, which I rarely use anymore. I really don't want to delete this account, it's a lifeline for me. I thought I'd delete fb & this one if the worst happens in nov. Now I don't know
Maybe Bluesky impliments private accounts by the time trump takes office... Also, b/c Bsky is now federated its possible to have your user data hosted elsewhere in a safe jurisdiction, at least.
Yeah that would be good. But I'm also concerned that if he takes office we will be required to divulge if we are on social media and if so provide a password for any social media set to private. And I'd have no choice but to tell them. Better to get out b4 he takes office if he wins, god forbid
Yeah. Intel Analysts for the various depts of DoD are GS-13s. That's just wild. Also, the article doesn't go much into Jones' qualifications (if any).
Yup. There are probably 300,000 GS 13 employees, and maybe 120,000 GS 14. That’s an educated guess. If you look at their titles, a lot of them will be analysts, or attorneys, or program specialists. They apply policy, or maybe advise on policy interpretations. They don’t write policy.
One way to think about it is, if the claim is these people write policy, what are the people above them doing? Twiddling their thumbs? The claim doesn’t hold water. There are very few actual policy-writing positions in the government
The Schedule F folks have talked about 50K, but their plan is more wideranging
OPM has some data breaking down federal employment by pay grade. If you just want people on the true GS schedule, it's 71,000 at GS-15, 154,000 at GS-14, and 287,000 at GS-13.
Employment - Current Month - IBM Cognos PowerPlay
(Correction, the pull-down menu at the top counts "General Schedule and equivalent grade," GSEG.)
I bet half the people on the list consider themselves “conservatives” and a quarter would vote for Trump even knowing they were on the list.
Honestly the Heritage Foundation should be declared a threat to national security at this point, they're obviously a Putinist fifth column
Are their lives really that miserable that they’re willing to burn everything down?
The terror needs to be returned 5-fold. These privileged enemies of democracy should be outed and exposed - every single member of the Heritage Foundation from daddy Koch down to the lowliest employee should feel the same fear that they are creating for government employees. DOJ is feckless
The no chin gang at it again
As the expert here what's really the solution? Hope there's never a republican president? This is going to be policy in 2025, 2029 etc. whenever.
this isn’t a “Trump enemies list” this will be used by pretty much any Republican president.
Seems like a good deal of this is people in the office informing on a boss or rival. No history of that going badly.
I worry even if Trump loses, and even if the GOP becomes nonviable federally, this is going become a model for red communities to purge themselves of civil servants and otherwise influential residents who are perceived as liberal. I'm already seeing it, just not in a very organized way.
It's just more of what fascists do No one should be surprised, the terror is that good people are not organizing
Well that's just crappy. Is posting people's names like that?
If they don't win, what's the plan? Because you know they're still going to try this; I just don't know how they'd achieve it.
I wouldn't be surprised to find that a state-by-state list of 'trouble-makers' isn't being generated simultaneously, using our social media posts and AI. Maybe we'll each get a visit from 'the authorities' at some point in the future...