
There was no GOP party platform in 2020, and Trump wants to shrink the proposed 2024 one. He opposes providing detail on how radical his second term will be because he knows its unpopular. Make no mistake: Project 2025 was written by Trump appointees & loyalists. Its their shared agenda.
even trump’s campaign staff (i assume he didn’t write this) knows that the reactionary, authoritarian agenda that’s project 2025 is going to be unpopular with the average voter.
All of these guys leading Project 2025 were Trump White House officials. Paul Dans was closely involved in implementing Schedule F. The head of Heritage, Kevin Roberts, was selected as a pro-MAGA leader.
A key player in Project 2025 is Trump's former Director of Presidential Personnel Johnny McEntee. He is doing for Project 2025 what he was doing for Trump: screening federal employees for political loyalty.
Russ Vought, the head of the Center for Renewing America and another key player in Project 2025 was Trumps head of the Office of Management and Budget, and tipped to be his next Chief of Staff.
A "weaponization of government" trope Another linguistic ruse by the people who actually want to weaponize government
There are others Trump appointees, including Ben Carson and Peter Navarro, involved in Project 2025, plus a bunch more. This is why headlines like this, while accurate, are misleading and serve as stenography for the Trump campaign.
Maybe thinking of Herman Cain?
What universe did you arrive from and can you take me back with you?
The thing about incessant liars is, they can say anything they want any given moment, and then turn around and say the opposite when it serves their purposes. Trump has normalized this within the MAGA movement.
Can we start a list of these stenographers and PR flacks like Jason?
And Valerie Huber, the anti-sex-ed advocate who was the HHS Special Representative for Women's Health under Trump, has been very busy meddling in other countries' abortion laws. She's an author on 2025 and promoter of the anti-rights Geneva Consensus Declaration.
Here is a list of the Project 2025 authors who were part of Trump’s Administration: 69%
See every listed #Project2025 author who worked in Trump’s administration: 25 of 36 (69%) suthors. Trump’s claim of “knowing nothing” is yet another lie. #politics Andra Watkins
great time to leave the nazis’ blog site!
I presume that’s in his spare time when not passing counterfeit currency to homeless people in order to get them arrested.
also does anyone actually believe Trump is going to pay any attention to the details of what his appointees do with their agencies as long as they remain fully loyal to him and willing to carry out any specific directives he gives them? all he wants is a group of people who won't say no to him
Exactly. Trump's own agenda is 100% personal. He wants revenge and immunity for Donald J. Trump. Plus he's lazy and insane. This actually *necessitates* that he put his army of ghouls in charge of all of the real things.
I forgot to mention the foreign bribes. He also wants those.
Frankly I think he'll, if elected, get periodically dragged in when his appointees viciously undermine and fight each other b/c they're acculturated to a form of politics inimical to proper cooperation.
Power struggles and vicious backbiting are the Nazi way!
You’re right. Trump doesn’t give a shit about any of Project 2025 one way or the other. All he wants is to be president and be on TV all the time and fly around in the big plane and if the sycophants he puts in cabinet offices want to do their stuff, that’s cool as long as they’re loyal to Trump.
He’ll want his cut.
And that's something else that Dems should hang around Trump's neck - HE DOESN'T HAVE A CLUE, and doesn't care what these dweebs do the country. It also can trigger his ego/temper if he's portrayed as the empty vessel and figurehead signing machine that Project 2025 really wants him to be.
As long as they don't make him look bad on TV, he won't care.
Problem is, the media is going to buy this lie 100%. If they have any chance to deceive the public about what Trump 47 would actually mean, they'll take it.
Please note: he says he disagrees with SOME of the things. Which things does he agree with? Because any of the things on their list are alarming, so I would like a little more clarification here from Mr. "I KNOW NOTHING".
Plausible deniability is a decades-old hallmark of the DJT style of doing business.
Best of luck with your fascism, I don't inhale.
His SCOTUS picks came from these same assholes!
This is an underappreciated feature of Trump's political whims. While he's obviously prejudiced against immigrants, Muslims, Black people, Latinos, and others, I don't think he *really* has any strongly held policy preferences besides 1) get richer and 2) stay out of prison.
TRANSLATION: "I know all about Project 2025. I know exactly who is behind it. I agree with most of what they’re saying and some of the things are absolutely beautiful and wonderful. Anything they succeed in doing, I will take credit for and deny I ever knew them." -- Donald Liar Trump
Only a fool would be reassured by the promise of Donald Trump the GLAT - the Greatest Liar of All Time.
Translation: I know everything about the GOP Project 2025. I was the one behind it. I agree with everything they say. They are perfect for the country. At every turn, I'll be selling pardons and placing hand-picked loyalists throughout my administration. I look forward to being your leader.
They need to read him the pillars of it and ask him what parts of it he opposes. He’s not going to be able to bring himself to name anything since every part of it is about giving him unlimited power. He’ll forget whatever his advisors are telling him to say and call it “Terrific”
Hello Donald. I’m wearing my “I believe you” face. Go on, deny something else; how about the insurrection?
This was what infuriated me about the debate with Hilary Clinton! He provided no policy, he committed to no project, he outlined no vision-- it was just "they're bad, I'm the better choice for-- unspecified reasons." And people voted for it, and nobody blew the whistle without a book deal first.
But hey, let's contrate on destroying our own side before the other side gets to it. Is this what the Eagle ton debacle was like?
Since when do we believe trump when he denies anything? His denial is usually a complete endorsement of the idea he's denying. So... 🤷‍♂️
The entire known universe calls "bullshit" on this one, Donnie. NEXT lie, please.
Trump brings that organized crime savvy to the GOP conspiracy against democracy - "guys, we shouldn't just TELL people what awful things we're going to do, what are you thinking?"
It’s blatantly obvious this was a staff written tweet.
Trump is, has been, the willing vehicle for the right’s fascism dream.
not only did he not write this post, but in 72 hours he's got good odds to be the biggest fan of Project 2025 anyway because some sycophants will fawn to him about it, or convince him he looks cowardly if he disavows it.