Ruth Dawkins

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Ruth Dawkins

Freelance writer & blogger • Science, environment, travel, books, family, islands • Green, socialist, feminist • Trans rights are human rights • Free Palestine • She/her • lutruwita/Tasmania via Scotland • #MDANT • •
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Kia Ora! This is our first post on Bluesky - we've just joined! We're all about standing up to the fossil fuel industry to end all coal, oil & gas projects - and calling for a just transition to a cleaner, fairer Aotearoa. Hit us with any questions, and we can have a kōrero!
A global campaign to confront the climate We are standing up to the fossil fuel industry to end all coal, oil, and gas projects in New Zealand, and calling for a just transition to renewable energy in the hands of our advocates.
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And go pick out some feeds to follow. I found feeds for music, poetry, Canadian news, gift links for articles behind paywalls, etc.
reminder that this website does not have an algorithm so if everything on your homepage sucks or you think this website is “dead” it is quite literally a skill issue. follow more & better people. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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The thing I resent most deeply about modern billionaires is that the thought of humanity exploring space used to feel exciting and now it fills me with dread. It shouldn't have been the worst of us who first get to greet the stars in the sky.
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If you’ve shared this but haven’t read it yet, you should. PEOPLE isn’t pulling punches. Just printing “Christian Nationalism” in relation to the platform of a presidential candidate is more than many pubs have done.
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Tour de France and Olympic athletes are wearing masks because they understand that catching COVID could undo years of hard work and sacrifices.
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What are genocides if not political violence?
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Reposted byAvatar Ruth Dawkins
Write to your MP Tell them this transphobic bullshit has to stop Gender affirming care is healthcare Shout louder!!! We got the tories out, now the real work starts Protect trans kids!! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ Protect all trans folk!! Trans rights are human rights!!
Find your MP - MPs and Lords - UK Enter your postcode, location, MPs name or job title to find the name and contact details of your local MP.
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Been thinking a lot lately about Aaron Swartz and how academic journals should be open access, especially in this moment of wild misinformation and misinterpretation.
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The simmering rage against tech is partly because what they are doing is impeding the really cool shit that happens online. The internet rocks, I have made incredible friendships online that have lasted 15+ years, built a business, made art, and I hate how badly they've hurt being online.
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Time for all those people who said they'd challenge the Labour government after voting them in to stand up and act btw! 😊
Wes Streeting looking to implement a permanent ban on puberty blockers, subject to the outcome of court proceedings and consultation. Reminder that even the Cass Review didn't recommend that. Congrats everyone on your lovely new, definitely not bigoted, government.
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I know a lot of white Americans keep calling Twitter the Nazi bar and lament people still on the app, but Twitter has been integral to the current Kenyan protests. the individualist approach of leaving and judging everyone who remains doesn't do anything.
Check this from Rolling Stone. At this point, I enjoy rap as an art form a lot, but am not heavily invested in pop culture, but I'm handing Kendrick the victory on this. He dethroned the abuser Drake successfully, & his music is inspiring Kenyan popular resistance.
How Kendrick Lamar’s ‘Not Like Us’ Helped Young Kenyans Lead a Successful Protest in Their Young Kenyans protested a proposed tax hike in their country by using a hashtag and a rap song that sampled Kendrick Lamar's 'Not Like Us.'
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I don't actually give a fuck about Biden's Blue Screen moments at the debate I care that he's doing this shit
"The Biden administration will resume shipping 500lb bombs to Israel but will continue to hold back on supplying 2,000lb bombs over concerns about their use in densely populated Gaza, according to a a US official." what's left to say, really?
US to resume sending 500lb bombs to Israel while withholding 2,000lb bombs, official US had paused shipment of bombs of both sizes amid concern over their impact in Gaza
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The relentless organizers of are leading a bold experiment in sustained disruptive pressure against the world's biggest fossil fuel funder: Citibank. Please support & amplify this critical campaign! #ClimateSky 🔌💡 Big NYT coverage today. GIFT LINK:
In New York, Protesting the Backers of Big Oil With Die-Ins, Drums and Amid soaring temperatures, hundreds of activists are staging boisterous blockades and solemn marches at banks and insurers that support fossil fuel projects.
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It's too bad this country went insane about masks, seems like they can be useful
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We are still€1274 away from saving Karam's life.Please,keep supporting us.If we lose hope,you don't.With your help,we can save Karam.Together,we can make this happen💪❤️🇵🇸🥲 Donate 🔗 #savepalestine #palestine #gazaunderattack #freegaza #standwithgaza #alleyesonrafah #cncfreeuse
Today, Karam shocked us with his words,"This must be a dream.Tomorrow,I'll wake up, go to school, and play soccer with my friends."Could nine months of war truly feel like a dream?How do I explain to him that his school has been bombed, and all his friends but one have been lost?
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"The Biden administration will resume shipping 500lb bombs to Israel but will continue to hold back on supplying 2,000lb bombs over concerns about their use in densely populated Gaza, according to a a US official." what's left to say, really?
US to resume sending 500lb bombs to Israel while withholding 2,000lb bombs, official US had paused shipment of bombs of both sizes amid concern over their impact in Gaza
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If actual mining were like Bitcoin mining, the company would buy tens of thousands of digging machines and randomly locate them across the land and start digging furiously. The company that buys the most diggers and digs most furiously wins
Casual reminder that there is no MINE. Those people aren't MINING a damn thing. They just waste stellar amounts of resources in a pyramid scheme and hurt other people in the process.
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Noticing bad things years ago is left-wing. Noticing them when it's too late to do anything about is centrist. Ignoring them is right-wing.
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Hello. This research is for something I am doing with a union in the uk. Keen to hear insights from authors / writers anywhere though. Please DM me or head to my contact page on my website:
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Patriarchy as scaffolding for ADHD? More common than you might think! Tbh, if you read books aimed at couples where one partner has ADHD, this seems more and more obvious.
Someone theorised on Tumblr that the belief that boys "outgrew" ADHD is because they used to get married right out of high school or college, and had wives and secretaries picking up their slack. I think about that a lot. Esp when one also factors in race and class...
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Please help, I'm trapped on this island, no no don't rescue me, just blow it up
I thought I followed an academic on here who is working on something (an article? A book?) about solidarity tourism in Palestine, but I can’t remember who it is. (Not Jennifer Lynn Kelly’s work, I know about that). Any ideas who I might be thinking of?! May have been Glasgow Uni?
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Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
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Most important election of our lives but if we lose we can feel good that we tried. Participation trophy vibes for fighting authoritarianism.
Joe Biden and his circle are so desperate to get credit for being the ones who defend US democracy that they refuse to realize they are putting it very much in jeopardy with their hubris.
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Kelly-Jay Keen aka Posie Parker received 196 votes in the electorate she stood for, meanwhile, this woman won the seat with over 24,000 votes
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“[Grenada’s prime minister] described “Armageddon-like” scenes of “almost total destruction”, with approximately 98% of building structures damaged or destroyed and an almost complete wipeout of the electrical grid and communications systems.”
‘Please send help’: Caribbean reels from Hurricane Beryl Homes flattened, apocalyptic scenes and at least four dead as St Vincent and the Grenadines and Grenada try to recover
Aim high, UK voters ❤️ Aim higher than just kicking out the Tories. Vote with hope, vote for those who are vulnerable. Vote for trans kids and Palestinians and your neighbours who can’t put food on the table. Vote for Grenfell residents and asylum seekers and for keeping the NHS in public hands.