alex (kamalist-restorationist) 🥥🙏🥥

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alex (kamalist-restorationist) 🥥🙏🥥

mostly sincere industrial hygienist. very lazy. i can’t get that engine turned over. 🌴fidelis sanctae camalae restorationum 🥥salvatrix aeterna nostra🌴
As well they should. I'm so glad this is getting attention
President Biden and other Democrats are increasingly focusing their attacks on an aggressive right-wing agenda called Project 2025 that is being pushed by allies of presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump — prompting Trump and his team to lash out in recent days at supporters of the effort.
Democrats focus attacks on right-wing Project 2025 pushed by Trump The former president has sought to disavow the plan being touted by former advisers and aides, but Trump has endorsed many of the same ideas.
if you have to ask why there's a jar of pineapple rinds, water, and piloncillo in the corner you're not old enough to know
drinking/eating something funky you put in the corner and forgot about is truly what unites us as humans. the tipsy ape, if you will.
Honestly one of the only fun things on the internet this weekend is all the fascist losers crying about how they were cheated out of victory in France because 'they suck' and 'people hate their ideas'
hawk tuah this hawk tuah that…yall need to walk tuah poll and save democracy!!!
“the clapper” was an important breakthrough in nana technology thank you for your patronage this is the one outlet keeping me from being an arsonist
happy monday you yes [pointing] you you're rad
Leader of Frances New Popular Front, Jean-Luc Mélenchon was Hugo Chavez's special guest in 2012. He was also an admirer of Cuban Leader, Fidel Castro. 🙂
spangladesh (i have no idea what this means )
retweet me you little fuck
Last night Hunk discovered that Hunk (pictured below) is repelled by wasabi in the way a vampire might react to garlic. Real game changer for takeout sushi and a huge advancement in human-cat relations - they will learn to fear the green paste.
using time travel to force everyone to go see southland tales in the theater so richard kelly can keep pumping out fever dreams, and so the rock doesn't get his feelings hurt
I would not and could not wear one, but I must confess that I am Drawn to The Bucket Hat
a firefly lives in my bedroom now. it's pretty cool
Overseas where the naming conventions are different, this phenomenon has had additional interesting implications
Incredible that “Cool Ranch” became not only accepted but an elder statesman of flavor
Love it when people watch my blatantly communist videos and reply with stuff like “this seems a tad left-leaning to me”
ah yes reservoir dogs, in which things famously go great for the characters
Incredible levels of rightwing cope ongoing over at the other place
"Don't let the French have all the fun" is an excellent slogan and I submit it to the committee for wide promulgation in everyone's elections.
Look how fun shutting down fascists is. I want this for us, too
It does my heart good to see these French fascists crying.
I think I’m about as high up as you can get as a cat valet. I have been promoted to feeding the cats and cleaning all the litter boxes, no one but my desire to leave this place was sacrificed.
Pisces: You’ll get promoted this week after you sacrifice a coworker to the gods.
> joe biden makes it easier for 500,000 families to get green cards without having to self deport back to their originating country for up to a decade me, enlightened: congrats on making it to the imperial core 🙄 lol, you must LOVE watching west wing 🙄