Jeremy Wright

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Jeremy Wright

ND. ADHD . Anxiety +panic attacks. Chemical engineer PhD working in the ceramics industry. science and animals are my jam.
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God. The ghoulish statements by local elected officials about the unhoused and "compassionately clearing encampments" is already starting. This is so depressing
Reposted byAvatar Jeremy Wright
Honest Miranda Warnings #PoliCartoon Links to transcript, drawing video, blog post, etc, in replies!
Reposted byAvatar Jeremy Wright
Reposted byAvatar Jeremy Wright
"... librarians in the US did not wake up, head to work, and wonder, What are the chances I’m going to be charged with a crime for letting someone take out a book today? But thanks to GOP state legislators, that’s now become a legitimate fear."
17 States Are Considering Laws That Would Imprison Meanwhile, Ron DeSantis has been forced to limit certain Floridians to only one book-banning attempt per month.
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making a COME AND TAKE IT FLAG but instead of a gun it's a Hitachi
Planned Parenthood Action Fund warns that Republicans resurrecting the 19th-century Comstock Act could threaten: "anything that vibrates or lubricates, IVF, Viagra, sex education materials, abortion medications, all things LGBTQ"
Zombie Comstock Law Threatens Abortion...and Much The desperate attempts to resurrect the Comstock Act could threaten even more freedoms than those related to abortion.
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Reposted byAvatar Jeremy Wright
Apparently instacart has figured out time travel
Reposted byAvatar Jeremy Wright
This one feels like a punch in the chest: Vinay Krishnan on the bird app.
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Forming an exploratory committee to run for President Yes I'm under 35 years old and no I wasn't born here but apparently states can't keep you off the ballot if you're constitutionally ineligible so I figure why the hell not?
The Supreme Court Officially Picks Trump Over the The rules are different when the conservative supermajority’s preferred candidate is asking for a constitutional hall pass.
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A few days ago I met a pal, an OB-GYN who is working at a service that sends abortion pills (mifepristone and misoprostol) to women who need them in states that ban abortion. She asked me to help spread the word about how to use the service, and asked me to ask you guys to pass on the info. 1/6
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Today the Alabama Supreme Court made IVF essentially illegal by declaring un-implanted embryos “human children.” What happens in a red state never stays in a red state (see: the Dobbs decision that started in MS) - we can’t ignore these places.
Somehow 99% of my feed on here is authors... Not the worst but I wish more people I used to follow on the bird site transferred here
People doing stupid things with vehicles in national parks should have their vehicles immediately impounded for like 48 hours and then at least a $1500 fine. Really make it clear to the morons that they can't get away with disturbing delicate ecosystems.
Reposted byAvatar Jeremy Wright
I've settled lots of discussion about trans identities by comparing it to adoptive parents. Adoptive parents have all the rights of other parents even though they aren't "biologically" parents. "Mom" and "dad" are constructs just like "man" and "woman" 🤷🏼‍♀️
Reposted byAvatar Jeremy Wright
A pediatrician’s two weeks inside a hospital in Gaza
Reposted byAvatar Jeremy Wright
Using the public restroom at a conference instead of your hotel room because the soap is better ....even though they are both in the same hotel!
Reposted byAvatar Jeremy Wright
Recently St. Louis police DROVE AN SUV INTO A GAY BAR and then arrested the owner within seconds of doing so. The cops’ statements about what transpired have been proven wrong by video evidence. They have managed to make it worse. The City is trying to condemn the property for the damage.
City of St. Louis accused of threatening to condemn building Bar:PM occupies which police crashed The City of St. Louis sent a letter to the owners of the building Bar:PM is in, threatening to potentially condemn the building police crashed into back in December.
Reposted byAvatar Jeremy Wright
This is an amazing story. Houston criminalized feeding the homeless, Food not Bombs continued to do so, the city has ticketed them dozens of times and occasionally arrested members but hasn’t been able to get a single conviction.
Food Not Bombs trial rescheduled after too many jurors objected to $500 fine for feeding Roughly 90 tickets have been issued since March to volunteers with the loosely organized Food Not Bombs, which serves meals to people in need.
Avatar what book of yours would you recommend someone who hasn't read anything of yours previously start with?
Reposted byAvatar Jeremy Wright
35 orgs signed a joint call for peace in Oct. The IDF vets org Breaking the Silence has been demanding a political solution before 10/7, & since. Women Wage Peace & Women of the Sun are ready. The grassroots movement Standing Together calls for ceasefire. Ceasefire protests in Tel Aviv grow.
Reposted byAvatar Jeremy Wright
Not remembering to bring my daily anxiety med to my GFs really made today kinda suck. Had to survive on emergency anxiety meds and peppermint oil til tomorrow because I didn't get back til 6 pm and that's too late to take the pill I think
Why is my feed 99% John Scalzi and Neil gaiman? Not that they aren't cool and all....but....where is everyone else I follow?
I keep thinking the acronym ACAB is similar to AFAB or AMAB and so whenever I see it I just think "assigned cat at birth"
Can I turn off seeing random responses that the people I follow make?
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I mean I hope so? But I've met too many folks who talk a big game about inclusion without actually doing it, and I never want to be that guy, so the best I've got is I'll always try my best.