C. L. Polk

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C. L. Polk


I write stuff. I knit stuff. I cook stuff. Ask me about my weird little books. https://clpolk.link/
Today is the birthday of Trayvon Martin, who should still be alive
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For artists who have struggled to find reference photos that are real photos; Pexels is free to use and does not currently allow generated stuff according to their TOS (term 7B). It's also easy to check Exif data. www.pexels.com/terms-of-ser... Affinity uses Pexels for stock too
Terms and Conditions — Pexelswww.pexels.com Terms and Conditions from Pexels.
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can't imagine that future historians will fail to notice the political effect of tech developments allowing large scale buying and selling of human attention. not optimistic about the effects on politics writ large, but worth thinking about focus, especially for organizers
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Highly recommend following @theignyteawards.bsky.social if you aren't and can - best awards out there (I think?) and basically a lovingly curated annual list of *awesome* books and platforms for your eyes. A public service of the highest order.
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Tired: Where have you been all this time? Wired: I'm glad you're here, welcome! What got you started?
At least "birthing people" called them, you know PEOPLE
"Host bodies must be quiet and do only as the men folk dictate." "Florida Republican called pregnant women 'host bodies' five times while discussing anti-abortion bill" www.cltampa.com/news/florida...
Florida Republican called pregnant women 'host bodies' fives times while discussing anti-abortion bill | Creative Loafing Tampa Baywww.cltampa.com It wasn't a simple slip of the tongue, either.
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The right to not let the government look up what your body parts are naturally doing at any given time of the month is actually extremely important for freedom.
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Periodic reminder that I'm a voice coach for trans women, and I offer pay what you can services If you're looking to work on your voice, I'm here to help. My email is in my bio - drop me a line and let's talk! The first session is free 😊
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I am a 27 year old trans woman from the UK and I am hoping to raise funds for my transition, Waiting times on the NHS for transgender healthcare can be up to five years, just for an initial consultation✨ I just hope you can help me and to be happy #MutualAid Goal:£35.000 www.paypal.me/AmaniiGordon
But my pronouns combined with my PFP of me with an assymmetrical fade *often* gets me he/himmed as retaliation and I know what they're doing and it also gets me degendered *even though* I use gender neutral pronouns and it is ALWAYS a dehumanizing attack. So fuck off with that. you ain't slick.
Like my pronouns are they/them and there *is* a practice of defaulting to "they" if unsure of pronouns (which should always be immediately appended with, "I'm not sure what pronouns are correct and I can't look it up sorry, notice how this takes up many characters on bsky SO JUST LOOK IT UP PLEASE)
Like my pronouns are they/them and there *is* a practice of defaulting to "they" if unsure of pronouns (which should always be immediately appended with, "I'm not sure what pronouns are correct and I can't look it up sorry, notice how this takes up many characters on bsky SO JUST LOOK IT UP PLEASE)
i also recommend against calling trans women "this person" or otherwise avoiding pronouns for them in a way you would not for cis women. this is called "degendering". people notice it
At this point I wish I had the time, the funds, and the knowhow to put up a site called project2025sayswhat.com and it starts with, "Hello! Do you think any of these things are a net good to society? Choose one, for now." and then when you click it runs you down what pr2025 says about it.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
This book is rough fuckin' going. Be emotionally aware, tap out when you feel it getting at you. exercise, journal it out, talk to your buddy who is reading this book with you. It is a horror.
Hey yo, if you haven't read this book and you care about the liberation of all sentient beings, read it. Also this is definitely a book to immediately request at your public library, make a point of it, please, it should *be* in your local public library just because. the ebook is about $15CAD.
Hey yo, if you haven't read this book and you care about the liberation of all sentient beings, read it. Also this is definitely a book to immediately request at your public library, make a point of it, please, it should *be* in your local public library just because. the ebook is about $15CAD.
This may be an imperfect analogy, but I think one of the most important points in "Why Does He Do That?" is that abusers benefit from the abuse. Of course taking what you want with no consequences is appealing if you don't care who gets hurt! archive.org/download/Lun...
What in the name of Anthony Walter Patrick Hamilton are these studies?
Pew puts out a study where black people say that they 'believe' in things that are obviously, historically true, well-documented, and still happening today and calls them 'racial conspiracy theories'; are taken aback when people get mad about it
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A lot of people are under the mistaken impression I owe them an argument. When I post about my values, I am speaking to people who understand those values, and reflect them back at me. This is how I build a respectful, safe online community. It is not to fight with strangers for funsies.
Canadians, don't look smug. Go look up Junkins, Keystone, Campsie, and Pine Creek, Alberta.
(2/*) Black farmers are rare today in part because concerted efforts were made to drive them off their land until they were either dead or willing to undersell just to escape, and in part because segregation created a barrier allowing communities to overcharge them for access to anything.
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also and I feel like I buried the lede here: it calls for the people who CREATE queer media to be imprisoned. That'd be people like me. Or any other queer creator you love. Any queen who's been on drag race. Chappel Roan. Janelle Monae. Anyone who's made a piece of queer media. Imprisoned.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
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well, Biden just called for term limits and an enforceable ethics code for SCOTUS and a constitutional amendment to end immunity for presidents and other officeholders so I guess its officially the public vs the Business Plot 2.0 at this point
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If you're a California resident, and you'd like to register your strong disapproval and support for the investigation of the elected leaders of Beverly Hills, who were on the side of harming women and pregnant people when an abortion clinic was going to open there.
Yes! You can find the script here and reach out directly by phone or email to your reps, using either our language or your own! resist.bot/petitions/PG...
Defend Abortion Access in Beverly Hillsresist.bot Text SIGN PGHZOY to 50409 to send this to your officials.
To heck with the post, but good idea there joe
so I didn't report words yesterday, but I did manage 1855. Admittedly that was pulling old words from The Island of Mistfit Words and then backfilling them to make them feel like they belonged, and then another 1479 today.
Well, in my secret online writing group I just asked "Do I usually come to a complete stop around the middle of the book and decide that the whole thing is trash and I wasted my time and there's no clear way to an ending to this story that isn't ridiculous and unsatisfying? Do I do that?" Because
Okay I think I have *finally* managed to get a stable solution for my newsletter? At last? Anyway I'm writing an update as a test message and if you would like to join my newsletter, here is the link: (alt text for img: a photo of my books. Even Though I Knew The End is open to page 58-59.)
Would you like Intermittent and Irregular Letters from C. L. Polk Delivered to Your Inbox?sendfox.com C. L. POLK NEWSLETTER I HAVE WORKED MY BUTT OFF MAKING THIS NEWSLETTER STABLE SO I CAN WRITE TO YOU. Hello, Friend! Here's where you can join my email list and get letters from me where I apologize ...
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We all need it again, so I’m bringing this back: 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 That thing 🕯 you’ve been 🕯 waiting for 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯
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In my latest for @thetyee.ca, I argue that Canada’s progressive parties should forge a one-time united front in time for the next federal election. Their first priority should be to introduce some form of proportional representation. thetyee.ca/Opinion/2024...
France Shows How to Defeat Poilievre’s Conservatives | The Tyeethetyee.ca The Liberals, NDP, Greens and even Bloc Québécois should establish a one-time united front.
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A man who fakes his wealth paired with a man who fakes his poverty. Sounds about white.
Also this topic is reminding me that I have A STRANGER IN THE CITADEL by Tobias Buckell waiting for me on my shortlist TBR and I should actually put my eyeballs on it (Hey. You. Get this book so I can yell about it.) tachyonpublications.com/product/a-st...
Love them. Fund them. Support them. Protect them. True temples.
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The America I want to live in is the one where we take all those soaring promises about equality and opportunity and freedom in our sacred texts and do the work to make them real and make them apply to fucking everyone, not just the rich white men who wrote them.
In Canada, if you write a letter to a member of parliament or the governor general to their address in ottawa, you do not have to put a stamp on it, and since Canada Post was originally the Royal Mail, I wonder if it's also true in this case. Anyway, prefer paper for parliament.
OK. Real talk time UK peeps. It's been a few days. I think we can assume the post-election hangovers have ended for the new government. So NOW is the time to be writing to your MP asking them to be progressive about Trans rights. 1/x