Maxim Voronov

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Maxim Voronov

Professor, Schulich School of Business, York University. Researching social change. Opinions my own. #CleanAir
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Let's take how we approach "bipartisanship." Polls say -- Mehlhorn says -- that bipartisanship is what people want. (Ad testing shows this too.) But the data are clear that the public does not understand what the Republican party stands for!!!
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Politicians say mask bans should come back as pre-COVID, they were law since 1845. But scientists discovered viruses in the 1890s, discovered how they worked in the mid-1900s, and discovered SARS in the 2000s. Mask bans are outdated, anti-science laws that belong in the past.
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When it inevitably becomes common and accepted knowledge amongst the public that clean, indoor air in schools prevents extremely serious health problems, trust that our children will ask, “When did you find out? And what did you do to help?”
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The pandemic or addiction that is the single biggest existential threat to human civilization is not a disease or a drug. It's denial. Far too many are in denial of our polycrisis. And as a result, no action will be taken to solve our problems. Yes this thought was inspired by that SciAm article.
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Great piece. "If the COVID situation is tracked & the public warned, things don’t feel normal. But if we don’t monitor or mention it, then things can feel “back to normal”—fine, even." We’ve Hit Peak Denial. Here’s Why We Can’t Turn Away From Reality
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"But what happens when overlooking and tolerating greater levels of harm becomes a shared cultural habit? Like the proverbial frog in boiling water, we acclimate to ignoring more and caring less at our own peril."
We’ve Hit Peak Denial. Here’s Why We Can’t Turn Away From We are living through a terrible time in humanity. Here’s why we tend to stick our heads in the sand and why we need to pull them out, fast
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"What can we do about our 'Ignore more, care less, everything is fine!' era?" This article is an urgent call from two scholars to stop normalizing horrible things, to not lower our standards, to not turn away from wicked problems 🧪 by Marianne Cooper and
We’ve Hit Peak Denial. Here’s Why We Can’t Turn Away From We are living through a terrible time in humanity. Here’s why we tend to stick our heads in the sand and why we need to pull them out, fast
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Again I ask the #media to find out why we are hearing about so many difficulties accessing #PAXLOVID in Canada, including expired stock or no availability at all. People’s lives are at risk. Is it a federal procurement problem or a refusal by provinces to purchase? From
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If I were a New Yorker concerned about safety and the spending of my tax dollars, I'm sure I'd be very comforted by the NYPD publicly speculating about vague conspiracy theories.
NYPD promises to “use the might of our Intelligence Bureau and our Federal partners” to find the “unknown entity who is radicalizing our vulnerable students.”
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Indeed, perhaps the people of Israel will finally wake up and rid themselves of Netanyahu.
I read an analysis by a an expert who said that’s why Netanyahu did it: to shore up Western support, get US arms, keep his emergency powers, & shore up support for the war within Israel to keep himself in power. Not necessarily in that order.
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US weekly COVID update: 85,000 new cases and sadly 1,202 new deaths. So far this year, more than 2.8 million cases of COVID have been reported in the U.S., causing 243,599 hospitalizations and 24,406 deaths. #COVID19US #PandemicIsNotOver Source:
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A strong case for mandating indoor air quality in public buildings
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Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes! ~the way things are is an active choice that is being collectively but inequitably made over and over again every day~
We could build a better safety net. Instead, we trap women in a system of exploitation—leaving them with no choice but to do the un/underpaid labor of caregiving or with the morally fraught choice of outsourcing that work to others more vulnerable than them
Holding It Together by Jessica Calarco: 9780593538128 | Other countries have social safety nets. The U.S. has women. Holding It Together chronicles the causes and dire consequences. America runs on women—women who are tasked with holding...
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"the folks on the anti-side have all the motivation in the world not to compromise and a planning system that privileges their voices over those of the people who don’t currently live in the homes that opponents keep from being built."
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CDC Time Traveller From 2076 Aiming For 2020 Arrives In 2024 And Announces That Ventilation Can Reduce Exposure To Respiratory Viruses In Indoor Spaces.
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Walmart hiked prices on its Great Value food brands. The result? Its net income spiked 93% to $10.5 billion towards the end of 2023. Walmart rewarded shareholders with $5.9 billion in buybacks and dividends. When I say price gouging is driving inflation, this is what I mean.
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It’s time for all of us who care about human rights to demand a ceasefire in Gaza. Now.
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From 1989 to 2019, the richest 1% of families increased their share of total national wealth from 27% to 34%. At the same time, families in the bottom 50% saw their share drop from 4% to 2%. When I say trickle-down economics is a hoax, this is what I mean.
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US: 'Up to 5.8 million kids have long COVID, study estimates. "The research also shows long COVID can raise the chances of a child developing type 1 diabetes. And it can even be deadly, leading to multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children." Study:
Up to 5.8 million kids have long COVID, study says. One mother discusses the "heartbreaking" search for Amanda Goodhart says her 6-year old son Logan caught COVID multiple times. But even months later, his symptoms didn't get better.