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Live from the basement
Reposted byAvatar Tony
I pretend I'm waterboarding the bowls when I'm doing the washing up. I'll ask them a question then put them under the faucet.
Reposted byAvatar Tony
My name is Robert. My nickname is Bob. I am a builder. Trust me, you're not the first customer to sing Bob the Builder to me. It's very old now. I add extra "expenses" to your invoice if you do.
Reposted byAvatar Tony
If you are unsafe after the game tonight, call the Domestic Abuse Helpline 📞 0808 2000 247
Youtubers, I'm begging you, if you increase the speed of the footage (rather than doing time-lapse) please, PLEASE, turn off the audio track of you talking.
Reposted byAvatar Tony
It’s so cool when game creators branch out into other media. For example, the creators of Myst designed the shower controls in this AirBnB.
Reposted byAvatar Tony
Farage is on my fucking telly again. You should be able to block and mute cunts on television just like you can on social media, so you can get on with watching TV without ever getting a face full of their shite patter.
Aaaahhhhhhhhh I love my Tallewellyn Comics badges! Great quality! Loove themmmm! From #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #ttrpg
Reposted byAvatar Tony
Reposted byAvatar Tony
Rachel Reeves is the UK’s first female Chancellor of the Exchequer #UKLabourGovernment
Reposted byAvatar Tony
Liz Truss’ record breaking: - Shortest reigning PM - First PM in 100 years to lose their seat - Tory MP with largest ever swing to Labour
Reposted byAvatar Tony
Quick catch-up: 121 seats (with 2 to be declared) is absolutely devastating for the Conservatives. No one will have to take them seriously for a very long time. #UKGE2024 1/3
Got to sleep, someone wake me up if it turns to shit. #UKGE2024
If Labour are doing less well than the polls predict, and reform are doing better, but not better enough to beat Labour, I can't help but think it works in Labour's favour overall (and equally, Lib Dems).. wonder therefore if the exit poll is under predicting the landslide. ?
Reposted byAvatar Tony
Anyway congratulations to the Tories on absolutely eating shit. You've worked so hard for this
This explains why the Tories were campaigning in previously safe seats, not to keep Labour out, but to keep Reform out.
Reposted byAvatar Tony
One million deaths where Tory policy is a contributory factor. That is one hell of a record. Flush the bastards on July 4th. Get out and vote.
Reposted byAvatar Tony
Reposted byAvatar Tony
Enjoy some humour with this Guido Fawkes tweet from 2022: “You can sense the palpable despair of most of the broadsheet punditry as it dawns on them that Liz Truss is in all likelihood going to be Prime Minister and will probably go on to smash Keir Starmer in the general election.”
Reposted byAvatar Tony
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing keyboard warriors that saying things has the same value as doing things
Reposted byAvatar Tony
couch to 40k challenge . i am getting up to admire my warhammers
Reposted byAvatar Tony
Set your alarm for Thursday.
Reposted byAvatar Tony
You need this today. For morale.
Wholesome fess.
In all the places I've lived, whenever redecorating a room gives access to spaces like under floorboards, I hide a letter. Nothing like "the cash is buried at x", it's always just "This is what we're doing, this is the date" type stuff. I imagine future occupiers finding them
Reposted byAvatar Tony
Leslie Lilley, the Reform candidate in Southend East and Rochford - expected to get 20% of the vote - said he would “slaughter” migrants arriving on small boats and “have their family taken out”.
Reposted byAvatar Tony
controversial opinion but "what's in my pocket?" was a bullshit question and Gollum was fully within his rights to cave in Bilbo's skull with a rock
I am here for these two statements Public more favourable towards Count Binface than former Prime Minister Liz Truss Under 35s more favourable towards Count Binface than the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak
One in six Britons are favourable towards Count 16% of the British public hold favourable opinions towards Count Binface and 17% are unfavourable.
Reposted byAvatar Tony
Reposted byAvatar Tony
This. This is why I make games. Because humans are amazing. 😍
@montecookgames #TTRPG #OriginsGameFair Here's the (much) longer version of my kermit-arms-flailing.jpg post about the best game I ever ran. Y'ALL. So, I ran several sessions of two different adventures of Old Gods of Appalachia at Origins. (1/17)
Reposted byAvatar Tony
me: i should do the right thing and make some food also me: i want takeaway pizza also me: i should get the sharpening jig put together in the shed also me: i might just play Starfield all night also me: or Fallout 4 also me: or DA:I also me: or snooze also me: actually I should cut the grass