
re: neil gaiman all i have to say is, i believe the women who have come forward, and i doubt they’re alone.
Interestingly, when I mentioned the story amongst a certain group of women two of them said they had once met him briefly and he totally creeped them out and they avoided him. The interaction was years ago
He's such a beloved figure that people who knew about his penchant for fucking young fans have always just discussed it privately rather than posting it publicly, like when my former neighbor, who was his handler when he came through on tour, told me about it. I also know someone he fucked at a con.
The girl that fucked him was happy with the encounter, & I'm sure many others were too. But I'd be surprised if there are only two with whom he crossed a line, while still thinking everything was consensual. Men can be really good at not perceiving protest when they don't want to.
oh fuck what happened?
A true crime broadcast broke the story that two women have accused him of sexual assault, but you have to install the app and listen to four hours of podcast to find out the details, unless conventional journalists have covered it since. 1/
What little the podcast put in writing sounds like he at the minimum pressured a domestic worker for sex, and went far beyond what a much younger fan consented to in another case. And his comments about the accusations sound victim-blamey. 2/2
there’s a rolling stone article.
Thanks. I was wondering when the real journalists would show up.
unless digging further misled me and tortoise media wasn't the original source, that's a downright dishonest way to describe "website/podcast prominently featuring TERF anti-luminaries such as Stella O'Malley and Debbie Hayton" ...
...although I agree the "if someone felt assaulted after something went horribly wrong" principle still applies
I'd never heard of them before, but I saw the podcast described as a true crime podcast. I wasn't about to subscribe and listen to several hours of content to find out.