Elon Green

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Elon Green


LAST CALL: A TRUE STORY OF LOVE, LUST, AND MURDER IN QUEER NEW YORK (2021) (https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250224354/lastcall), THE MAN NOBODY KILLED (March 2025) https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250898227/the-man-nobody-killed
Hell yes. I'm taking credit for this one.
Yeah, the evidence for Harris being weaker isn't there, at least not according to the most recent polling. But also, one should assume Biden's current state might be as good as it gets. Given age and erratic health, far greater chance of downside than upside from here on out.
Even less persuasive is "the reporters/pundits were wrong before." Which, even if true, is meaningless. I like the man. He's been a great president. But this is ridiculous.
The man deserves a biography.
It's maddening that folks most prominently arguing Biden ought to stay in are, indeed, not making the best arguments. As a consequence, everyone's talking past each other.
I wouldn't be averse! My god, that cast.
I wouldn't have written this at knifepoint
And on the plus side: accusations of bigotry because you rooted for the Chiefs.
My guess is if you mute "Lichtman" and "DNC," you'll reduce the stupidity of your timeline by at least 50%.
I've gone back and forth about it, but even with the line of succession risk, resigning now is starting to make the most sense. It's the cleanest argument.
I sorta wonder if the squad staying quiet is to prevent negative polarization against Biden stepping aside.
Also, anyone honest with themselves will not be persuaded by Stephanopoulos sitdown (which is by design non-adversarial) or a town hall (same). White-knuckling for four months about an all-but-certain relapse is not tenable.
I, now 45, long ago decided to cut it *just* short enough that I don't have to think about it.
Another theory, which happens to be true: Democrats "come home" relatively late, so this may be a reversion to the mean.
I love these "blue MAGA" lists. Like, yes, I will happily vote against any Republican. "Vote red even when dead" is why there's a Nazi supermajority on the court. That shit works!
you will not successfully gaslight me. Voting against republicans is fun as hell and everyone should do it.
My point here not about this particular poll, nor this an attempt at "unskewing". Not doing that. But you should at least consider what the polls are in aggregate showing, and not react purely to what you *imagine* they're showing.
The reality is that, so far, there's little polling evidence that Biden's lost much support since the debate. But that's not gonna permeate the bluesky ecosystem because election/polling twitter didn't migrate over here.
they think bluesky is insane and aren't going anywhere.
The reality is that, so far, there's little polling evidence that Biden's lost much support since the debate. But that's not gonna permeate the bluesky ecosystem because election/polling twitter didn't migrate over here.
All is not lost. Don’t act like all is lost.
You'd think that distinguishing between enemies and allies would be easy, but apparently not!
I would not bet the farm, of course, but even just having a different story to tell about the campaign could be a positive.
That's why the Times editorial was an especially pointed missed opportunity. Once you advise Biden to step down, the natural conclusion is "and be replaced by Harris." Short of that, it's not a serious suggestion.
Totally. Any non-Harris option has always been stupid.
I certainly don't think it would be uniformly positive, and carries tremendous risk, but the press always craves something new. That means, I suspect, that First Black Woman Becomes President would be an awfully positive, and unavoidable, headline.
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No joke, if you think of yourself as even remotely progressive and you aren’t ready to crawl over broken glass to vote against Trump, get some help.
In a sense, this is the inverse of '16. McConnell held the SCOTUS seat open & the party responded accordingly. Now we have a situation where we can keep a lawless nazi from using these new executive powers & greenlighting Project 2025. Our side ought to be just as eager, even excited, to fight this.