A Thicket of Steves

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A Thicket of Steves


A great local story... "... they used about half a dozen crates of beer to douse the fire in the corner. "But the poor bugger that was grabbing them from the chiller... he was a bit sad every time he passed a full beer out..." www.rnz.co.nz/news/nationa...
Locals use beer to help put out fire at Seddonville Hotelwww.rnz.co.nz About half a dozen crates of beer were used to douse the fire, the manager says.
Ah haha oh god, VUW English Department is closing its Facebook page because Meta AI is automatically responding to comments there like it is the actual English Department. I don't actually know how this is not illegal.
This is what McCroskie and those other fucken freaks want in NZ.
This is one of the most dystopian signs I've ever seen. Republicans are quickly turning this country into an unrecognizable freakshow.
I would like to send a special fuck you to the Texas Rangers - who made a conscious decision to be the only MLB team not to have a pride night celebration, and who changed their website to say "straight Texas" during pride month, and who the Oriole's beat 11-2 last night. On our #Pride Night.
This is why I could never work in dealing with social media accounts… you can tell that is a comment from a frustrated person!
the planet is on fire and people can’t afford air conditioning, surely this is the time to come up with a technology nobody asked for and nobody wants then dedicate all the electricity to maintaining it
New AI data centers are coming online so fast that the electricity demand is straining global power grids and threatening clean energy goals. Read The Big Take ⬇️
AI Is Wreaking Havoc on Global Power Systemswww.bloomberg.com New artificial intelligence data centers are coming online so fast that the electricity demand is straining global power grids and threatening clean energy goals.
THAT WAS THEN: KIng Canute ordered the tide to withdraw as a lesson to his courtiers that secular power is nought next to God's natural laws, THIS IS NOW: Climate change NIMBYs believe climate change will go away if they just pretend it doesn't exist. www.rnz.co.nz/news/nationa...
Kāpiti Coast residents demand council throw out report on sea level risewww.rnz.co.nz Homeowners are worried insurance companies will use the report as an excuse to refuse to cover their homes.
I can't remember a tech campaign this relentless.
Love to very, very narrowly miss getting run over by Wellington drivers speeding on suburban streets on dark rainy nights ✌️ I'd be be toast if I hadn't literally run out of the way of that driver. Simeon Brown's people eh.
Every. Worker. Deserves. To. Go. Home. Alive. And. Well. But unfortunately that costs money for the people donating to the ACT Party. Van Velden herself has complained about how high a "value" we put on human life during COVID. THAT IS THE STORY.
Speed limit reductions were council and NZTA decisions, backed by science, consulted on, discussed in local communities. Why is Simeon Brown so insistent that his ideology is more important than local decision-making and has the power to change physics? We deserve safer speeds! #nzpol 🚲🇳🇿🚸
Minister of Transport to New Zealanders. And all for what? www.beehive.govt.nz/release/gove...
Ministers Simeon Brown and David Seymour to New Zealanders, international visitors to our cities and our countryside, and all of our children: www.beehive.govt.nz/release/gove...
From earlier this year: why yes, the Minister of Transport did indeed "both-sides" THE ACTUAL LAWS OF PHYSICS.🤦 "There are a range of statistics in terms of what happens based on physics about what happens when someone's hit by a car," said Brown. www.newshub.co.nz/home/politic...
Government told speed plan could cost $90,000 per school, campaigner calls proposed changes 'criminal' | Newshubwww.newshub.co.nz "We need to make sure we're getting the balance right between safety and getting traffic moving," he said.
Super, super easy. I do mine every Monday morning while waiting for the coffee to be ready. 🇳🇿
Are you in Aotearoa New Zealand? Do you have 2-3 mins free every Monday to fill in a teeny survey? Please become a Flu Tracker! This scheme is helping ESR scientists track and understand flu & COVID-19 in the community. www.flutracking.net/Join/NZ/inv2...
Flutracking.net | Tracking respiratory illness across Australia and New Zealandwww.flutracking.net Flutracking is an online health surveillance system used to detect epidemics of influenza across Australia and New Zealand,
A bunch of year 13s from my school went to Parliament last week. Lots of comments from kids about how Christopher Luxon was on his phone playing Wordle* during question time when they’re not allowed their phones out in class.