
BREAKING: not only doesn't know what Merrick Garland has done with his dick, but he has been proven wrong over and over about what Merrick Garland's DOJ has done.
3 and a half years of watching Merrick Garland sit on his dick and 12 random ass Americans finally get this piece of shit. unironic win for small D democracy
No matter how good of a term paper you write, if it's two years late we still get an F
Exactly. Fuck Merrick Garland, the weakest AG in American history.
This is not a very good hill to die on. A very bad one, in fact.
Ryan lying? I agree. Journalists should never lie, as Ryan does about DOJ issues repeatedly.
I can’t believe any one would stan Merrick fucking Garland, but you do you.
What's your take on Chamberlain as a pre WW2 Prime Minister
Please wake me up when Garland actually does something.
Merrick Garland is not a hill anybody should be willing to die on.
So someone on your blog was saying Fani Willis, Letitia James, and Alvin Bragg were all incompetent prosecutors. 2 out of 2 trials end with conviction, 3rd hasn't happened yet. I'd say that's some damn competent prosecuting
If you think Garland has been any good, your name should be emptyhead
“Don’t insult the man who accomplishes nothing! It’s not possible to get stuff done! Don’t you understand? 😫”
Why? because I've caught Ryan making shit up on this topic in the past? Maybe don't defend someone who opposes rule of law knee jerk?
Lol, I remember on Twitter you giving me shit when I said if Cohen was a felon then Trump was one too for this payoff. Me, a moron, correct. You a savvy PhD haver, incorrect.
Garland is a pathetic coward whose fecklessness has pushed us to the brink of a constitutional crisis, and appointing him as AG was one of the most disastrous decisions Biden could have made.
This was the Manhattan DA, not the Feds.....your attempt to insult a fine journalist only damages your credibility. Sad!
Last time I checked there were in fact Federal prosecutions of Trump pending.
Will those cases be resolved before the election? If not, why? It's been 3 years.
We oughtn't blame prosecutors for saying "Hey, we're going after a rich, powerful guy here, and he was President and is definitely going to run again. We should have an absolutely airtight case." It takes time to do that. And judges allowing defense counsel to run delays is a big part of it too.
This doesn't mean Garland is above criticism for taking too long! Prosecutors should have anticipated the defendant using bad faith dilatory tactics. It means the criticism that Garland has "done nothing" (or variants of that sentiment) are not correct.
It also means that assholes who do PR for Bill Barr, as he is doing. should be assumed to be propagandists for right wing fascism.
Nobody is becoming racist or will be spurned into supporting fascism because someone talked trash about Merrick Garland. Most people don’t even know who he is!
lol come on. this is approaching crank levels of overreaction
Lol. Fucking embarrassing.
He's criticizing Garland for not doing enough to fight right wing fascism. Apparently this is too hard for you.
Well, you acknowledge that he's done nothing other than bring cases that won't be resolved until after the election. It's just that you believe it's justified for reasons that include, tellingly, deference to power. This is why libs are worthless in fight against fascism imo
I'm not interested in continuing this discussion. Here's the game, and you can finish playing it without me.
I absolutely blame him for not expediting on a greased rail the indictment and prosecution of Trump for Jan. 6. That should have the very first item of business the minute he walked into the DOJ as the new AG.
“Who do we have that will be the best person to put together the case? Get them on it yesterday.” But he played the cautious institutionalist and gave Former Guy time to game the system and run out the clock.
Trump had sex with Stormy in 2006, paid her off in 2016. It's 2024. Stuff takes time. It's not the drive-up window at Wendy's, sir.
Not Garland's prosecution.
Yeah, knew that. Just offering a comparison.
Because the corrupt Supreme Court in the DC case, and corrupt Judge Cannon in Florida. Both of those trials would have been done before the election
Last time I checked, Garland has had a long history of running out the clock when powerful politicians were potentially facing consequences. Empty head spinning her wheels.
What are the other examples you're aware of?
Garland's mentor was Jamie Gorelick, who represents The Worst People, like her mentor, Dershowitz. She used her connections to the White House to get BP off the hook for cleaning up the Gulf. Fannie Mae had a $10 billion scandal while she was their vice chair. She was Jared & Ivanka's lawyer.
She repped Baltimore & Chicago to try & prevent investigations into police brutality. She was the reason Jared & Ivanka were able to get away with breaking countless laws in the White House. She oversaw investigations into 9/11 & 1/6, limiting their scope & time frame & what people could see.
She has been at the center of an insane amount of corruption. It was her memo when she was in the Clinton WH that led to a wall between the FBI & CIA that led to 9/11. She brought Garland into the Oklahoma bombing case, & it was her press offensive that made people think he was a hero for his work
Merrick garland is a yellow bellied coward and a weakling who should have never been offered his current job. Worthless scum of a man.
This is an absolutely unhinged defense of Merrick Garland, who is basically a Republican. What are you doing
I mean. Whether Garland’s been doing some actual dick sitting or he’s only given the perception of being a dick sitter by double-secret-probation-crafting an indictment for the past three and a half years is irrelevant. At this point, it’s a distinction without a difference. It’s too late.