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Infectious disease epidemiologist. Queer. She/her. Mom. Midwesterner. Views my own.
"The right wants you to feel like trump is inevitable but trump is only inevitable if you give up. There are more people who want normal democracy to continue, if those people vote Trump loses."---Molly Jong-Fast
This is a really good time if you're not already connected to local groups and organizations organizing around particular issues to find ones in your communities that could use your talents and skills.
"May you live in interesting times" is still the worst curse invented by a human
Judge Cannon went and did it. She has dismissed the stolen documents case against Trump on Clarence Thomas’s (nonsense) appointments clause rationale.
Political violence always benefits authoritarians because liberals will always condemn it and authoritarians, regardless of whether they are perpetrators or victims, will always use it to claim more power.
Some of these Republicans who are (naturally enough) agreeing with Democrats tonight that violence has no place in our politics will be in an awkward spot when Trump once again insists that it does.
We often think of great storms as the apocalyptic agents of climate chaos, but we are profoundly unprepared for heat-driven disasters, which will be ongoing.
"Donald Trump’s self-proclaimed 'secretary of retribution' is touting a wild plan to arrest politicians, police officers, and journalists he views as disloyal to the former president."
Trump Ally Exposed for Horrific Hit List of Political Enemiesnewrepublic.com Donald Trump’s self-proclaimed “secretary of retribution” is even more bloodthirsty than the former president.
#CDC was informed of 2 more pediatric flu deaths in the week ending 7/6. Both occurred in April. They bring the pediatric death toll for the 2023-24 season to 186, making it the 4th deadliest season, flu-wise, for kids since CDC started collecting these data. www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/
Been thinking a lot lately about Aaron Swartz and how academic journals should be open access, especially in this moment of wild misinformation and misinterpretation.
It's impossible for it to get the oxygen it needs right now, but AOC introducing articles of impeachment against Thomas and Alito is a great story. She's the best messenger to explain why Supreme Court corruption impacts the lives of everyday Americans. www.salon.com/2024/07/12/a...
Why AOC is the best messenger on Thomas and Alito's corruptionwww.salon.com The corruption of Supreme Court justices is about more than greed. It "constitutes a clear danger to our democracy"
In a wildly ironic turn, The Washington Post's new climate-focused AI chatbot often declines to answer questions about AI's growing environmental footprint -- even though the paper has done some terrific reporting on the subject! For @futurism.bsky.social futurism.com/washington-p...
Washington Post Launches AI to Answer Climate Questions but It Won't Say Whether AI Is Bad for the Climatefuturism.com The venerable has a new AI chatbot, designed to answer climate questions. Why won't it answer prompts about AI's growing climate footprint?
An interesting question is why journalists don't see Donald Trump's command of the issues as relevant to the question of which candidate's mental acuity should be centered in media coverage of the campaign.
Whatever the verbal flubs, Biden’s command of the issues is sharp here. www.nytimes.com/live/2024/07...
Update from Michael Crowleywww.nytimes.com
This isn’t exactly new with politics but it seems more clear than ever that reality doesn’t matter; only appearance and perception matter
🚨🚨🚨 Senate committee to probe Supreme Court's Trump immunity ruling The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing in September to discuss a potential legislative response to the Supreme Court's ruling that immunized certain presidential acts. www.nbcnews.com/politics/con...
Senate committee to probe Supreme Court's Trump immunity rulingwww.nbcnews.com The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing in September to discuss a potential legislative response to the Supreme Court's ruling that immunized certain presidential acts.
I have to give a shout-out to Philip Bump for consistently covering Trump exactly how he should be covered: Examining what Trump says, instead of simply repeating it, and clarifying what the real-world implications would be. That's what journalism is supposed to be.
#WIPWednesday • I’m very close to finishing this winter #SciArt #mitosis #embroidery! Another hour or so of stitching and then I’ll start on the summer one. 🧶🧪🐡🩺
"the shift in support was actually more in Biden’s favor, although Lazer notes it’s not statistically significant and well within the margin of error...1% of people who said they would vote for Biden before the debate, switched to preferring Trump, while 3% switched from Trump to Biden."
"What the report finds is that Biden held on to 94% of the people who said they would support him before the debate. For Trump, 86% of people who said they would support him before the debate said they would do so after the debate." news.northeastern.edu/2024/07/09/b...
Biden's poor debate performance had almost no impact on voter preference, new report saysnews.northeastern.edu A new report shows that despite Biden’s debate performance – poor as it may have been – voter preferences haven't been impacted.
What this article leaves out is that if you hand your unlocked phone to a police officer, they can legally search it. Unless companies develop a method that allows you to show officers insurance cards and driver license without unlocking the rest of your phone, don't. www.zdnet.com/article/digi...
This state is introducing digital driver's licenses. Here's what you need to knowwww.zdnet.com Your physical wallet is being replaced piece by piece. Here's what you need to know about using digital IDs.
New study: Vehicles are more likely to kill pedestrians if they have tall and blunt front ends and/or flat hoods. That's a major indictment of American SUV and truck design -- at a time when US pedestrian deaths recently hit a 40-year high. doi.org/10.1016/j.js...
Starting to observe three common themes in tech companies’ push to embed genAI in healthcare —before demonstrating benefit: 1. Equity washing, 2. Insisting on multiple, complex, novel evaluation frameworks (exceptionalism), and 3. post-deployment monitoring as a substitute for human review
Worth noting the EPA's brief correctly uses "nitrogen oxide" 7 times, and the EPA submitted a declaration from an official who used it twice. But nobody involved in the majority opinion, Justices and clerks, bothered to take the EPA's brief seriously, and so none of them noticed the error.
Still marveling at Gorsuch's Ohio v. EPA opinion, in which he confused nitrogen oxide (a pollutant) with nitrous oxide (laughing gas). He did this five times, never once getting it right—in an opinion overruling the EPA's own expert scientific analysis! s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24...
We just said presidents have immunity! What does that mean for foreign policy?
If you're worried about brevity in your writing, don't. It took Project 2025 nine hundred pages to say fourteen words.
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I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
genuinely hopeful sign that every big name GOP garbage monster is frantically trying to distance themselves from Project Say The Quiet Part Loud In an Easily-Digestible Bullet Point Format About Which There Can Be No Confusion. this means we should all absolutely continue never shutting up about it