
"calling for the national guard" is just code for "we should shoot the protesters." There's no reason to call for the guard - even if that's your goal the police can handle shooting people just fine. Everyone understands this, especially the people pretending not to
what should we think of people calling for the murder of peaceful protesters? What should we think of the people who are fine with those people, who just think it's a little abstract debate among colleagues?
I am just so confused about what is happening. Reading everything I can to understand. I always thought peaceful protesting was allowed.😢💔
Peaceful was always a term defined by the dominant force in a society. When it’s fluid, you can define anything you want as violent
Yep. They'll claim that any group that causes an inconvenience is inflicting violence. You can't block traffic or disrupt society or make anybody in power feel uncomfortable. That's apparently violence that needs to be met with stronger police violence Meanwhile, polite protest accomplishes nothing.
They won't make protest illegal here, but they've made anything associated with protest illegal so it's the same thing. Some states allow you to hit protesters with your car if they're in the road. Protest organizers can be held financially liable for any actions of anyone in the protest.
“Laws are threats made by the dominant socioeconomic-ethnic group in a given nation. It's just the promise of violence that's enacted and the police are basically an occupying army." Brennan Lee Mulligan (Who can get away with saying this because it's just a character saying it)
What they do is get video of outside agitators who are saying/doing violent stuff and they compile it to make it look like the protesters are doing it. They push that video out, scare people who aren’t paying attention and that’s how they get “permission” for violence against peaceful protestors
Once they send cops to a protest, it necessarily stops being peaceful (on account of the cops), and then they can turn around and say "see, there's violence here" and the media eats it up, totally ignoring that the violence was imported by the state itself.
Oh this helps me understand!!
Biden gave anti-capitalists and socialists a domestic terror designation after the BLM protests so they can add a terrorism enhancement to any charges (+8). When we say both sides are the same toward leftist desires, this is what we mean. (Article - 2021, 1/4 of investigations focus on BLM)
Biden’s domestic terrorism strategy concerns The White House is worried about white supremacists. But the FBI’s dogged pursuit of Antifa and use of controversial tactics is troubling civil liberties advocates.
Police will claim violence where there is none. Police will cause violence where there is none. Police will claim the protest is illegal when it's legal. The police are low IQ thugs who enjoy hurting people.
you were doing well till you invoked IQ like it's real
🙄 The police won't hire intelligent people. They went to the Supreme Court to fight to keep people with high IQ test scores out. Your personal opinion on the validity of the IQ as a measurement doesn't mean they don't use it as a standard. I didn't "iNvOLvE iQ" like it was real. The pigs did.
don't get mad at me. or do this WeIrD tHiNg on a word i didn't even use.
Can you point me to a source for this statement about the Supreme Court? I haven't heard that before
Most of them are just worried about young people pushing them out of their jobs. I guess when it comes down to it they endorse murder if it means they get to keep their chin stroking positions.
A lot of elites took off their masks this week. It’s been chilling.
I vote that we think of them as bad. But I try not to be Manichean and am open to nuanced arguments.
1. They're monsters 2. They're idiots or monsters, possibly both
this pots getting pretty damn hot.
Sometimes just punching the hippies isn't enough.
Usually, incitement to murder is a crime. Perhaps you ought to report them to the prosecutor.
{in a Founders accent} This is how these bastards got the Boston Massacre and look at how that went for them
The Democratic Party is more committed to the gravy train of Israel spending (including the Islamophobia that's part of the deal) than they are to democracy.
The Democratic Party (95+% of them) would rather lose to Trump than to allow Israel critics to have time at the microphone (of the public discourse on the national level).
"Saving democracy" translates to "preserving the business model of the Democratic Party".
They also think there will be a side effect that they can blame the violence on Biden. They are okay with college students getting murdered because they only view it in a lens of how they can benefit from it.
100%. It's part of their strategy now.
Also feels like conditioning for what comes next should Trump win.
Do you really think this is only happening because some malicious agents are trying to harm Biden?
No. I think they think it's a side effect. They see it as a bonus to their primary goal of killing people they hate.
But Biden is endorsing these actions.
If you're going to post at me, I just ask that you learn basic information and not make shit up to be mad at
I'm sorry you're so easily offended by dissent and criticism.
it’s a windfall, just like if they can get more college presidents to resign. the main goal is harassing students and distracting from genocide. but the whole mess can still be reused for other purposes.
In the world of powerful people, there is no evil. There is only good and bad. It's simple. 'Good' is whatever preserves, expands, or expresses their power. 'Bad' is anything that would limit, silence, or threaten their power. Powerful people are much, much simpler than the rest of us.
The main goal is preserving white supremacy. And it is a bipartisan one. This isn't just a game.
i don’t think anyone said it was?
The guy who said the aim was hurting Biden definitely gave me that impression.
They have no problems with school shootings.
They mean do Kent State again.
biden should absolutely send in the guard (to protect the protestors from the police)
That's why the British sent their army into the north of Ireland, and then the army stayed for thirty years :/
Does that mean we’d get to blow up cops when they try to start their cars?
Tbf, the police absolutely have no problems shooting people, they're just bad at it. The national guard probably have more of a problem with shooting people, but are slightly better at it.
Modern Assault rifles are not what you bring to a protest unless you are a criminal like Kyle Rittenhouse. The National Guard is being misused.