
why is the senator driving himself instead of having a dedicated staffer for driving?
My thought exactly. There's a really easy solution to this problem.
Maybe being stubborn and insisting on driving himself...
Yeah, he’s just being an asshole.
car is too big, normal people can't reach the pedals
It’s like how it always baffles me when a rich/famous person gets a DWI. Like, if I could never drive again that would rule.
Man of the People* * the people are horrible drivers
Lavishing public officials with drivers is a waste of our money.
public officials being able to work while in transit is a much better use of their time and our money than having them focused on driving (or worse, driving distracted)
Don't assume that would solve the problem. (See: Jackie Walorski)
cripes....after that stroke, he's just not the same person anymore. this country has the crappiest timeline. 😮‍💨
Yeah, I quite liked him before. It's like he's been possessed by a demon.
absolutely. there's a different person under the hood.
They call him Need. Need Forspeederman
Lol, but he's not a villain in a metal gear solid game
I don't know if I've seen a more glaring example of someone trying so hard to be disliked by people that so desparately want to like them.
He's no longer worried about things like woke speed limits
For folks who would like to read the entire article
"Fetterman’s aides have said Fetterman has texted and FaceTimed while driving.. some avoided messaging him when they knew he was driving, afraid he would answer them... One aide asked to no longer be required to ride in the car with him after witnessing Fetterman driving unsafely.." Gift link
Fetterman had speeding tickets, distracted driving episodes before car Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) was at fault for a Sunday morning auto accident in western Maryland, where he was speeding before rear-ending another driver, a 62-year old woman, who was taken to the hosp...
Why.... Why is he even driving in the first place? My Nana waited THREE YEARS after her stroke before she thought about getting behind the wheel again. Man is a US Senator and he can't get an aide to drive him?
People with brain damage or early dementia have an obsession with driving. Driving is freedom, and giving up driving is the first step to sacrificing your independence and personhood in their eyes. Because their brains are broken, and they aren't thinking rationally. And doctors refuse to intervene.
I know it's Main Character sounding, but I guess Nana was built differently. Yeah, she had moments of defiance when we talked to her about it, but she ultimately made the decision herself to hand the keys to my Dad until she felt she was ready. And she was. She taught me how to drive and I do well.
But yeah, I guess the cultural conditioning of "cars=freedom" is just so ingrained into our collective consciousness that having to hand over the keys is seen losing that freedom. But like, what do folks in this situation who live in NYC go through regarding this, especially when folks don't drive
No idea, bit in guessing it's a while different brand of stress. Look for lost loved ones in the subway, I guess?
*but I'm guessing it's a whole different brand
Oh my god yeah cause like they could end up on a train that puts them completely cross town from home, and if they wander from the station at that point. We really gotta do so much better with our elderly care. We can't just shove everyone into a facility when they need intensive assistance.
She absolutely was. My mother caused accident after accident, and every time we took the key, she ordered a new one. She only stopped driving when she had to go into memory care. Doctors should have to notify the state when a person can no longer drive.
I agree with the spirit of this, but I do think that the family AND the doctor should be making this call. Perhaps it's a Power of Attorney thing that needs to be worked out better for all parties involved (they may be "ill", but they do have agency and rights), but overall it's just so fucked /1
because if we had a quality public transit system in our country, this wouldn't be that hard of a decision for a family to make. Because aside from the person's loss of freedom and feeling confined, now the family has to handle that transportation. Where as with some PT, more options for movement.
Power of Attorney is super hard to get off you don't have it before you actually need it. 😢
Also possible Nana didn't have Alzheimer's. My grandmother had dementia. My mother had Alzheimer's. My grandmother gave up her keys. My mother found ways to keep getting new ones.
Yeah this decision of hers was specifically related to the stroke she had in the early 1990s. That's when during her end of life phase 2005-2008, she was again more willing to give up the keys during chemo treatments and all since she recognized it impacted her capacities too much to handle that.
She must have been a marvelous person. I'm sorry you lost her.
Beginning to wonder if Philly trash is better than an east coast New Jersey elite. Nvm Dr. Oz still was the worst choice here.
Fetterman is from Pittsburgh, which is 300 miles away from Philly.
Ok Pittsburgh trash. Not as toxic I understand. My bad. It’s always sunny in Philadelphia
We call that Eastern Ohio.
Fetterman / DiFi road trip comedy when
Can’t even text while driving anymore, because of woke
"Other people's right to not be killed by my irresponsibility doesn't outweigh my personal freedom."
Doing a chappaquiddick to one of my staffers because I was texting the head of OSHA while driving
Revoke his drivers license. For his own and other people’s good.
Fetterman truly is a Menace to Society.
How long till SciAm issues a retraction?
Christ would have proofread his work before uploading it.
Time to stop driving 😬
At least he doesn't have any medical conditions.
Just imagine, these are the speeds on the tickets…and it seems pretty safe to assume those policemen knocked off some excess when they saw who they had pulled over. And just imagine how many times he’s probably gotten away with a “warning” when they saw his ID. Sheesh.