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[he|him|sarky chelloveck|cishet wifeguy]

📧 eustace[at]eustace[dot]link
discord: .eustace.

do not cite the deep magic to me, witch
i was there when it was written

still outside every inside joke
Here is Alice. She cute but also tired because Tuesday and Friday are doggie daycamp days.
posting pet pics for our grace <3
Yes. HIM. The fucker.
I've been reading the books. That series will never end because George Martin will die before it's done. Then I'll sling him into the same abyss as I did Robert Jordan.
SPOILER ALERT THOUGH In fairness, I am one of eighteen people who both (a) have access to GOT and (b) have not watched the series.
You've been cheated of your Skywalker arc. 😭
Don't forget the healthy dose of old-time religion. Case in point: "Canada is a home provided by God...thank Jesus Christ...let us rebuild our country the way that would make Him proud." ~Pierre Poilievre, June 30, Family Life Worship Centre
With the added context, yes...100%. Seeing people flying the Canadian flag from their trucks these days evokes an ominous sense of dread and anxiety, not pride.
Caveat: hockey is a LARGE part of the Canadian identity. Along with passive-aggressively snobbish inferiority complexes thinly disguised as politeness.
Clearly they've not polled the populist representatives north of the border in their ✅ oversized pickup trucks with ✅ two or more GIANT Canadian flags ✅ rolling coal and ✅ a "FUCK TRUDEAU" sticker in the back window
The worst thing is that we're in there with some (supposedly) RESPONSIBLE kids who can't even be arsed to roll down a fuckin' window
we are all God's children. unfortunately he's forgotten us in his locked car on a 105F day
Already done 👍🏾
Unsolicited opinion from someone who has the backs of both hands tattooed: wear and tear hasn't been a problem except around the knuckle.
So: let me file this under Things That Would Only Happen To Me. And also I'll preface it by saying that I'm one of the few people I know who is foolhardy enough to run betas on my daily driver phone. The perfect storm looks like this: turn Vocal Shortcuts ON, but don't actually... [cont'd]
iOS 18 Dev Beta 3 is out.
...configure any shortcuts to be run. Here's what might happen on your phone (it may not, because betas are betas--but it happened to me). 1. The microphone will be constantly and consistently be in use by "AccessibilityUlService." 2. You won't be able to invoke Siri by voice command. [cont'd]
3. Audible and haptic message notifications won't work, like at all. You won't hear or feel incoming messages and you won't be able to hear or feel it when you try to make changes to custom sounds and vibration. 4. The volume keys won't work properly. You'll be able to... [cont'd]
... change the volume within applications, but you're not gonna be able to adjust master volume. Now turn Vocal Shortcuts OFF and watch all those things fix themselves like fuckin' magic. Phones are weird, man. -30-
"I come from a land down under Where beer does flow and men chunder"
Y'all keep photos on y'all's phones?
Y’all put y’all stuff in folders?
Mine's a triple tap on the back of the phone.
I actually kinda love the idea of digital IDs. I do have a lot of things available to me in places like the Wallet app, Stocard, and other vendor apps. I'm happy to show those things to people but I'll not hand over my device.
There is absolutely a ZERO percent chance of me ever handing my phone, locked or not, to any government official. And I have a shortcut on my phone for disabling FaceID on the fly.
It was RIGHT THERE, wasn't it? 😂
Just finished binging Baby Reindeer so I'm decompressing, I guess. 👀
It's open, but there was really no choice. Those old TVs use a GIANT picture tube to display the image, and the glass at the front of the TV is the front of that tube. You just remove everything and leave the entire cabinet empty (and then wallpaper the back cover and screw that back on).
Yep. I'm not gonna switch away if either cover comes on.
Somebody said that? 😂
The cats were easy to please this one time. I'm not sure I'll ever see anything like that again. 😺
TIL that the privileged and their kids tend to smell like unwashed ass. Good to know.
Barf bowls. Motherfuckers are OUT OF HAND.
Oh my god’ it was HUGE! And its a lasting meme. White people have barf bowls we also use for large salads and halloween candy and popcorn. Washed in between but white people washing so…