Arvid E. Picciani

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Arvid E. Picciani

All Computers Are Broken
I can tell the current price of Bitcoin by the amount of scammers coming back to the real economy and sitting in client meetings.
Every single time I analyze malicious compliance, it is the result of incompetent leadership. Every single time. I get it, leadership is hard, but how do companies always end up with the worst ones at the top?
If they’re comfortable killing other people, they will eventually be comfortable killing you. You can learn that lesson the easy way or the hard way.
Step 1: All the email servers suck, I can do better. Step 3: Here's my genius architecture. Just need to connect thunderbird. Step 2: What do you mean imap is completely brain dead and precludes any sensible architecture? Step 4: oh heyyyy dovecot my old friend.
To the Honorable Judge of this Court: Plaintiffs [Insert Fictitious Plaintiff Name], et al., by and through their attorneys, hereby bring this action against Defendants All People, et al., seeking declaratory and injunctive relief to remedy the egregious wrongs committed by the existence of people.
It’s so cool that cities are like “pweeease only turn your AC on if you’re actively dying and don’t go below 79 🥺🤘🏻💗” while the AI nobody asked for is slurping up the power grid to make 1 image of a girl with 5 tits
The adoption curve of Blockchain and AI are roughly similar. It does nothing and it's going nowhere but if you're lucky you can sell it to someone who doesn't know yet.
Out of stock: 2x Regular lentils Substituted with: 2x Forsaken lentils [-5 HP]
Spent an entire day debugging why archlinux won't boot anymore. Switched to nix. Hated nix. Switched to Debian. Realized the reason archlinux doesn't boot is because my monitor was on the wrong GPU and I intentionally blacklisted it on boot on arch. 💀💀
Countless billions have gone into generative AI because it sounded "high tech," like it would revolutionize the way we interact with everything, and when people got their hands on it, it spat out upsetting boomer art and felt like talking to the automated phone system at Walgreens
I am a former tech entrepreneur who now works in middle management. My greatest hits include: * virtually every major venture capital investor is an active fascist * there is no such thing as “the technology industry” * everyone is waving red flags but you still only listen to the same 5 lying CEOs
i teach people how to make products customers actually want. my greatest hits include: * that is not a product, that is a hobby * and what does your market research say? uhuh thought so * i’ve seen 500 other ppl try to sell a salon booking app before, but maybe you’ll be the one who makes it
I love that insta/Facebook delivers the exact same "science has discovered..." bullshit to every person physically near you. You know the original source, so by pretending to not have insta, you can observe how bullshit is spread in real time by people just repeating whatever zuck wants them to.
plz help my Cybertruck won’t start
love how my fellow board members say shit like "we all have to pay our mortgage" as if anyone below them could afford a mortgage.
I bet one of the great fears of rich people is that their memorial wikipedia entry will basically be "some rich guy who cares"
Another cyber truck!
Since proper Start-ups are all about burning money as fast as possible, I would like to coin the term "start-down" for companies doing the opposite.
really solid reporting from Ed here, on the Rabbit AI company CEO's rug-pulled NFT project, which he now seems to be trying to hide
This week's newsletter: Less than a year before the Rabbit R1 was announced, Rabbit Inc had another name, and was hyping an NFT metaverse project that it raised $6m to build, promising an MMORPG, a comic, a tv show and a literal rocket shot into space.
Rabbit Thank you to Emily Shepherd for her hard work reporting parts of this story, as well as her assistance clarifying details related to GAMA and finding company documents related to Rabbit and Cyber Manu...
Everyone talking about how they're tired all the time for no reason except the people who know the reason. 👼
Back when systemd was introduced I made a huge drama that it's eventually going to replace the entire nice simple userspace with weird daemon apis. And we'll .. it did. What I didn't know is that it doesn't matter because we're now just using systemd to start kubelet so we can have nice http apis
The uwuization of the tech industry