
either everything we have ever learned about presidential campaigns is wrong and trump is headed to victory, or he isn’t
The Nates have rated the above statement as a fifty/fifty shot
lol. i mean, i’m no fuckin’ nostradamus, but, like, same as it was in march, same as it was in january, same as it was all through 2023, trump’s campaign fundamentals look bad, bad, bad, and either those are gonna matter, or nothing does
Because I'm busy trying to manage The Fear*, what fundamentals are you thinking of? *which yes, I know is best solved through work, I do Tech For Campaigns regularly.
they outsourced outreach and mobilization to charlie kirk, RNC has very few field offices in any state, their ad buys are both anemic and late, state parties are in complete disorder, trump’s rallies are way below attendance from even 2020 and the RNC purged the few experienced pros they had
In this regard this election is an amazing poli-sci experiment in controlling for every factor against one candidate except for "bad vibes"
If Trump wins it proves all you need is social media rizz and all the rest is meaningless pomp and circumstance.
it does strike me that a lot of the people certain that biden should drop out, that trump is unstoppable, etc, are also the same people who thought desantis would cruise to the nomination.
like, i haven't done a thorough survey, but in general i think i'm right. and it's like... if you didn't predict desantis would crash and burn immediately, how much of a politics knower can you be, really
I realize it’s confirmation bias as someone who accurately predicted he would crash and burn (purely bc I had heard him speak before) but I also do not care
there were like maybe two stories on desantis’ unusual (and disastrous) decision to outsource almost the entire campaign to a PAC, a strategy that trump is following almost to the letter