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trying my very best to post more about music and less about the things that make me depressed
We need a style guide for the left when talking about the presidential race to our racist neighbors tbh
it is NOT difficult to get people to believe this in a post Dobbs world. also, don't talk about Dobbs talk about how the supreme court made abortion bans legal, etc
Reposted byAvatar ACAB
I'm really trying to imagine these conversations where the FBI sits down with a 13 year old and their parents and tells them that their child has been helping a man in Albania who injects ISIS videos into Zoom city council meetings and that they met on Roblox
Reposted byAvatar ACAB
I have to now go prove my manliness on a simulated race track
Reposted byAvatar ACAB
the people who tell me im a dip shit online are destroying democracy
Wanna see a list of the worlds dumbest liberals
Guy who lives in my neighborhood and used to own the corner store/has station sold it to a guy that doesn't live in my neighborhood and welp i guess i can no longer buy a loaf of bread without driving 10 minutes, cool
Reposted byAvatar ACAB
feels like we're beholden to an economic system that has grown dependent on massive technological leaps every 20 years that make up for stagnating growth. it's just a cycle of amassing unfathomable amounts of debt and then hoping for something akin to a literal literal deus ex machina to save them.
AI thought leaders are still living in an era from 12 years ago where producing some technological advancement that works 60% of the time was all you needed to generate massive, macroeconomic shifts enabling 28yo tech co founders to vacuum up unfathomable revenue. We no longer live in this era!
why are the thought leaders in the AI space all like "my contribution to society is images of people with too many fingers. we should do eugenics again"??
#filmphotography 📷 pentax 645 CineStill 50d
there are very few times in music history that a quarter note kick drum has worked harder than it does on Tame Impala's "Patience". incredibly underrated track by him imo
Reposted byAvatar ACAB
Columbo: Let me get this straight, sir. You put the lime in the coconut, and then you shook it all up? Rich guy: correct, detective. We've been doing it this way since my father founded the company Columbo: my wife, she loves coconuts and limes, but she says mixing em gives her a belly ache
There had never been a single day in the existence of the American military that hasn't warranted its complete dissolution. I hate this country more than i hate anything else in the entire world.
Would be a real shame if someone "had to look at it from across the lagoon"!
i made a flag in my head. it's a milky white background with two large breasts over a banner reading "E Pluribus Boobum." this is how i satisfy myself
Reposted byAvatar ACAB
It's interesting to look at the latest big tech schemes: metaverse, nfts, genAI, etc, as scams aimed entirely at corporations. Not really the people those corporations are composed of.
Capitalists will look at the endless metastatic growth of a cancer cell and see a business model. A person whose highest aspiration is to emulate a cancer, can't possibly look at obviously dogshit ideas and go "nope," or respect others saying no, because that's not how you get endless growth.
All appliances are bastards
they dont tell you in growing up school that your appliances are gonna break every other year this is our third dryer here in 16 years...
It should be illegal to check in on will stancil's recent posts to see how deranged they are
Not being able to socialize is literally just a skill issue. Jonathan, i would encourage you to simply lift one goddamn finger in your journey through life on earth instead of pretending like technology will save you from everything unpleasant in your shitty world
had enough of tech dorks who think their social misfitness will be solved if they simply get the right upgrade chip & convince everyone else to install it too
Reposted byAvatar ACAB
Cornball Republicans always bitching about "do you want the same people who run the DMV running Healthcare?". Bitch I wish getting proper Healthcare was as simple as going to the DMV
#filmphotography 📷 portra 400 pentax 645 75mm f2.8
#filmphotography 📷 Portra 400 Pentax 645 75mm f2.8
Reposted byAvatar ACAB
What AI promises vs. What it delivers
Reposted byAvatar ACAB
One of the darker aspects of capitalism is how it even turns charity work into competitive, self-serving organizations more concerned with donations and sustaining themselves than eliminating the problem they were created to solve
i wish the dude in this photo was less boring but i feel pretty good about the timing/composition 📷 #filmphotography cinestill 400d pentax 645 75mm f2.8
dem rockies #filmphotography cinestill 400d pentax 645 75mm f2.8
One of the reasons i don't have any followers on here is bc I'm fun to hang out with in real life
one time I went on a date with a guy with a huge twitter account and like 5 minutes in I was like “oh… you are very funny on twitter but this is actually really annoying in real life”
after half a dozen rolls of it i think i'm starting to understand what 400d is good at cinestill 400d pentax 645 75mm f2.8
Learning a lot about how over-exposing film is basically a necessity for high-contrast scenes. here's a nice example of me totally fucking that up 👍 #filmphotography cinestill 400d pentax 645 75mm f2.8
it should be noted that i enthusiastically wrote whole-ass papers about William Wegman in college
I'm not above using cool vintage gear and complicated processes to take pictures of my pets cinestill 400d pentax 645 75mm f2.8
I'm not above using cool vintage gear and complicated processes to take pictures of my pets cinestill 400d pentax 645 75mm f2.8
Reposted byAvatar ACAB
Colorado lawmakers passed a bill that'd be a national first: The bill mandates voting centers within local jails to allow people detained there to vote in-person. Key context: People in jails typically have the right to vote but face enormous hurdles to doing so. NEW:
Colorado Lawmakers Pass First-in-Nation Mandate for Voting Centers in People held in county jails typically retain the right to vote but face enormous hurdles to actually casting a ballot. The legislature adopted a bill meant to remedy the issue.