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Hello, it's falcon!

they/them πŸ”žπŸ”žπŸ”ž
🎹 303's and 909's. Two seats, two turbos.πŸš•
I post about music, art, and gay cars.

listen to my ep:
Some people use the microwave 10+ times a day. These are their stories
air conditioning. is a scam. ac has existed for over 120 years yet no palpable evidence of straighter, softer, or shinier air has been reported anywhere in the world.
The emperor sets all his tweets to "Everybody can reply," as a matter of ancient custom. This, of course, does not mean you should reply to him. There are formalities to be observed.
getting shot out of a t-shirt canon and into a crowd of screaming concert goers would fix me.
It's the last day of pride month I just wanted to bring attention to my gender affirming care and general support fund. Please share this around. I updated my picture and will be posting an update today. gofund.me/65dba3b8 πŸ’•πŸ’Έ #mutualaid #transcrowdfund #Blacksky
Transition and Support Fund (Help me blossom), organized by Raven Mgofund.me I've been having a rough time financially since the start of the pandemic. Now o… Raven M needs your support for Transition and Support Fund (Help me blossom)
remember kids. if your friends call themselves team rocket, you’re probably gay
there are times being on lists annoys me cause i'm missing out on THE DISCOURSE but it usually just saves me from the worst takes possible
hello trans siblings, i love you. you have given me so much joy and for that i'm eternally grateful. i hope this community persists and that the people who are trying to ruin it learn their fucking place.
lets be real, home music studios are just gooncaves for the Ear
working as an art critic with impasto syndrome: "hm, this fresco is nice, but it's missing a bit of depth"
what ever happened to attacking and dethroning God? I feel like things would be a little better if we'd followed through on that one
did the blockchain revolutionize concert tickets yet? is all art an NFT? have they uploaded your mom to the cloud?
i do not care what you think about bree and salty, but if you, think bree, salty, and bill kezos all being suspended for pointing out blatant transmisogyny is a good thing for bluesky, then you seriously need to fix the transphobia in your hearts. transmisogyny is a real issue on this platform.
so a bunch of cis libs agree to mass report two trans women & it results in a month long ban, despite them engaging in nothing that was heretofore "bannable." which way does this power dynamic go again? trying to figure out if we're powerful evil trannies or we're nobody. i'll hang up and listen.
heard u were talkin shit
Peace only comes to bluesky when a terrible thing happens to a powerful person. Brief moments where the discourse stops, swords drop, and everyone hugs each other, cheering. This suggests a novel moderation strategy this post is too small to contain
"byford dolphin" sounds like something really cute if you don't know what it is.
last week a doctor gave me a stitch in my finger after slicing it open on a ceramic bowl that broke in my hand. there is a small piece of thread hanging off the side of my finger and it's driving me insane, but i can't wear a bandaid because the glue gives me rashes. someone, ideas please
you're in her DMs, i'm getting repeatedly ganked in runescape by lettuce06. we are not the same
I got a laugh from this one today too
(yawns) yeah idk bro (picking up dishes from the dining table) all i was saying was that the pineal gland very well *could be* the clitoris of the brain
Yo momma's research is so methodologically unsound that only the people who cite her are the Heritage foundation.