
This is insane. The country is facing the fall of democracy - why won’t these people fucking fight?
The Biden campaign has no plans for paid ads involving the verdict, a source tells me. That cannot set the tone for the whole party. There's a big opening to use this against not just Trump, but also Rs who attacked our system to put him above the law.
Utter madness. This is not the time to "take the high road". This is the time to roll up the metaphorical sleeves and come out swinging.
the DC area is a bubble of delusion at the best of times. people who work in govt have no fuckin clue what reality is bc DC is like Disneyland for politics (a constructed, false experience), and biden’s been soaking in it for his whole life i lives & worked in the area and fuckin hated it
yeah, I have too and that’s correct but there’s still people in DC who get it - just not the very highest leaders it seems
yeah which is why i blamed biden specifically there
Because their entire goal was to start forever wars and then sit back, seems like.
they started no wars
their entire campaign is "Biden isnt trump" but they aren't going to point out how Biden isn't trump ???
And he totally underuses his proxies like Landrieu and Buttigieg. Fire full torpedo spreads.
They think fighting would alienate Republican voters, who they still have fantasies of winning over, while taking their own flagging and demotivated base for granted.
As always, democrats act like they've got this one in the bag, because, as usual, no matter how disappointing the democrats can be, the utter ghoulishness of the republican position makes democrat the more reasonable choice by default. Of course, the republican voter is not reasonable. And thus....
"why won’t these people fucking fight?" Something I've been wondering about since Bush v. Gore (2000). I think a lot involves timid, risk-averse complacency tied to gerontocratic leaders who haven't updated their tactics and views in decades.
It's exhausting that I'm still going to vote Dems up and down the ballot when so many are such chickens. Biden should be telling everyone that Trump is a convicted felon and rapist. And yet.. we go high!
Only thing I want to hear outta them is "Ramming Speed"!!!!
The important word to me here is "plan." We are in uncharted territory and normie politicos don't know the correct way to act here, so they will follow the polling rather than lead out in front of it because the latter is risky. Biden will fight, but only after following to see what works first.
This might be one of those issues where proxies do the heavy lifting. I'm also going to be curious to see how Biden handles this during the debates. Debates don't often have defining moments but Biden might be able to needle TFG into meltdown.
I put the first up too often. The second... expresses a concern.
because they dont actually care about what we think a country is? its not people to them, or ideals, its money. and we dont have any of that anymore
It's only been 15 hours—of course they'll say this now. Watch what they do instead.
I'm inclined to agree that Biden will bring it up later, like at the debates for instance.
I bet it will be a hot topic in a lot of tell-all books in January!
Because “Trump bad” doesn’t work. They need to talk about employment and infrastructural
What evidence is there for the idea that “Trump bad doesn’t work”? And we can do both things at once!
The swing states in 2016. Greetings from Ohio. There’s nobody in existence that doesn’t know who Trump is. The ones who chose to overlook it do so be a they are so pro life, anti LGBTQ, anti diversity they don’t care as long as they win. The small other group cares about their bank account
Lots of people do not in fact seem to know just how criminal Trump is. And note that demonization sure seems to work for the right.
I live in a red state, now, and it is frankly wild how many terrible things Trump has said or done are just completely unknown to a lot of people. Most recent example being an ex-Marine who didn't know about Trump's fucked up comments about veterans at the cemetery in Normandy.
Yup. I know because in a past life I worked in NYC real estate, where Trump being a criminal is taken as a given. Much of middle America, at least in 2016, equated Trump with the character he played on Celebrity Apprentice.
Cousins of mine who think the character Trump played on Apprentice is real also long for the days when we celebrated “Real American” war heroes like Ron Reagan and John Wayne.
The campaign needs to do it, not him personally. The campaign can do all of this.
"Trump Bad" is 90% why I stopped voting for any Republican anywhere for anything. Biden could blow up the Hoover dam and I'll still voting for him.
Sometimes you gotta fly black flag and slit a few throats. Fucking do it.
You have got to be shitting me how are they dropping the ball this badly
Because they want to perpetuate the current system.
It boggles the mind how pathetically passive they insist on being
At some point we have to wonder if they really are two sides of the same coin 🤷🏻‍♀️
They’re not, but one side is way more clueless sometimes than they should be.
This plan reminds me of many TV shows that I've liked. They were great to me but I'm an oddball that doesn't predict where the herd is headed. Hope Biden doesn't get dropped like Firefly.
I mean, when have they ever?
It's baffling right? The only way it makes sense to me is that they truly don't care about anything but maintaining their status quo... Even though they allow the right to push it further and further right. They just go with and make sure they don't cause a fuss.
If I had to wager a reason: they want to keep some distance between thy criminal prosecutions and the campaign to avoid the sense they are linked. We'll see if they change their tune, but the next few trials are federal, so it's even more fraught.
It's infuriating how stupid this tactic is when you have an oppositional party who will lie about the fact that it's linked no matter what you do. Centering the right and their claims has gotten us here.