
hot take: Cincinnati chili was invented by a Macedonian guy, is based on the excellent spiced tomato sauces you find in the Mediterranean, and you’d probably find the sauce delicious if you ordered it over pasta at a Greek restaurant
pro-tip: there's no such thing as an authentic or inauthentic recipe. food, like language, reflects generations of folks who nurture it and evolve it over time. except cincinnati chili wth is that abomination
Cincinnati Chili Is Really Just Greek Served on a bed of spaghetti, Cincinnati-style chili is a century-old specialty.
Now I wonder...Cincinnati chili, but put feta instead of cheddar on top in the three-way style...
Yeah, I don't love it but I don't think it's *incorrect*; the main problem is how the "authentic" version made with like, dog food-grade midcentury trash ingredients.
I encourage anyone who enjoys trash to enjoy it, but it's the simplest explanation for why so many are appalled by Cincinnati chili
i think it’s more about ohio sports fans
love it, and it’s more like pastitsio than chili
The first time I had pastitsio I was like, "oh, now I understand Cincinnati chili!" Which I liked but was kind of confused by before then.
I've only recently had pastitsio, but I absolutely agree.
Cincinnati chili rules. It looks like dog barf and bears little resemblance to what we usually think of as chili, but a five-way from Skyline is one of the tastiest plates you'll get from a quick-service restaurant.
Going to call this ice cold because I love the stuff and think Texas just needs to slow its roll when people say the word chili. I'm sure you and have to have interacted here before, and he's another acolyte. Also, the Italian restaurant I miss the most in Manhattan...
That my aunt and uncle always took me to was actually run by Montenegrans. (And was a fantastic Italian restaurant).
Also the time to mention that the Andretti auto racing family is from modern-day Croatia.
YES. I grew up down the street from a Skyline Chili, loved the stuff and now make my own. A lot of people who trash it simply do not know what they are talking about.
Having grown up in a part of CT where there were the Greek owned pizza places and the Italian owned pizza places and the sauces had totally different seasoning profiles, I can absolutely appreciate Cincinnati chili for what it is.
Its honestly better on a hotdog as a "coney" what they call it locally. But i dont really care for it. Its like semi-sweet cinnamon meat slurry and as a former texan, it's offensive, to me, to call it "chili".
I have made it at home and it's pretty good. The kind you get at The Diner seems awful.
texas weiners (sic) in new jersey are my preferred 'weird mediterranean-american fusion cuisine' my fav version of that style of saltsa kima
if you order a “Michigan dog” at a “creamee” in VT, western MA, Adirondack area of NY- it’s similar to a Cincinnati coney and also resembles a Michigan coney, which is related!
I love Cincinnati Chili. I’ve made it at home with Michael Symon’s recipe, and it’s fantastic. I go easy on the cheese, though.