
I am glad this piece about the Heritage Foundation threatening civil war if the left doesn’t accept a monarchy came out in the WaPo. More like this, please.
Literally every Democratic campaign ad now just needs to be "here's a list of things that the Republicans themselves say that they are going to do"
Here's a handy explainer
Finally got to see this. Watch it if you haven't yet. And vote. If you don't want to vote for Biden - vote against Trump then. Because if you don't - we're all fucked. And yes, that includes you.
Trump’s Second Term: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) YouTube video by LastWeekTonight
So true!! And I’m afraid instead we’re going to get “our opponents are good people and we want to assure you that we value that important oppressive values they bring to this race!!”
I know the exact moment I lost faith in the Democrats as a party and it was when Nancy Pelosi said we need a strong Republican party
Yes! There was a time when I naively believed that they did this stuff because they were bad at politics and thought it would help them win. But she and others have made it crystal clear that it is in fact because they are so closely ideologically aligned with the Republicans.
Yes. The Republicans want to knee cap the Democrats and any positive change and Pelosi welcomes them.
Two things about that exchange made me mad: that she said it and that whoever she was talking to didn't immediately challenge her "for what?"
I’d also add a list of things that Biden tried to do, but couldn’t because of the courts and Congress. (And pull Chuck Schumer aside quietly and tell him to get on board and actually use the Senate to do some stuff)
It is shocking how many of them are completely clueless about Project 2025
I continue to believe it’s because they can’t wrap their brains around the reality that their coworkers genuinely want them to die It’s definitely a mindfuck but at least the younger folks seem to have a better understanding of this
1) "The left" here means anyone who isn't a Christian Nationalist. 2) It's not a second revolution, it's a counter-revolution.
Yeah I heard someone from the heritage foundation giving a TV interview where he claimed "we're already having a revolution and it CAN stay bloodless, if the left allows it to" probably butchered the quote but it's the general idea lol but seriously scary shit
He literally said that
Wow ok so my memory isn't so bad 😆 I mean dudes threatening over half our country with blood shed on TV.. wtf yo Mr garland sir I hate to wake ya but but.. we've got this here political terrorist threatening to spark a war between our brothers and sisters.. can ya do something?
I he decided that "second try at the Civil War" was a little too honest. For now.
hand over the country and nobody gets hurt
I'll die laughing at them wheezing 🔥🤘 capital riot wasn't exactly the most athletic group and they gave it their all. We're gonna be fine 😁😆
Still gotta put the work in.
There are no bloodless revolutions, this isn’t postwar Amerikka, and they live in a very vulnerable bubble. We defeated their Klancestors and we’ll beat these ham-headed fcuks, too. No one will be paying them to live like parasites off the rest of us so they can freely abuse people. #FOH
You actually nailed it. And I understand that it’s so absurd that you kind of want to downplay it, because what sort of psychopath talks like that?
No that's what I'm saying exactly.. like dudes openly a terrorist. I wasn't trying to downplay it I just have zero faith in my memory
(multiple concussion syndrome here)
Maggie Astor wrote a pretty decent piece on this for the Times too, made the direct connection to actual incidents of right wing violence. Stopped clocks day for legacy media.
I like to think my post two days ago manifested this
I wish instead of articles about shoplifting there were articles about the toll it takes to live surrounded by armed short-tempered men who increasingly believe they’re fighting in a civil war
Feels like the perfect time to bring back dueling
The truly bizarre part is that even if they get what they think they want, the fallout would see all of this collapsing around their heads.
It’s a good piece! Bump is one of the few good ones left over there.
Avatar is one of the best real journalists and I’m happy to see him posting on Bluesky and Mastodon
Yeah, it's good! Both because more normies will see it, and because it's something to point to when all the Online folks scream about how THE MEDIA WON'T TELL YOU ABOUT THIS
Interestingly enough, Trump distanced himself from Project 2025 on FB today. In summary: “I don’t endorse them, but wish them luck!”
gee do you think he might be full of shit
That’s not interesting, that’s retconning plausible deniability
I don't endorse them, but I ENDORSE THEM!
If Donald Trump told me that the sun was coming up in the east, I'd go outside and have a look.
on the other hand he’s blatantly involved
So he's cleared all those people out of his campaign then.
He doesn’t even know them! Never even heard of them!
I tried multiple times to share the article to FB and it won’t go through. Both as a gift article and just a normal share. What’s up with that I wonder?
Glad to see it but surprised Bezos allowed it, tbh. They seem to be trying to catch up with the NYT’s daily “Biden is old” ratfucking stories.
Bezos' whole business is data, and he knows fascism is bad for data. Plus Trump despises him and will have the power to seize his assets and disappear him without consequence.
Bump normally does good work.