
Unmelted cheese on a premade store bought "burger" patty as part of an arrangement on a gas grill that isn't even turned on is the single best representation of US politics I've ever seen.
every time one of these freaks tries to act relatable it only reinforces how out of step with normal people they are
at the risk of defending charles "chuck" schumer, the grill looks like the valves are open. either the grill is on or he's dousing his food with propane.
Yeah, valves are set open, but the main controller in the middle is off. I'm betting he has a preferred level he keeps it at. But the cheese isn't turning, grates are dry, and there's no smoke.
There is flame under the burgers on the right hand burner
The two side valve controllers are at the same position. If one was on, the other would be on. The center master controller is in the closed/off position.
That is not a control knob for the other two. That knob is a control for the "sear station", which is an additional burner between them to create a zone of intense heat.
Yep, saw that in another comment. But the point remains. Two valve controllers set the same. There wouldn't be one little tiny section of open flame.
Do you even know how gas grills work? The flame occurs where the gas comes out of the burner and nowhere else unless there's a grease flareup. You can't see the middle burner flame because it's hidden by the sheild. You can stop digging.
Yes, where the gas comes out of the burner. Which is in more than one place. Which is why there are two controllers here, one for each major zone. And which are both set to the same position. Your passion in focusing on a detail which is entirely beside the point is notable.
Yes, it's truly suspicious that we can't through the burgers on the grill to see the rest of the flame coming out of that burner. Did you read what I wrote about the center burner? Your point is demonstrably false.
bro I sell Weber Grills, just give up on this one, you are wrong