Prof Felipe Gusmao

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Prof Felipe Gusmao

Environmental Scientist & Philosopher | Metalhead Father | Professor of Conservation at UNIFESP | Suspended from Twitter for defending Animal Rights | also @[email protected]
🇦🇺 🇧🇷
and I love cats...
Reminder that Aaron Swartz was facing 35 years in prison and financial devastation for trying to programmatically download and open the contents of JSTOR, which led to him taking his own life. But OpenAI is going to scrape all of academia and make billions by plagiarizing it.
New version of chatbot reaches level of function where it responds to all queries by making a little twisty-wrist gesture with pinched fingers and saying “But isn’t it more *complicated* than that?”
The oldest ecosystems on Earth are likely tropical rainforests, persisting + evolving for tens of millions of years. Yet all this ancient wonder is being destroyed for cheap hamburgers. Nor can we say "Forgive us, for we know not what we do." We know. 🌎
The Oldest Ecosystems on What they teach us about resilience.
"AI's promise was to solve problems, not only of the day but all future obstacles as well. Yet the hype has started to wear off." According to Nolen Gertz "our reliance on AI might be less about solving problems and more about escaping the harsh realities of our time"
The day the AI dream <p><em>AI's promise was to solve problems, not only of the day but all future obstacles as well. Yet the hype has started to wear off. Amidst the growing disillusionment, Nolen Gertz challenges the pr...
Electric cars have very few moving parts and could potentially last for millions of miles with relatively little maintenance, which is a big part of their appeal to being eco-friendly. But will profit-seeking private auto manufacturers allow this?
EVs Could Last Nearly Forever—If Car Companies Let An electric car capable of running for 1 million miles is within reach.
Path to it is a collection of projects aimed to traverse the evolution of science and human knowledge on different fields This is brilliant for philosophy of science communication! Below is illustration of path to newton #philosophyofscience
Richard Levins was born OTD in 1930. We treat a problem with multiple models, each with different simplifications but with a common biological basis. If we get similar results we have “a robust theorem…. Hence our truth is the intersection of independent lies.” 🐋🌱🦫🦋🧪 #EvoBio #PhilSci #HistSTM
plagiarism engine that generates mass unemployment & fascism also supercharging climate breakdown —anyway, see you at the webinar on how to "harness the power of AI for research and teaching"
Unsurprisingly, rising projections of power demand in the US are resulting in plans to keep coal-fired power stations open longer, and US states are fighting EPA power pollution rules on the grounds fossil fuel is "needed" to power AI.
Reposting because this story is so wild: A scientist for the company that created Scotch Tape & Post-its discovered its toxic chemicals in human blood in the ‘90s. Despite findings showing widespread contamination, her research was stopped by executives who kept the information secret
Toxic Gaslighting: How 3M Executives Convinced a Scientist the Forever Chemicals She Found in Human Blood Were Decades ago, Kris Hansen showed 3M that its PFAS chemicals were in people’s bodies. Her bosses halted her work. As the EPA now forces the removal of the chemicals from drinking water, she wrestles wit...
"There is no guarantee of a [...] healthy future for humanity, and hope will not catalyze the change we need. That work must fall upon us, and it is clear from this review that we are past due for, and critically far away from, an appropriate reaction to the global emergency we have created"
Earth at risk: An urgent call to end the age of destruction and forge a just and sustainable Abstract. Human development has ushered in an era of converging crises: climate change, ecological destruction, disease, pollution, and socioeconomic inequ
'It did not help that Bohr and physicists of Bohr’s school sought to shoehorn complementarity into other domains of enquiry, such as biology and psychology, and attempted to use it to resolve age-old conundrums concerning free will and the nature of life.'
How Soviet communist philosophy shaped postwar quantum theory | Aeon When quantum mechanics posed a threat to the Marxist doctrine of materialism, communist physicists sought to reconcile the two
"Virus Ecologist Dr Michelle Wille has been tracking bird flu for years “If we look at what’s happening around the world – this virus has arrived and left a trail of destruction, we’re talking species-level consequences” The extent of the pathogen’s spread in Antarctica remains unknown"
On the planet's most remote continent, a deadly virus is leaving a 'trail of destruction' that has scientists on A deadly strain of avian influenza has breached the world's most remote continent. Scientists say it's only a matter of time before it reaches Australia.
1. Don't 2. Don't 3. Don't 4. Don't 5. Don't 6. Don't 7. Don't 8. Don't 9. Don't 10. Don't
"Technodiversity is a proposal where technical, ecological and reflective activities are articulated recursively. For example, in relation to biodiversity, today we cannot only think about preserving one species or another, we have to think about the way in which we can coexist with them" Yuk Hui
Academics channel Woody Guthrie:
"Demands for openness might be in tension with Mertonian values and that the latter can help us understand (many) struggles that continue to exist around appeals to, as well as objections to, more openness in science." #MetaSci
Call for paper & poster submissions: Pragmatism & Philosophy of Science, Sep 27-29, 2024 Rotman Institute of Philosophy @ Western U. Submissions due July 15. Speakers incl. Holly Andersen, Alisa Bokulich, Jenann Ismael, Huw Price, Carlo Rovelli, Laura Ruetsche, Ken Waters, & Jim Woodward #philsci
Pragmatism and Philosophy of Science: Fall 2024 CALL FOR PAPERS Conference Theme: Pragmatism, with its focus on the human dimension of inquiry, offers a compelling lens through which to explore the nature, scope, and limits of scientific know...