
Aside from his noxious this is, let’s address the piece of it designed to appeal to those on the left: that voting is pointless. It’s based on one big honking lie: namely that the only point of voting is to be able to make the decision all by yourself.
NY Times officially abetting the end of American democracy by publishing this shit. What the ever loving fuck
Which, notably, means that everybody who voted your way then *also* made the decision all by *themself* as well.
For those on the left, you should understand that your vote is your voice and there is value in joining a chorus, not just dictating what everybody is allowed to sing.
Sulzberger needs to be literally stopped
All of that talk about him murdering cats clearly isn't doing the trick.
The only thing noteworthy to me about this piece is that the NYT chose to elevate this student newspaper schlock. Another indication of the moral and intellectual rot that runs that place.
“Why should I join a protest? There’s hundreds of people out there on both sides I l’m not going to make a difference”
I assume Walther is an attention seeking idiot, but what valuedoes the NYT think is in publishing this? They really are trying to kill democracy.
I've started to wonder if Sulzberger has figured out some ingenious tax scam where he makes a bundle off of crashing the Times.
It's just consumerism. It's the corrosive, toxic effect of the market as metaphor, and is utterly repellent and antisocial.
Absolutely. “If I stayed home the result would be the same so what’s the point?” asked the collectivist.
If the NYT told me and people like me not to vote, out of pure spite we'd vote even more.
Petulant toddlers, the lot of them
Yes, your vote is a drop in the bucket, but how else do you plan on filling the bucket if not with many drops? Voting is always important.
Why is Artie Sulz so fucking thirsty for another tRump presidency???
I would cancel my NY Times subscription if it weren't the best place I have found for getting detailed breakdowns of election results.