
Yeah, I feel like the people who say it would be all positives are really not doing an honest assessment of the lay of the land here. I get the argument but the feeding frenzy we see now would just transfer, and Harris would face questions of why she backed/hid the infirm Biden for so long.
Notably, forget Nate Silver here. I’m talking about the Axios ghoul.
Right. The problem with swapping Biden out as nominee is that it doesn't solve anything. The fundamental obstacle here is a media that *will* destroy any democratic nominee. I don't have a solution.
I don't have a solution but I would say rewarding bad coverage is probably the absolute worst possible decision Democrats could make right now, and if Biden steps down the NYT is going to be fucking unhinged in ways we cannot imagine for the next four months.
Exactly. It will just be blood in the water.
At this point the best “solution” would be if somebody sensible bought a number of major media outlets and did a bit of staff restructuring. Otherwise, they’ll just carry on with this rerun of their “But Her Emails” rampage no matter WHAT happens and no matter who’s running.
I’ve had moments ive thought “jeez it’s completely unfair but this is becoming such a distraction maybe a clean break is necessary” but the truth is the media is going to have to be dragged kicking and screaming into cover Dems in even a slightly normal fashion no matter what and they can eat shit
If a clean break were achievable, this whole crisis would be a lot easier to resolve. But until further notice, no matter who the president or the nominee is, the crisis is the story
yeah, the only way to definitely improve Dems’ standing against Trump right now involves a time machine and a cure for the common cold
Why does anyone listen to Nate Silver about anything?
No idea! I’ve been on the hate train for much longer than most.
He got lucky twice reassuring those prone to panic who are left of center that Obama would win and has coasted on that ever since.
Let’s all hope he doesn’t coast as long as James Carville
I have issues with Silver, for sure. But just to point out, he made his name (at that point it was only a handle) by correctly predicting race after race in the Obama-Hillary primary. It was crazy accurate. He’s just gotten too big for his britches
I feel like too few people remember the Comey letter and the emails stories. Why on earth would we think the political media has any interest in not shutting on dems?
Is this just some insane ego trip by the pundit class?
I don't know if it's *just* that, but it is definitely at least partly that.
At this point the only viable solution is for Biden to win, and then to blacklist the email addresses and phone numbers of every stupid shit that participated in this Republican propaganda op. Remove the "access" from access punditry and make them unemployable.
And of course if she was anything less than loyal to Biden, we'd see: "that backstabbing ambitious woman!"
Yeah, I've been detecting this strong undercurrent where they're being very cautious about it, but they really want to do a job on Harris. And now we have Kathleen Parker manifesting it with her latest.
You said it and also what noted days ago:
Don't fall for the trap. If Democrats listen to the New York Times and try to replace Biden, the New York Times will have a new narrative: Democrats in chaos. And they will then have 347 stories a week about whoever is the candidate, all focused on how inexperienced and unprepared that person is.
They’re going to say that it’s disqualifying for Biden’s party and the fact Biden dropped out proves there was a problem all along