Nunufyor B. Swachs

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Nunufyor B. Swachs

Here I will be swearing about things and in such a way that would look bad on my CV. Hobbies include not wanting to go to work and reading too much.
"CBO estimates that the immigration surge will add $1.2 trillion in federal revenues over the 2024–2034 period. The annual increase in revenues grows over time and reaches $167 billion [in 2034]... In addition, the surge is projected to boost economic activity and, in turn, tax revenues."
Congressional Budget Office report estimates the current surge in migration has a net positive economic effect. Projects GDP will grow by $8.9 trillion over the next decade, add $1.2 trillion to federal revenues, and lower deficits by $900 billion
Effects of the Immigration Surge on the Federal Budget and the NotesNotes Unless this report indicates otherwise, all years referred to in describing budget projections are federal fiscal years, which run from October 1 to September 30 and are designated by the c...
Day 4 of posting about Project 2025 until I finish reading it The tone is so dire. It paints a picture in which the humble reader is besieged by sneering, powerful extremists who seek to prey on children and destroy families and American ways of life. For example...
lolz, this goose is cooked
if i can tell anything from having been on the internet a while, it's that america is ready for an attractive stepmom
What the? Really? How? That's amazing.
"With all policies on the books as of June 2024, we estimate the US is on track to reduce its GHG emissions by 38-56% below 2005 levels in 2035, representing at least a doubling—and a four-times increase—from the pace of annual emissions abatement from 2005 to 2023." 🔌💡
This is all Biden.
"With all policies on the books as of June 2024, we estimate the US is on track to reduce its GHG emissions by 38-56% below 2005 levels in 2035, representing at least a doubling—and a four-times increase—from the pace of annual emissions abatement from 2005 to 2023." 🔌💡
Trump, in a private meeting with his nephew in 2020, said regarding disabled people, "Those people, the shape they’re in, all the expenses, maybe those kinds of people should just die." I am not surprised he thinks this and I'm not surprised he said it, and I'm glad his nephew revealed it.
This is what I’ve said about the Roberts Court (dissenters excepted) before: “So eager to grease the wheels of fascism; so confident they’ll never look up to see the fascist’s gun trained on them.”
I wrote about how the Trump Justices tricked themselves into thinking they could turn the presidency into a near dictatorship while still maintaining their own power
Who wants to read my article "Walter Matthau deserved an Academy Award for Grumpy Old Men"?
Again this is about power. How power is used. The right uses power to punish. Midwest Dems use even the narrowest majority to enact wins. None of the Aaron Sorkin West Wing unity, good Republicans, punch left bullshit. Wield power to get results. It improves lives and makes people like you.
Tim Walz I owe you an apology, I wasn't really familiar with your game
Now to just drive home the fact that this is the basic platform of the Republican Party, and has been for a long time.
The unfavorability rating of Project 2025 has increased 24 points since late June; most Americans are now familiar with Project 2025 and just one in ten have a favorable view of it.
Reading Kafka while visiting my parents might be a little on the nose.
Yeah, so, not that I think any of you would actually do this, but: these gig listings are absolutely soliciting images for training data to produce generative child sex abuse images, and that is why they are being so particular about age ranges. Do not, under any circumstances.
What a great new tech economy this is we got going here
“Make no mistake: The goal is to end public education. But dismantling our public schools isn’t just the plan if Trump is reelected—it is already happening.”
Project 2025’s Plan to Eliminate Public Schools Has Already We are in a new wave of public school closures. Yours could be next, write Jessica Alcantara and Laura Petty.
My family communicates primarily through a series of sighs, mutterings, and clicks.
"In Niger, for example, local elites have used green wall programs as an opportunity to take over (and profit from) formerly public lands. In Algeria, the Green Dam program was used by the government to reduce and control pastoralism... administratively burdensome and erroneously seen as “primitive”
my big picture takeaway from today is that we have never seen a coordinated display like this from dems and we have never seen a seamless transition of support from voters like this and the real political reason is that every hates that fucking guy like they've never hated any fucking guy before
This is a great read on Baby Boomers' propensity to impose their ideas of normality on the rest of reality. Apropos for the TV generation.
I think the most important thing to remember right now is that except for the baby boom, which was a real thing which you can see in birth records, named generations are made up bullshit that boomers foisted on the rest of us because it was real for them
Oh you just call anyone “Nazi” who disagrees with you about enacting mass deportation of ethic minorities demonized as “vermin poisoning the blood of the nation” as part of a nationalist myth of purifying violence promulgated to a far right cult by an authoritarian demagogue.
Is this on??? A recent report came out with documents detailing the cops harassing me in 2021. This was the beginning of the state surveillance & repression, & specifically from Alex Villanueva, that continues today. Shoutout & solidarity to Cerise Castle. READ:
Here are some examples of what was in the 29 page dossier shared about me by LA Sheriff’s Department top brass…. Again, Google LASD gangs
Is this on??? A recent report came out with documents detailing the cops harassing me in 2021. This was the beginning of the state surveillance & repression, & specifically from Alex Villanueva, that continues today. Shoutout & solidarity to Cerise Castle. READ:
I tell people a lot that we already live under Project 2025 here in Alabama. Despite the perception, AL is NOT a poor state, it is just a state full of poor people, with a power structure that uses legislature and policing to make sure those on top keep the profit and control.
Born Oct. 22, 1973, Ichiro Suzuki is 18,530 days old today, matching Wilford Brimley’s age on the day ‘Cocoon’ was released. Congrats Ichiro! You’ve reached the Brimley/Cocoon Line.
Awesome Nazi imagery they made for the headline.
LOL-in-horror moments of new puff piece on Elon Musk: Reporter dutifully reciting Musk's BS about buying Twitter to "test how a citizen-led government that rules by consensus might work on Mars," and not realizing "selective breeding" is Nazi eugenics.
Thermonuclear Blasts and New Species: Inside Elon Musk’s Plan to Colonize SpaceX employees are working on plans for a Martian city, including dome habitats, spacesuits and researching whether humans can procreate off Earth. Mr. Musk has volunteered his sperm.
I'll continue with more of this tomorrow, but holy shit, in less than two hours I was able to produce dozens of horrifying policy positions pushed by Project 2025. We could have had week of this instead of Biden Old 24/7. Demand better from journalists.