Brendon Slotterback

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Brendon Slotterback

Decarbonization. Likes charts. Recovering urban planner. 🌲 🚲
I can't stop thinking about how Trump would eliminate our free, public weather service, NOAA. It's an institution that goes back 53 years and protects Americans everyday with warnings for tornados, thunderstorms and more. That's the Project 2025 plan.
The MAGA Plan to End Free Weather Project 2025 would all but dissolve the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Keep these postcards from the future coming
Some nice copy here …apparently California now has batteries roughly equivalent to 5 Diablo Canyons (in capacity, not run time…)
Methane (aka natural gas) is a nasty climate pollutant, about 80x worse than the same mass of CO2 over the 20-25 years we have left to zero out emissions. Oil and gas companies often describe methane pollution as "leaks," but much of it is an intentional part of their daily operations. and I have two op-eds out this week explaining two important points about methane and the oil industry. 1) In places like the Permian, there is zero economic incentive for the industry to address methane emissions. 2) Even if there was, the laws of physics are a barrier.
Those methane “leaks” are no accident - Climate and Capital The oil and gas industry deliberately vent millions of pounds of natural gas and other toxins into the air every year.
If companies can't make hydrogen without increasing emissions, they shouldn't get a subsidy. There are alternatives! (many of which got no love in IRA)
This would be a really unfortunate retreat by the Biden Administration. Lots of law firms are undoubtedly watching the energy companies' use of the new Loper Bright SCOTUS ruling to intimidate Treasury. If Treasury retreats, expect the law firm blogs to highlight this new path to deregulation.
Overwhelmed with baby bunnies and the dog is going bananas
The decision to stop congestion pricing means New York has wasted $500M for cameras and software, is defunding the transit system by $1 billion a year, and jeopardizes $15b in bonding to do future improvements.
This is exactly right. Vance is on the record advocating a breach from constitutional democracy. They plan to end the republic as we know it—and Vance is on board.
So arguments about how JD Vance isn't very good at politics — I mean, sure, whatever, but that's not why he's on the ticket. He's on the ticket because he's become one of the most unashamed and effective advocates for autocracy. It's a signal of how they wanna govern, the "mandate" they wanna claim.
Progressive values and Democrats are not responsible for this violence. There is no both sides here. Violent rhetoric is the bread and butter of modern extreme conservatism. And lax gun laws put a semiautomatic rifle in the hands of a gunman.
While the incentive for producing CO2 waste will come from the feds, enforcement will devolve to the states which have questionable capacity and budgets, and liability will pass to taxpayers after a few years.
actually worse than a grant because it's a tax credit so completely not transparent, not verifiable, no way to determine any actual climate benefit and it's uncapped so here goes gazillions of dollars to something that mostly helps oil companies get more oil.
The extra annoying thing about our decision to make CCS policy basically “here is a production tax credit for co2” is that it totally screws up the system for the very small cases where CCS might actually be useful (not power, refining, ethanol, and not for EOR)
make your gas utility cry with this one weird trick
Status update
Here's my idea for a Green New Deal reality show. It features hot carpenters, a bunch of heat pumps, and every house is somehow on a lake or a river. It's Maine Cabin Masters with a Queer Eye budget and Emmy hungry producers. We'd win a national GND so fast. Mark Ruffalo are you listening??
”There is a considerable consensus that all three major trout species (brook, brown and rainbow) begin to experience some level of stress at around 20°C, with that stress increasing rapidly as the temperature rises further.” #Trout
Trout and Water Trout behavior and water temperature is an interesting topic which I didn't know much about. So I decided to do some online research to see what facts and information I could find. So this article dis...
If Project 2025 becomes policy, at Department of Energy: ❌ energy efficiency work (EERE) ❌ grid planning ❌ battery research ❌ Loan Program Office and loans ❌ carbon capture ❌ ARPA-E ❌ Clean Energy Corps ✅ repeal IIJA & IRA ✅ manipulate EIA ✅ expedite LNG builds
The People’s Guide to Project 2025 - Democracy
Project 2025: replace NOAA with Waffle House and Whataburger apps
WTF. The electric company in Texas doesn't have a map of outages so people have been using the Whataburger App to figure out who lost power. This is like when Homer was using the Krusty Burger map when they got lost at sea.
To get to 1.5, “Biden would have to implement significant new climate policy measures in the second term. Trump would have to become a completely different person…. there is a massive, quantifiable difference—one that would be deathly irresponsible to ignore.“
Trump and Biden are not the An analysis of both presidents’ climate policies quantifies the difference.
Current US temperatures 🥵
The potential upside of the death of the Chevron doctrine, from Evergreen Action. Agency rules are often the product of compromise rulemaking with (or capture by) industry. That no longer need be the case. 🔌💡
Read Yonah!
Something big has happened over the past few decades in Paris & its suburbs: Car use has declined dramatically. Some key explanations: —Large reductions in car-centric street space —Vast investments in noncar transport modes I investigate
Mass deportation is a kitchen table issue, and Trump and the GOP need to be hounded about it. "Kids will come from school to homes without their parents. Businesses would lose workers, some would just shutter. Crops would rot in the fields.”
Trump dodged the debate question about who he wld deport. “He wldn’t tell the American ppl his plans to deport Dreamers, rip apart American families, turn troops & police into a show-me-your-papers force to go into neighborhoods across the country & upend so many industries, including agriculture.”
In West Virginia, Timet is building a titanium plant with electric furnaces that run on a solar microgrid. Energy costs are comparable to fossils, and "time to power" will be shorter. What if "hard to decarbonize" is actually "cheaper to decarbonize"?
In a first, a solar microgrid will directly power an industrial Timet’s facility in West Virginia will use solar and batteries to make titanium products. The durable metal is used in everything from airplanes to pacemakers.
Same day we get a story about a new smelter for the aluminum industry, we get another about a former smelter site being used for titanium production plus storage. This is the future of industrial power generation. Why leave your company's health up to the volatile gas industry?
The U.S. aluminum industry is pretty weak and small. Aluminum production is all about electricity to run the smelters. And volatile fossil fuel produced power has led to some U.S. based smelters to shut down. Is there a way to address this issue? Could it be renewables?
In a first, a solar microgrid will directly power an industrial Timet’s facility in West Virginia will use solar and batteries to make titanium products. The durable metal is used in everything from airplanes to pacemakers.
Four days after Chevron was struck down, a judge in Kansas stopped a rule meant to stop discrimination against LGBTQ students in public schools. The judge has no expertise in education or gender discrimination. We need to EXPAND THE SUPREME COURT
The destruction of the regulatory state is already The post-Chevron world is here.
The global sale of ICE cars peaked in 2018. They are now losing market share to EVs. That translates into less fossil fuel consumption and lower emissions from light transportation vehicles. 🧪🔌💡