
Chris Miller of the SpiderVerse movies has said they will not be using generative AI, despite the head of Sony’s recent statement about using it to cut costs.
Personally I'm banking on them taking so long to finish that the whole AI fad will have gone the way of NFTs by then.
Literally just two years ago these same empty suits were at the exact same conferences crowing about how they were leaning hard into NFTs, which would reshape the industry What are they going to do when Marvel sues them for AI cribbing effects shots
I’ll believe they’re using AI to cut costs when they replace their execs with LLMs
That's a field where just algorithmic indistinct average slop would make no meaningful difference to content
There’s rumors that Zazlav is using an ai chatbot to help make decisions for warner brothers
There's that old saying about machines not making decisions because they can't be held responsible. We should just lay them off and hire them back on a cheaper, more temporary contract with fewer benefits and no bonuses.
Across the Spiderverse had just come out when this AI crap started picking up steam and I was yelling into the void that if AI replaces artists (commercially) then you'll never get another Spiderverse. You'll never see something new and different. Gen AI can't experiment.
Nice to know. Also, gen AI and AI for VFX are different. In "Klaus" they used their AI to better generate the 3d like effects and rendering in a manageable timeframe. Basically a glorified filter effect.
Firing these ghoul CEOs will save a lot of money.
Here's hoping he wins out on this but normally Producer vs CEO is a winning match for the CEO.
Hopefully the movie is far enough along in production that changing the workflow would cost too much to implement.
The workflow for the last movie was famously execs demanding huge, massive, arbitrary last minute changes repeatedly wiping out months and years of work and forcing constant sweatshop crunches. They'd have used the plagiarism machine then if it existed, and the movie would still be in development.
That's not always enough to stay the hand of an executive who has a vision that goes beyond the immediate project. In general, executives will readily tank a project that doesn't adhere to what they want.
If anything, the project opposing AI and financially failing would be a boon to his agenda.
If the CEO actually believes the shit he's spewing, and isn't just saying bullshit in order to appease investors who can't get enough of AI crap. We saw this with NFTs too: CEOs promised their companies were totally going to join in, but never got beyond small teams because it was obvious crap.
Sony should consider cutting CEO pay instead
CEOs will say whatever shit will get the investors and venture capital idiots to cream their pants. AI is their favorite term these days, so every company is totally planning on using AI, really, honestly, pinky swear... know, uh, some time in the future, don't worry about when exactly...
My husband used to work as a PA for a post production studio back in the 90s. He told me about a huge (for the time) CGI assignment. Putting gold hoop earrings on Reese Witherspoon during a scene they were forgotten. Maybe use AI for that and leave the rest alone.
Unless Chris has some leverage over the production. He basically lied. Then again he wasn't fully honest about the animation production for Across.
I'll believe them *after* they've opposed the capitalist demands that crushes all artists. Because they really haven't been on that side yet. But I believe they believe it. And I will leave enough room to hope.