I recognize that this would be bad but I cannot help but feel that if the craziest parts of the Roman Catholic Church started up Avignon 2.0 in Houston it would be really funny
Dedicated to everyone who fell in love unrequited. 💔
einstein sent this to curie in 1911 when she was being harassed by tabloids. it contains everything you’d want in such a letter: (1) your haters are trash (2) you’re a baller, a true queen (3) i have determined the statistical law of motion of the diatomic molecule in planck’s radiation field 🧪⚛️
Al Green, on meeting Bowie in Sept. 1974. "I just said, 'hey man, I like your music.' He said, 'I like yours, too.' We just kind of looked at each other like bandy deers. There wasn't really a whole lot to say."
Okay but look, how cute is this? I KNOW I KNOW I share too many kitten photos but LOOK.
US v. Rahimi shows that a majority of the Supreme Court realized that it could apply Bruen as written, or it could not embarrass itself by having to stand by Bruen’s batshit consequences, but it could not do both My analysis out now in Balls and Strikes
John Roberts Did a Very Bad Job Cleaning Up the Supreme Court’s Second Amendment The Supreme Court's Rahimi opinion shows that the conservatives aren't as sure about this "history and tradition" thing as they thought.
i hope they keep making Alien-alikes and Thing-alikes forever. I will never get tired of seeing an overworked, underpaid ragtag crew of working class people stuck in the ass-end of nowhere have to fight for their lives against some slimy body-horror nightmare.
PLEASE please please look at this with me
UPDATE: Rigsby WI chapter 4 page 49
This comic is from 100 years ago in case you weren't entirely sure that history repeats itself.
Arkasha Stevenson: submitted for the approval of the midnight society, i call this the tale of the first omen Stevenson: it's about a plot to breed the antichrist King: wait this sounds familiar Stevenson: yeah it's based on The Omen King: no that's not it
I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
My understanding is that right now the person in charge of the Georgia Defense Bar is in court arguing for him assisted by the head of their task force for this kind of fuckery. The hallways are full of other members of the defense bar. I don't think this one is gonna go away quietly.
UPDATE: Rigsby WI chapter 4 Page 47
Copyright vs. Shakespeare A #PoliCartoon by me and Rachel Swirsky. Link to blog post & transcript in the replies!
Please enjoy the Great Plains Skink, a reptile that evolves from a baby goth scene kid into an adult who works in finance and wears designer shoes
A very unfair witch hunt, of me, while the real criminals all get into your houses. A nice woman, theres a sound at her window, a crescendo, like youve never heard. She runs to the bedroom, & shes struck down like a dog. Everyone comes in saying Annie? are you okay Annie? But shes not okay sadly
I did some layout analysis for different comics, and then I figured they’d probably be helpful for other people too. It’s really interesting how cartoonists can use different methods to create a sense of subjectivity or wrongness or slow time.
"He's a gooooood boy, his nail needed a trim. He doesn't liiiiiike it, but it's not up to him. Oh he's a goooooood boy, and his life is to tough. He'll get a treeeeeat next, but it's not soon enough." - Portion of the special nail-clipping song I sing to Fergus.
Update: rigsby wi chapter 4 page 45
Urgent need!
it's pride month and two trans women aren't going to be able to pay their rent on wednesday. please help if you can $200/$1200 💸💕 mutual aid venmo: falsegrindmassacre
"see, I'm a prompt artist myself & I'm working on a personal project"
[At the gay club] HIM: Dude what’s in your pocket? ME: I’m doing the handkerchief code thing. HIM: That’s a semaphore flag. Where did you even get this? [Meanwhile, at sea] SAILOR: Sir the merchant frigate has indicated it’s a bottom into blowjobs
Some early concept sketches I did for the Ingenue animated mini episode, some of which can be seen in the end credits. Just want to say a big thank you to the entire Lackadaisy cast + crew for translating a script and some scattershot doodles into something much more than that. ❤️
Here’s a joke my grandpa told me: Pavlov walks into a bar. The phone rings. He says, “Ooh, I forgot to feed the dogs!” and runs out.
Donald Trump was able to do whatever he wanted, until he faced his ultimate challenge: literally anyone in a position of authority attempting to punish him for doing something illegal.
Clerk: Count 32? Juror: NOT GUILTY Clerk: . . . Really?? Juror: lol no totally guilty
I sense a pattern
My new webcomic, Into the Smoke, has LAUNCHED! When gay medium Blaze binds himself to an evil spirit, he hopes solving the ghost’s murder will help bring him peace. But Alastor the Angel Killer has other plans... #webcomic #art #webtoon