Chris Frashure

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Chris Frashure

Techie. Sports junkie. Liberal (of the classical variety). Sometimes podcaster & writer.
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Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
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No relevant or useful takes will be had today beyond "this is bad" and "don't speculate."
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We should of course be wary of overselling the merits of old ways of doing things, but it really would be better if we shifted away from social media and back to blogging.
Avatar You guys might want to fix your business page. It doesn't default to selecting either yearly or monthly, and so shows $0 for two plans.
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According to the US Postal Service chief postal inspect, "there is no reasonable expectation of privacy with respect to information contained on the outside of mail matter." That a galling, and false, statement. Join us at and help us fight to get our privacy back.
Law enforcement is spying on thousands of Americans’ mail, records The Postal Service approves thousands of requests every year from police officers and federal agents seeking information from Americans’ letters and packages.
Today I learned you can drown a child and it's only hateful in certain circumstances. Thus is the absurdity of "hate crimes."
A Texas woman has been charged with attempted murder after she allegedly tried to drown a 3-year-old girl in a swimming pool, police said, adding that they are recommending the incident be treated as a hate crime.
Texas woman tried to drown 3-year-old in possible hate crime, police Elizabeth Wolf was charged with attempted murder. The child’s mother, whom a rights group identified as Palestinian American, told police that Wolf made “racial statements.”
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i admire people who can solve, like, one problem at a time rather than pingponging between twelve different, loosely related problems, halfassing each
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Breaking news: Donald Trump is found guilty in his N.Y. hush money trial, becoming the first ex-president convicted of a crime. Follow live updates:
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Good god. Atlantic and Vox adopting AI content-generation. So gross, so stupid. The enshittification of media continues apace.
I love knowing so many writers who either don't have jobs right now or are severely underpaid and then seeing this
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The mother of Michael Fanone was swatted yesterday, hours after Fanone called Trump "an authoritarian" with "a violence fetish" in a Biden campaign press conference at the Manhattan courthouse where Trump is on trial. Someone also sent out a fake manifesto claiming Fanone had murdered his mother.
Mother of Jan. 6 officer Michael Fanone swatted after he called Trump 'authoritarian' Fanone was abducted by the mob on Jan. 6 and nearly killed when a MAGA-hatted rioter who believed Donald Trump's lies about the 2020 election drove a stun gun into his neck.
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"A video posted to Donald Trump’s account on his social media network Monday included references to a “unified Reich” among hypothetical news headlines if he wins the election in November." cool
Trump's social media account shares a campaign video with a headline about a 'unified Reich' A video posted to Donald Trump’s account on his social media network Monday included references to a “unified Reich."
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Reposted byAvatar Chris Frashure
The Libertarian Party convention turning into a Donald Trump / RFK Jr. rally is honestly such a perfectly fitting end to the whole pretense that the far-right takeover was about wanting more principled libertarian radicalism. From people who thought nominating Bill Weld was some kind of sell-out.
R.F.K. Jr., Invited to Libertarian Convention, Seeks Trump Both presidential candidates are scheduled to address a Libertarian gathering this month in Washington.
Is this what it feels like to be left behind?
My view on programming languages in 2024: C/C++ ➡️ Rust Objective C ➡️ Swift Python/Ruby/Perl/PHP/Java/Scala ➡️ Go JavaScript ➡️ TypeScript Bash ➡️ Bash
There is nothing libertarian about the Libertarian Party
We are to be spared nothing: four years after the takeover of the Libertarian Party by MAGA-adjacent activists, the party has largely jettisoned its onetime friendliness toward immigration and social liberalism and will host Trump himself at its nominating convention this month.
Donald Trump courts an increasingly friendly Libertarian The former president will speak at this month’s national party convention amid a split in the movement.
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An update: Just minutes ago the Senate voted to bring the expanded FISA bill to the floor for consideration. Full Senate vote on this bill to expand the government's warrantless surveillance power is coming in the next day or two. I'll be working down to the wire to stop it.
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Wyden vows total war against the Sec. 702 surveillance expansion:
The people who loudly worship the Constitution as a sacred document are the first to eviscerate it the moment the security agencies so demand.
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Reposted byAvatar Chris Frashure
Some news: After last week's reports that convicted felon Paul Manafort may rejoin Donald Trump's campaign, I'm asking the DNI to declassify details about Manafort's connections to Russian operatives from a Senate Intel report on Russian interference in the 2016 election to benefit Donald Trump.
Wyden Requests DNI Haines Declassify Information Related to Paul Manafort’s Relationship with Russian Government Operatives | U.S. Senator Ron Wyden of The Official U.S. Senate website of Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon
The parallels to early 20th century Weimar are mortifying.
Former president Donald Trump ratcheted up his dehumanizing rhetoric against immigrants Saturday by saying that some who are accused of crimes are “not people.” “I don’t know if you call them people,” he said at a rally near Dayton, Ohio. “In some cases they’re not people, in my opinion.”
Trump says some undocumented immigrants are ‘not people’ The presumptive Republican nominee’s comment at a rally Saturday represents an escalation of his long-harsh language about migrants.
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Just had a Virginia police department and DA's office deny an open records request b/c of a "related to a criminal investigation" exemption. The trial was in 2009. The guy was released in 2016. And the files I'm seeking (two videos) were both played in court and aired by a local TV station.