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I 100% would not last in vetmed because of these kind of owners. My soul would slowly atrophy.
Reposted byAvatar Vananarama
Snapped this on a dog walk yesterday before it started snowing and this is by far the superior version of this sign
Dog seized in the tub (disclaimer I am not a vet and this is not a medical diagnosis) and when I called the owner she asked me to finish the groom anyway because she's "leaving for Hawaii tomorrow"
Longer "fluffy" hair means longer drying time and longer grooming time which is longer time standing generally and old bones and joints just can't
Honestly fuck people that want a put their old dogs thru hell to look a certain way.
I meditated two days in a row 🙌
Watching Bottoms for the first time and omg
Drinking so much hot tea
I cannot wait to take a shower, eventually when all the ice is gone... hopefully by next week (please for the love of god)
Reposted byAvatar Vananarama
Cast iron is disposable cookware. You’re not supposed to use it more than once. Throw it out!
Look hoke depot is still bad but,
New Jersey has two home depot store managers that are cats and washington can't even get one!
New Jersey has two home depot store managers that are cats and washington can't even get one!
What are yalls favorite budget apps?
Reposted byAvatar Vananarama
i'm going to start telling liberals that i hope i die before the election because it will mean they can't try to guilt me into voting for Biden
🚨This is your emergency broadcast system announcing the commencement of the Weekly Trash Purge, sanctioned by the U.S. Government and ✨trash✨. Commencing at the siren, any and all posting, including flops, will be legal for 12 continuous hours.🚨
Reposted byAvatar Vananarama
Update: in the winter the Hemanthes (Blood Lily)look like a buncha green-billed platypuses stuck underground trying to breathe :
Hey girl, I heard you like Hemanthes, so I got you some pics of a cool prehistoric lookin Hemanthes
Do we really need all of these versions of Little Women?
Reposted byAvatar Vananarama
I can't believe he set up a camera! Now I'm going to have to make his hen stop laying or something. Seems cruel but you gotta set a firm line with these types
Watched the newer Are You There God, It's me Margaret and remembering how I related to that book maybe the least of all Blumes books. Margaret was such a normie and actually WANTED all of those terrifying changes to happen. Begging God for them even. Wtf.
I'm an average looking middle age lady-them and everything I do is forest troll shit.
Reposted byAvatar Vananarama
hey! i’m currently ~$1k short of feeling 1) legally-able and 2) REALLY secure about driving ~500 miles, with… garrus as my copilot. he’s quick to forgive, but there IS rage in his eyes repairs are paid in full, tysm! i still need a smog test, registration, insurance and gas <3 <3
liz andry's gotta get out of here, folks!, organized by liz hi, i'm liz andry. you may know me from online, or perhaps irl from around oaklan… liz andry needs your support for liz andry's gotta get out of here, folks!
I had to block the bike extremist
I get nervous when anti-car folks follow me. we will probably fight at some point & i hate that. Do i love biking, yes. Did i bike commute in the city most of the time, yes. Do i dream of a world where I5 is a giant bike lane? Yes. But I've also lived rural half my life & try not to be ableist, so
I'm drawing a blank, what is that guided meditation called where you put all your focus out to your neighbor, your enemies, then your town, your hemisphere, eventually the world? Like I know it has a name and I'm butchering how it goes but does anyone remember the name?
I just meditated for 5 minutes. Please clap. Lol
I really miss how I felt when I meditated at least 10-15 minutes daily for like 5 years. Like really on that vibration raising tip.
When Maté talks about ADHD children being "sensitive" (rather than traumatized) it's how i talk about reactive dogs being sensitive rather than saying they're aggressive/traumatized. That's more accurate and less triggering to the parent/owner I think. No wonder I like working with sensitive dogs.
Reposted byAvatar Vananarama
the three friends of winter (pine, bamboo, plum blossom)
Ide like broccoli but I bought out all the broccoli tots at the grocery outlet. I love veggie tots so much.
Reposted byAvatar Vananarama