Hill Grimmett

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Hill Grimmett


Retired. Avid gardener. Life-long democrat. Worried about the survival of American democracy. #Posties #Expost
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Read it and Weep then VOTE BLUE!!!
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JD Vance just deleted from his website his abortion stance. They lie to get the job.
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"Authoritarian propaganda is full of empty promises of unity. Of uniting the nation under a leader who alone can fix it. Authoritarian expert Ruth Ben-Ghiat & I had this conversation BEFORE the events/TFG rally We are witnessing the playbook of authoritarianism unfold, we can not simply go along...
TOP Expert on Dictators SOUNDS ALARM on Trump | PoliticsGirlwww.youtube.com Authoritarian propaganda is full of empty promises of unity. Of uniting the nation under a leader who alone can fix it. Authoritarian expert Ruth Ben-Ghiat a...
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The reason that the language of domestic abuse and the language of authoritarianism looks the same is because it's just the same thing on a different scale.
The GQP wants the American population sick, poor, hungry, and stupid: cut AIDS prevention, undermine women's health care, tax cuts for me not for thee, no school lunch/summer food program for kids, let us give these education $$ to fundie charter schools and ban books. Rotten to the core.
Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please
Wait, waaaaaait, does this mean we’ll get to see Kamala rip JD Vance to shreds in a debate???? *bites lower lip*
Reposted byAvatar Hill Grimmett
I will entertain the notion that the GQP is serious about "cooling things down" when tRUmp and Vance call on the various fascist militias to put away their guns and refrain from threatening civil war.
Reposted byAvatar Hill Grimmett
Decade after decade of stochastic terror, gun rights fervor, & the foment of conspiratorial thinking by, from, on, & within the right, & yet it's somehow DEMOCRATS & the LEFT who need to "calm things down" or "lower the temperature?" Nah son. We *been* calm, and quite fucking cool and collected. …
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Back to work. Vote blue down the ballot.
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Welp, there it is. The first openly Don't GAF About Treason from the utterly corrupt and incompetent Aileen Cannon.
@ABC: BREAKING: The classified documents case against former Pres. Trump has been dismissed by Judge Aileen Cannon, according to court records. The judge ruled that special counsel Jack Smith's appointment was unconstitutional. https://t.co/SAAYV6kuns https://t.co/mb4eNrC8ei
Look, there's a LOT of issues with Project 2025. Not the least of them is internal contradictions: how you gonna have no minimum wage and also have "traditional" families with one wage earner? Amid dramatically rising food prices cuz no workers?
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You know that this is what the GQP wants. You DO know that, don't you?
"No aspect of Afghan society remains untouched by the rapid attrition of female autonomy & agency, & the evisceration of women & girls from the public, political, economic, social & cultural life. Women & girls experience daily the deliberate systematized step-by-step eradication of their rights.."
Under Gender Apartheid, Taliban See Afghan Women as ‘Child-Bearers, Child-Rearers and as Objects Available for Exploitation’ - Ms. Magazinemsmagazine.com Gender apartheid, the most extreme form of gender discrimination, has left Afghan women feeling like the walls are closing in.
The bees and butterflies are loving the lavender that has come into bloom. Following some directions for pruning old, woody lavender plants, I did a big prune last year. The result was kind of lopsided last season, but has come into its own this year. Patience O gardener! 🌱
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An example of everything that is wrong with the mainstream media. About 98% of the blame for the fact that tRUmp could win can be laid at the feet of the MSM and Faux. And the other 98% on the fact that the American public has lost the ability to think critically.
Page A1: BREAKING NEWS: ASHLEY JUDD SAYS BIDEN SHOULD STEP DOWN Page B16: City of Houston has no power for a week and its 105 degrees there and no one's doing anyting to help them boring boring boring
We need a table showing the effects at income levels from $25k to $ 5 million. With numbers of taxpayers in each bracket. Anybody?
Robert Reich: Under the tax plan proposed in Project 2025, it's estimated that a family of 4 making $100,000/year would get a $2,600 tax hike. But a family of 4 making $5 million/year would get a $325,000 tax cut. It's a trickle-down nightmare.
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There’s nothing in the rules of Monopoly that says you can’t flip the board over and punch your opponent in the mouth. But if someone did that, they’d be out of the game forever. What Trump did was far, far worse. And everyone’s still just… sitting at the table, letting him play.
There’s a presidential candidate who organized a coup on live TV and was recently convicted of dozens of felonies for something entirely separate, and the political system is demanding his opponent step down.
Today's harvest of squash, turnips, peppers and flowers. A little more each day.... About time to start sharing so nothing goes to waste.... 🌱
The first tomatoes, a pepper and 2 turnips. It took about 2 days for the big one to go from the size of the small one to being "too big". It'll still be tasty pureed.
The first tomatoes, a pepper and 2 turnips. It took about 2 days for the big one to go from the size of the small one to being "too big". It'll still be tasty pureed.
Tell any on-the-fence NFL and NBA fans you know that Project 2025 is planning to ban Sunday games. Plus, no beer or wine sales on Sunday.
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"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"
I continue to be astonished and appalled at the press that takes anything said bby TFG at face value. "I don't know anything about Project 2025.". OMG tRUmp is showing the first signs of cognitive decline! OMG! Dude, tRUmp lies every time he opens his yap. That's the first line of the lede!
I guess I don't understand something: why isn't the Project 2025 document prima facie evidence that the authors have engaged in a conspiracy to commit insurrection? Serious question.