
one insight that you get from maye musk’s twitter account is a good understanding of exactly how her son turned out the way he did
we are now officially at the "elon told his mommy to scold the president" stage of whatever the hell is going on
Her dad helped establish chiropractic quackery here in Canada and he was deep into the Social Credit, a noxious as fuck theocratic political party that ruled western Canada up til the early 70s. So no surprises that she too is a horror show.
This is strikingly similar to the letter Klara wrote to the art school when Adolf flunked out.
Apparently my analyst knew her? What a weird fucking world.
Oh man I may have to go back to pretending to be her on twitter
I don't believe in determinism, people break familial patterns all the time. But between this and his dad (ugh)...
Didn’t he say he couldn’t fight Zuckerberg because his mother wouldn’t let him?
Well, she said he shouldn't, and then he started mentioning his back issues, and then Zuck wasn't home when Elon went to his house, and then...
He may have the worst elements of both this and his blood emerald gun-running married his stepdaughter father.
"MY BOY WOULD NEVER DO ANYTHING WRONG HE IS PERFECT AND WONDERFUL HOW DARE YOU STOP HIM FROM DOING ANYTHING HE WANTS" I have met far too many of this woman. The great thing about being Of An Age now is I can laugh and make fun of them to their faces.
Did you ever see that interview with his dad? Absolute psycho "old men have a moral imperative to impregnate as many young women as possible" serial killer stuff.
Won’t someone please think of the poor richest man in the world?
What's the odds it's Elon posting?
every interview i’ve read with her makes clear this is exactly how she is, so probably low
Which would be less embarrassing: Elon tattles to his mom that the president is being a big meanie, so his mom tweets at the president to stop it? OR Elon getting on Twitter and pretending to be his mom to tell the president of the USA off for being mean to her precious lil 52yo boy child?
Came here just to say that.
The Supergirl TV show was being prescient when it made Lex Luthor's mother a recurring villain.
Avatar she asking to speak to the manager of the president???
Is her preferred solution killing a bunch of dalmatian puppies?
you know it's taken me this long to connect longtermism and horrible parenting, but now that I have ...
Bet she tells him that no woman is "good enough" for him.