
”some progressives” are fucking dipshits, we don’t need to pretend these are reasonable people whose opinions matter
AOC's evolution from activist to pragmatist supporting Joe Biden's reelection is roiling some progressives
AOC Is Getting Too Mainstream for Her Progressive New Yorker known as AOC is Biden campaign emissary to young, minority voters.
“AOC is too mainstream” is not an opinion held by any majority of any electorally viable group in any neighborhood in america, more people believe the moon landing was faked than believe this
Eh, I suspect in practice "this socialist is too mainstream" is a political gift of a narrative to AOC, and every member of the Squad should line up and ask outlets like Bloomberg and NYTs to publish articles like this about them
The only people I ever hear talking about AOC ever are conservatives who think she is a turbohellcommunist
This feels like Elizabeth Warren 2.0 where online contrarians hijacked her politics for their own agenda without actually looking into what their actual politics were.
These candidates like Warren and the Squad and Bernie to some extant were always more symbols to these contrarians rather than caring about them as actual elected officials.
I want to be a turbohellcommunist. That just sounds awesome.
If you play drums, come on over and I’m sure I can convince the band I’m in to change our name!
Haha. Nah, I am not a musician. Definitely not a drummer.
I know a self identified Marxist Leninist who thinks she's a total sellout, horseshoe theory in action.
This may be an aside but it’s definitely hard for people in Portland, let alone out west, to relate to the area she represents. It’s physically like the size of St. John’s and Portsmouth combined but, y’know, it’s Queens. You walk two blocks, you encounter a massive slice of humanity.
Perhaps I’m in Is_This_Anything.txt territory but I don’t think people get that she actually has a home base and is well-known as Being Good at Responding to Constituents. Contrast with Hillary, whom people barely associated with New York but had a D next to her name, so game over, right
And the Bronx, which is where AOC is actually from.
Shit! My bad, truly, thank you for correcting me
I truly appreciate the local intel. I have been to the city but never set foot in her district. (Plus, I’m leaving the ignorance up to keep the record correct.)
The districts themselves are gerrymandered to all fuck. My old district crossed the Hudson over to include a little slice of SI. It’s all weird.
Sorry to be all reply-guy on you. I only mention it because it actually makes your point stronger.
It’s all good, promise
Your should not view your politicians like your bands-- a politician like AOC being mainstream would be good!
I get why articles like this get written -- most readers will find the perspective totally alien, so it's intensely surprising that people holding this belief system live in the same area code as people who think she's lefter than Lenin.
What I wonder is, if such articles get written, do a certain number of people reading the article just assume that "Oh, this must necessarily be a large and important group of people, or else I wouldn't be reading about them at all"?
I can guarantee you that most people don't even put that much thought into it.
by a couple orders of magnitude, probably
That was the crowd Bowman had been playing to. Plenty of them on the loudest segment of the left. So here we are.
The real criticism is nothing really changed 2016. Deep blue districts give us AOC types since before the 80s