
i mean, he means he won’t take sides on the “theory” of whether the US government did 9/11 or not, but that doesn’t make this any less insane
The President of the Untied States should take sides on 9/11. Foreign terrorists killing nearly 3,000 Americans is one of those things an American leader should take sides on.
We were blessed twitter wasn't really a thing when loose change got released
there were good people on both sides
Exactly not to mention percentage wise more Al-Quada members died that day than Americans.
"I don't know the answer to that question" is in many ways worse.
RFK supports the troops, the troops on both sides
I’m genuinely unsure about the subtext of this straddle, whether Lesser RFK is saying “of course I think America did 9/11 but I can’t say so out loud” or “I know America didn’t do 9/11 but I have to find a way to sound like I’m open to it to keep my nutcases onside” and I’m afraid to find out
I assume a large part of his base is 911 truthers and he doesn't want to upset them.
Yeah, no doubt. Just wondering if he himself is at least truther-curious and is hedging because he thinks it’s bad politics to admit it or he isn’t but doesn’t want to lose fans by saying so. Neither is exactly complimentary.
Actually, most 9/11 conspiracy theories are childishly easy to spot. At least for anyone who was paying attention in high school science. For example, ISTR "Loose Change" had a basic factual error about once every 30 seconds on average. It was fucking laughably stupid.