
Last year this time we were learning about a billionaire Nazi memorabilia enthusiast buying the house belonging to Clarence Thomas’s mom and paying for his nephew to attend a $60k per year private school, but we’re supposed to be worried that Beyoncé will have undue influence.
She disclosed a valuable gift that makes perfect sense for her to receive and somehow this is a problem when last week we got reporting that Trump literally asked for a billion dollar bribe to hollow out environmental regulations. Ok.
i wish beyoncé had undue influence. would be a pleasant change of pace from the usual undue influences
Government would suddenly get a lot more efficient! That woman *works*
don’t wanna quibble with kaitlin over this and it doesn’t undermine her point at all but importantly most of what we learned about crowe came out 2011-2014 dems tried to make it a story for a while and nyt ran a couple (v favorable to crow/thomas) stories at the time. media loves to ratfuck
i had a 2014/15 quote tweet about confiscated nazi memorabilia in brazil story that was like “harlan crowe about to make a $2mm purchase to show off to clarence thomas during the next retreat” that went viral last year after people discovered it lol
We still don't know who paid off Kavanaugh's debts and it's been fully memoryholed that he even had a mountain of debt get paid off
It's been credibly suggested his father might have paid off his debts, but the question of how he accumulated those debts is far more mysterious and almost completely unexplored. His official explanation is obvious nonsense, and it looks like he was laundering transactions he didn't want recorded.
right? guy had like six figures of baseball ticket expenses what the fuck
About once a week, the media are waking up scared about Kamala Harris and looking for a story. Is it because she's a short drive away from being President? Well, yeah, that's been true the whole time.
I've never seen the kind of vitriol leveled at her for the most mundane normie shit and stances leveled at anyone else and it's really hard for me to not see it as both sexism and racism as compounding factors.
I think Michelle Obama got the same treatment. I wonder what they could have in common…
They wrote the playbook against HRC, but the misogynoir definitely helps them get to the same place faster
If it was just Republicans, I'd give them that, but the amount of ostensibly left (usually white) folks parroting "Kamala is a cop" with no concept of how anyone of color, much less a woman, has to do to hold a DA or AG position, not to mention the duties of the job, still pisses me off.
When my students question whether or not this type of public, sexist, racism is overblown or that it's maybe not that big of a deal, I pull up tweets about Michelle Obama BY ELECTED OFFICIALS and they. are. mortified.
Until you see it for yourself it sounds ridiculous. Like... Really? In this day and age? And then you grow up and someone points out the world to you and it's kind of horrifying.
The peak was her getting flak for buying some Le Creuset cookware in Paris, as if it’s not the same smart, value-for-money merch sold in mall outlet stores ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ohhhhhhh why did I not figure this out?
Surely it's long past time that we learn whether Abe Lincoln paid for those theater tickets.
I’m extremely tired of the Kamala hate
She’s in the most useless office in the federal government and hasn’t done nothing to nobody! Why are they coming for her?
The only Democratic Veep to not be nominated for President since WW2 was Alben Barkley; who put together a campaign in 1952 put pulled out at the convention when unions refused to support him because of his age (74). This is about pre-emptively damaging a very likely future nominee.
People were writing about how useless she was in JANUARY 2021, I’m like sorry she didn’t change the world in 10 days!
not just any private school either, but one of those horribly abusive outdoorsy places for "troubled" teens.
When we all know she only has due influence
A few months ago the House Dems found +$7M in verifiable emoluments funneled through his hotel, and that’s just the easily findable stuff.
Every accusation is a confession
All 100% true, but take the W. It makes the VP seem that much cooler that Beyoncé gave her concert tickets and she went. Let’s go with that.