
Two sitting justices of the Supreme Court are insurrectionists—or, most generously, married to them. Our system can do nothing about them because the people running it have insisted upon their own powerlessness. We’re not operating under a constitution; we’re trapped in a suicide pact.
We *could* do something about it. There's a process for impeachment. We'd just need to elect a Congress with the spine to do it. Other judges have been impeached; presidents have been impeached. There's no reason the justices can't be.
I think one of’s ideas is also that we should interpret the “good behavior” clause to be a strict good behavior clause, and not one that requires impeachment.
That sounds like a principle that should get more attention. Judges do have that constitutional "good behavior" requirement not present for members of Congress or the executive.
For instance, Congress can pass a statute that says a bribery conviction is bad behavior. No separate impeachment proceeding is necessary.
Even if we take the House in this Fall's election, and impeach them next spring, you would still have to convict them in the Senate. And by then it will be too late, they will have already ruled on the cases they should be recusing themselves.
How? Democrats are unlikely to gain control of the House, they will probably lose the Senate.
How the corruption is so blatant, the compromised justices so blase' about being caught to the demand that they be taken seriously it's almost surreal that it's all happening with no consequences
If you tried to explain this to anyone from any other time in US history they would be completely nonplussed at how we got here and why we’re doing absolutely nothing about it
Definitely, and I'm sure be horrified that some of the most heinous things are being done under the auspices of being "what the Founders wanted/meant"
washing this down with a glass of Sotamayor's Tears™ (you know who didn't say, there's nothing we can do? Letitia James, Fani Willis, Alvin Bragg, and Jack Smith)
Yes. Checks and balances don't work if no one is checking or balancing.
It’s so demoralizing that even if Democrats don’t care about the rule of law or even democracy itself, they should at least be self-interested enough to know that these guys want to ensure they never win another election. But they still won’t do anything
“They’re flagrantly breaking the rules and we’d love to stop them but that would be breaking the rules oh dear oh me oh my”
I'm ready for them to dig into Stephen Breyer considering he is the other justice who did not attend the inauguration citing covid safety.
Do you think Alito legit had covid concerns?
Absolutely not honey.
Why do you think they should “dig” into Breyer?
Because we deserve an adversarial press for the court by default and not just when we think it will serve the political interests of our favored faction
We do. But on the grounds of covid with Breyer? That is item ZZZZ on the to do list.
The same folks in power claiming to be powerless also don't seem particularly incensed about any of it. Where is the fucking outrage? Demonstrable corruption and treason at the Supreme Court and it's like eh yeah whaddaya gonna do.
Until there's a majority of justices' spouses calling for a coup it doesn't count
President Biden can have them arrested and tried by a military tribunal for treason
I didn’t realize they were still doing blue slips.
Hmph. I'd LIKE to say you're wrong, but you make a strng case. 😪