
This, I believe, is the actual reason for Biden’s weak numbers relative to 2020. We were told democracy was on the ballot and he would solve the threat, only for us to be in even greater danger 4 years later, with no answer except the one he gave us before
Every four years, American voters have to vote like there's a "Thanos level" threat to US democracy, but when American politicians get into office, they don't approach politics like democracy is on the line. They don't show respect for that democracy that so many voters came out to "save."
If I hire someone to protect democracy and the Supreme Court says that they’re in charge now and also trying to overthrow the government is fine and, hey, what’s some bribery between friends, then I’m not hiring that person again when they tell me it’s urgent. You didn’t fix it before!
I think you're right. Biden's shitty handling of Israel/Gaza I'm sure impacted the polls, and the media's focus on Biden's shortcomings rather than Trump's did as well, but neither explains the low poll numbers completely.
Prosecuting the Congressional insurrectionists would have helped. It's probably too late now.
It’s never too late to provide Justice.
I sure would like to think so!
Exactly. I feel like I have heard Democracy was on the line so many times and since 2020 there's been so much in plain sight activity to erode democracy and no call outs or really any challenges
That's the problem with fascism. It refuses to go away.
Okay, but we should maybe make it a little harder to pull off.
Annoyingly the places already doing that aren’t in any current danger of fascism taking hold. Partially because of those actions being taken but still.
Counterpoint: everything since 6 Jan if not before confirms that democracy was on the ballot and will be again because it’s the same threat as it was four years ago. It would be nice if more Dems took this more seriously yes
The man who told us that “democracy is on the ballot” followed up January 6 by…saying absolutely nothing about it in his inaugural address and then asking House Democrats to speed up impeachment so they could negotiate with the people who just tried to kill them.
I didn’t say Biden has done a good job fighting it. I just think we are better off than if he’d lost
I'm going to die mad, I think, that these "democracy defenders" valued the filibuster over the updated VRA after turning in a performance about it at John Lewis's funeral. It stung extra hard because my beloved college roommate died in 2020 and couldn't have a funeral due to COVID restrictions.
The tepid response to Trump vs. US verdict! Even when they're once again telling us to vote to save democracy they can't be bothered to respond to a direct threat to rule of law by a corrupt Court.