Elizabeth Rogers

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Elizabeth Rogers


A humorless feminist. I have no sense of humor, none. Contact: [email protected]
I once made Adam Rothman's day.
Not being a nation of sociopathic nitwits, yes, actually.
Do you think over half the country actually cares about Project 2025? Do you think over half the country would really care about any issue that doesn't affect them
A friend came up with the only reason to replace Biden: See Harris debate Trump. Otherwise, no.
My hot take on the President is naps are awesome and we need more of them.
Re: presidential immunity case The Republicans are scared of retaliation. Republicans are, at heart, cowards. If it had been Biden, the decision would have been issued in a month. Because they aren't scared of Biden ordering their executions. They ARE scared of Cheato doing so.
Josh to me, Friday night: businesses are rational and will choose what is more profitable. Reality:
Reminder that management cybernetics never really took off in the USA not because it didn't work, but because it asked firms to make their structures more bottom-up and less top-down, and executive power is more important than effectiveness for most organizations.
I am sure her dissent is the judicial version of, "what the fuck is wrong with you morons?!"
Justice Sotomayor is reading from her dissent, something you will not be able to hear until opinion audio is turned over to the National Archives in the fall and then made public.
Which indicates the dipshit hasn't read it.
How many days a week is too many for strength training?
I see the media is giving the verdict the seriousness it deserves. 🙄🙄🙄
The verdict is free if it is late
This is good news! Now to make it worth putting up with the little brats when women are like 27.
More than half the drop in America’s total fertility rate is explained by women under the age of 19 now having next to no children. Around a third of the missing births would have been unplanned, and the majority of them would have been to women on low incomes. archive.ph/cJY3B
I completely forgot about homemade tuna salad. Vast amount of veggies, 30 grams of mayo, 2 cans of tuna.
Does it include women sentenced to harsher sentences for "not protecting" a child also being abused Because abusers of kids are usually doing the same to the moms. Or worse.
The Oklahoma Survivors’ Act gives incarcerated survivors of domestic violence a new chance at freedom, reducing sentences for people whose convictions stemmed from their abuse. NEW in Bolts:
Oklahoma Gives Incarcerated Survivors of Domestic Violence A New Chance at Freedomboltsmag.org The Oklahoma Survivors’ Act reduces sentences for people whose convictions stemmed from their abuse. It passed despite prosecutors’ objections and an initial veto by the governor.
Nailed it.
LEFTISTS: we didn't vote but do what we want!!! DEMS: if we start working towards that, then you'll vote for us? LEFTISTS: NO! ALL AT ONCE OR NOTHING!! PERFECT OR GTFO
1. To the extent the issues are hurting as many (non-white) people as possible while stripping all resources from said people for a tiny elite... 2. ...why punish Democrats for Republicans being smegheads? 3. Dems almost always pass *some* of what their voters want even with tiny majorities.
TIL that men order Mother's Day flowers early but just pick up Valentine's Day flowers at the last second, which the florists explicitly attribute to men loving their mothers more than their wives!!!
It's so doom and gloom these days. So I asked on the old app to tell me the best thing your parent ever said to you. And now I ask you! (For those whose parents sucked, you made it despite them so I'm proud of you! 💗💗💗)
No duh Turner. That's why we go with the WOMAN'S DECISION
Turner makes his first foray into fetal personhood, saying that a pregnant person faced with losing health and fertility is only one of two patients being treated. He says: "There are two patients to consider in these circumstances," and it's "tough when you have these competing interests."
He looks like a man who is good with dead women if it means he "wins."
This is the Idaho man currently arguing that Idaho has a statutory obligation to let pregnant people die in emergency rooms if saving their lives would require providing an abortion.
Being reminded that my first attempt at therapy that my parents (dad and stepmother) took me to resulted in my being punished by said parents for not knowing how to explain why I was a terrible child and "blaming the wrong person/reason."
To be fair, I often wanted to do the same in court.
1) America absolutely rocks. We are doing incredible.
Today's election interference trial is about the first time Cheato committed crimes to sway an election. Perhaps if he had been held accountable long ago, the second set would not have happened. But I think 2016's crimes being tried first is fitting.
How hard is it to say "violent domestic abuser accused of murder is dead. Also played football."
What's weird is that you can't libel a dead guy, so these NYT-style headlines that are like "OJ Simpson, football player and movie star sullied by controversial incident, dead" are wholly editorial choices. There's no legal reason to couch it like that, that's just how they feel.
Almost like those peeps are racist or something
Some prominent 2012 Obama campaign staffers argue that the movement away from the Dems by white low education voters started in 2016. But Pew American Trends panel (a relatively high quality survey) indicates that this pattern started in earnest around 2008. www.pewresearch.org/politics/202...
🎶🎶5 more days until jury selection 🎶🎶