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technical artist making games pretty for money
trying hard to get hotter and weirder to reach my final form
sometimes NSFW 🔞

AuDHD | trans🏳️‍⚧️ | she/her | lesbian | poly | furry
Reposted byAvatar Niq
so tired... but i refuse to go to bed because it's still more than 8 hours til my alarm... this is my time dammit... i will have fun...
Reposted byAvatar Niq
the UK if they switched trans healthcare to an informed consent model and stopped trying to kill us
Reposted byAvatar Niq
valid career paths: - write bad books about magic school and then focus entirely on hating transgender people. - becoming a politician and then focus entirely on hating transgender people. - become a New York Times Journalist and THEN... focus entirely on hating transgender people.
I’m tired of paid to speak on things that I’m knowledgeable on. I want to be paid to talk about things I know absolutely nothing about. How do I turn this into a sustainable living.
Getting my wife to relay wholesome messages back and forth between me and her boyfriend even though we could just message each other, because it's cuter this way. #poly
A few months ago I decided whenever I hate my reflection I'll change something - angle, expression, pose, hair, lighting, clothes, makeup - until I hate it less. Pretty soon after I started doing this I started to really like my reflection, and realised I'm actually... hot!?
You've never seen you. You've seen a mirror shot from the angle of your eyes, you've seen a photo, flat and lifeless. You haven't seen you how we see you. How I see you. You haven't seen the way your eyes light up when you're happy. You haven't seen the way your hair dances in the wind. You don't
Following my first hookup with a trans girl, and my first crush on a cis guy, my wife just sent me this. I feel very called out. #polyamory
Reposted byAvatar Niq
OHNO I hit a hedgehog
I spent the last 8 days curing a brisket to make proper american style corned beef, so I could make reuben sandwiches for dinner!
I wasn't gonna post this unflattering pic of me testing a selfie stick, but it makes me laugh every time I see it, so I wanna spread the joy.
Reposted byAvatar Niq
required viewing for folks who don't know how fucked trans care in the UK is (cis folks this is your homework for the week)
the gender clinic in london is currently giving first appointments to patients first referred in 2018 at a rate of between 35 and 65 per month. their current wait list is approximately 15,500 people 💀💀💀 if the average rate stays the same that's a 23.6 year wait for someone referred today :)
I Emailed My Doctor 133 Times: The Crisis In the British Healthcare odyssey into the NHS and why it treats trans patients so poorly! http://...
Reposted byAvatar Niq
my friends are all cringe and i love them
I need someone to take me climbing. All the pics of trans femmes climbing are insanely hot, I want that power.
So many of my friends tried to gently say "hey you're a trans girl, it's obvious". I was in denial for years but I can't blame my friends for that, they kept asking and supporting me and encouraging my baby steps into queerness. Coming out to yourself is very hard, help your friends! <3
I got so fucking mad with some of my queer friends when my egg finally cracked and they went "oh we knew for years it was obvious" when I came out to them. WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING YOU SHITS.
Working from home has robbed me of the skill of not clicking to reveal adult content when it pops up on my feed. Like it's a reflex, I don't want to see it, i just always click. I'm dreading the day I do it when screensharing.
Straight cis guys really need to follow some gay furries. I'm not* into guys but I follow some furry feeds and: damn, gay furries sure know how to take a good dick pick. Like purely aesthetically, impressive work. (*iykyk)
Woah full moon. Everybody howl.
Words to live by.
In a perfect world I think we'd all be able to publicly be the little weirdos that we are and the only way we get there is by everyone taking those steps one by one.
My wife just got home from seeing her boyfriend, and began enthusiastically telling me about the cryptic crossword they'd solved together. I love being poly! They are so damn cute.
Spent the day trying to decide whether to delete my hornyposting... but the only reason I've stayed on this app is because there's a bunch of weirdos being weird and I like that. I can't use this platform for serious stuff, so I'm gonna be my silliest cringiest weirdest self here and enjoy it.
CW hornyposting. I'm pretty sure I'm a lesbian... but the surprising amount of cum I just cleaned off the bathroom floor after fantasizing about Manny Jacinto begs to differ.
The industry is slowly waking up to the fact we don't have to put up with the bullshit, we can actually change things. Just wish more people would see that before things get worse. Join your union, please, for all our sakes.
Hell yeah brother this whips
Reposted byAvatar Niq
an undocumented side effect is how prog makes you better at using your calendar. i only started using mine last year. the year i finally got a regular dose of prog. coincidence??? i think not.
extremely frustrated that increasing my prog was very effective but now I need to get better at google calendar because apparently people have other commitments!?!
Reposted byAvatar Niq
the whole idea of "sex ≠ gender" set us back by decades because cis people can just pretend the transsexual experience is playing dress up and roleplaying as the opposite gender instead of the very real, tangible experience of literally changing the sex that was assigned to us by accident of birth
Reposted byAvatar Niq
We got tricked by science fiction into thinking a futuristic city is all about flying cars and crystal towers and hologram billboards but what it really looks like is nice apartment blocks, good mass transit, pedestrian zones with shade trees and safe bike lanes.
Reposted byAvatar Niq
uphold trash gremlin thought. 🔥🦝❤️🦝🔥
timeline cleanse hat tip
It's Thighsday! I love my legs. I wish my face had cute freckles like that.
Honestly it's the word "one pot" that made me click this. lol. Delicious *and* reducing how much washing up there is? Perfection.
Sausage and mozzarella pasta one pot
Reposted byAvatar Niq
that's like my one main piece of advice to any newly out person: do your eyebrows. do them now and do them often. you're gonna fuck it up at first, you might overpluck them or get the wrong shape. that is okay. this is about trial and error. do some research. keep trying. you've got this.