Heather Randell

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Heather Randell


Environmental sociologist & demographer. Assistant professor in the Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota. I study how climate change & dams impact marginalized populations.

Can you imagine having to give birth in Gaza? I can’t. Women are doing it every day, for months. Help them.
My friend and graduate school colleague Mazen spent the first part of the war in Gaza huddled in tents while his wife Alaa waited to give birth to their child. They managed to make it to safety. Alaa is now raising money to help postpartum moms still stuck in Gaza www.gofundme.com/f/from-suffe...
Support for Providing Basic Needs for Gazan Mothers, organized by Alaa Naimwww.gofundme.com My name is Alaa. I am a Palestinian from Gaza, and mother of four childr… Alaa Naim needs your support for Support for Providing Basic Needs for Gazan Mothers
Trump’s running mate, JD Vance, has received at least $352,000 in 'contributions' from the oil and gas industry since 2019. And during that time, he switched from being a clean energy advocate to a climate change denier. Funny that. www.bloomberg.com/news/article...
Vance’s Scorn for Clean Energy Grew as Ohio Embraced Itwww.bloomberg.com Donald Trump’s newly picked running mate, Senator JD Vance, has grown more critical of renewable electricity and climate change even as his home state of Ohio embraced solar power and clean-tech manuf...
Cool. Apparently the NY Times thinks articles like this are good for business. At this rate the Democrats might as well just hand the election over.
Israeli forces fatally shot 14-year-old Ghassan Gharib Hussein Zahran in the back while he played with friends yesterday in the occupied West Bank. Israeli settlers and soldiers attacked Palestinian residents who tried to reach Ghassan while he bled out. Defense for Children International.
Israeli forces fatally shoot 14-year-old Palestinian boy in the back near Ramallahwww.dci-palestine.org Israeli forces shot and killed 14-year-old Ghassan Gharib Hussein Zahran in Deir Abu Mashal on July 9.
Articles from 2014 and 2024. How little things have changed. All of the research shows that disrupting a child’s education has generational impacts on their income and life chances. 625,000 kids in Gaza have been unable to attend school for 9 months. Absolutely indefensible.
I will repeat myself. In the absence of a ceasefire deal *this summer*, the displacement of close to two million Palestinians in Gaza (and beyond it) could very likely become permanent ethnic cleansing. Just like it happened in 1948.
Whoever said this isn’t attending the @popassocamerica.bsky.social
US sociologists consistently pay almost negligible attention to the problem of climate change, despite the central role of human behaviour in planetary warming, a University of Michigan researcher has concluded #AcademicSky #EduSky
US sociologists ‘ignoring’ climate change in researchwww.timeshighereducation.com Planetary warming shown to attract very few of the subject’s scholarly articles, conference sessions and course listings
I’m just saying, America’s fourth largest city being an unplanned, unregulated sprawl 45 minutes away from the hurricane factory is going to be a choice we are confronted with as the climate crisis intensifies.
Under the pretext of "protecting archaeological sites", and contrary to the Oslo accords, the Israeli govt effectively revoked Palestinian planning in Area B (22% of the West Bank). Israel already has full planning control over Area C (60%), leaving Palestinians with only 18% of West Bank (Area A).
Haaretz publishes today that the IDF established permanent control over 26% of the Gaza Strip, including a large "corridor" cutting the strip to two. In that corridor, Jewish fundamentalists established a synagogue with view of permanent "return". 1/
I already invite people on X to join us here weekly. But thanks to this analysis, I've decided to re-create my "scientists who do climate" list here this summer, and manually invite each of the 3,000 members on X to join us. If you're still on X, pls consider inviting your followers to join us too!
“We have seen a U.S. Government that dehumanizes both Palestinians and Jews, making the former victims of its weapons and the latter scapegoats for its war machine.”
I’m an associate editor of a journal & spend far too much time trying to recruit reviewers. Reviewing papers is a thankless job & there is essentially no consequence of turning down a review request. What we need is to pay reviewers for their time—$25 or $50 would probably do the trick!
It’s ok if the changing sensibility around conducting blind peer reviews is that we aren’t doing them on sabbatical and aren’t doing as many in general but everyone is going to have to realize this also means the peer review process is going to take much longer.
Massive and repeated flooding in Switzerland. Thousands of heat related deaths in southeast Asia and the Middle East. What’s looking like an absolutely devastating hurricane about to hit the Caribbean. Welcome to Global Weirding, brought to you by a minority of companies + countries.
The rise in global atmospheric CO2, surface temperature, and sea level from emissions traced to major carbon producers - Climatic Changelink.springer.com Researchers have quantified the contributions of industrialized and developing nations’ historical emissions to global surface temperature rise. Recent findings that nearly two-thirds of total industr...
Big chunks of Texas were under heat warnings this past week — with heat indexes hitting 115°F. Reminder that Texas Gov. Abbott signed legislation that prohibits cities from mandating employers to provide workers with rest and water breaks. This is the GOP's vision for America.
Sadly, I’m a climate pessimist. We need transformative change, but the world’s most powerful country is backtracking on its meager commitments to tackling environmental problems and we can’t even pass congestion pricing in the country’s most transit-friendly city 😭 www.nytimes.com/2024/06/29/c...
A String of Supreme Court Decisions Hits Hard at Environmental Ruleswww.nytimes.com Four cases backed by conservative activists in recent years have combined to diminish the power of the Environmental Protection Agency.
And for the climate question…. Trump: “Let me just go back to the police…when they see what I did for criminal justice reform…” Moderator: but what about climate change? “I want absolutely immaculate clean water…during my four years I had the best environmental numbers ever…”
Please. Anyone who has some pep in their step. It’s not too late.
Anyway, they better spin up Gavin Newsom or something.
“He’s become like a Palestinian, but he’s a very bad Palestinian, he’s a weak one.” — A thing President Trump just said about President Biden that neither Biden nor the moderators have pointed out is utterly bizarre. #Debate2024
Well I guess we’re getting another Trump term at this rate. I had low expectations, but wow, what is the Democratic Party thinking?
The University of Minnesota Faculty Senate just voted to "approve a vote of no confidence in the leadership of Interim President Ettinger and Provost Croson due to their unprecedented interventions into faculty hiring processes." @umn-tc-aaup.bsky.social
Administrative Interference in CLA Hiringwww.umn-tc-aaup.org There is an urgent matter related to the recent search for a director of CLA’s Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies (CHGS). In a series of events reminiscent of the  Steven Salaita case ,...
Just me wandering around the rest of the day whispering to myself "if wealth is the best proxy for power then time is the best proxy for freedom"
But if wealth is the best proxy for power, then, I argue, *time* is the best proxy for freedom -- and the theft of time is just as central to slavery as the theft of wealth. What could time-based reparations look like? That's what my article starts to explore. www.rsfjournal.org/content/10/2...
Stolen Lives: Redress for Slavery’s and Jim Crow’s Ongoing Theft of Lifespanwww.rsfjournal.org Reparations proposals typically target wealth. Yet slavery’s and Jim Crow’s long echoes also steal time, such as by producing shorter Black lifespans even today. I argue that lost time should be consi...