Chris Schaller

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Chris Schaller

Software Developer, Planetary Image Research Lab, UArizona LPL - MRO/HiRISE & TGO/CaSSIS GDS - he/him/his.
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Something policymakers still refuse to understand is that if you get COVID twice a year, you could be sick for ~4 weeks. And that's before even factoring Long COVID. That's a lot of lost productivity, and is a huge survival threat for people with lower income.
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Next time someone tries to tell you that the US has no food culture, educate them.
unfortunately, bangers
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One helluva story on the impacts of Bitcoin on the health of people in a Texas community after a local business invested in Bitcoin farming computers that run at all hours... Sociology episky 🛟 policysky polisky lawsky 🧪 Medsky 📈🧭
Inside the 'Nightmare' Health Crisis of a Texas Bitcoin A Bitcoin mine moved to a small town in Texas. One by one, the residents fell ill.
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HiPOD: Once in a Blue Dune This particular dune, appearing like turquoise blue in enhanced color*, is made of finer material and/or has a different composition than the surroundings. NASA/JPL-Caltech/UArizona #Mars #science #NASA
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Every album from The Decemberists
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Oh hey tech firms what’s up, I found the miracle solution: throw this unwanted AI shit into the fucking trash where it belongs
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So…big Covid wave right now, yeah?
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The Federal Trade Commission, of all entities, is out here writing absolute bangers about AI snake oil.
"Thanks to the tireless efforts of our scientists, technicians, and engineers, we have tumbled the moon in a large machine floating in synchronous rotation with the planet, giving our only natural satellite the luster of a fine-quality gem."
NASA Polishes Moon In Orbital Rock WASHINGTON—Marking the first time in history that humans have successfully smoothed away all the unsightly craters of a celestial body, NASA announced Thursday that it had polished the moon using an o...
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Hey that's the Lunar and Planetary Lab's own SPACEWATCH® program in that first one!
Two 🔭 facilities managed by ⁦‪@AURADC‬⁩ were featured on ⁦‪⁦‪@Jeopardy‬⁩ tonight in the “observatories” category!
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Quick studies of the ancient whale Dorudon atrox 🎨 🐡 🧪 #paleontology #whales
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Scoop from 404 Media: National Archives is banning employees from using ChatGPT. Agency is tasked w/ preserving history; leaked email says "NARA has determined that ChatGPT’s unrestricted approach to reusing input data poses an unacceptable risk"
National Archives Bans Employee Use of The agency tasked with preserving the historical record is banning ChatGPT, citing the possibility that the tool would leak internal information.
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Early whales, just becoming comfortable in the water 🐡 🎨 🧪 #paleontology #cetaceans
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My new book, Novosaurs 2 is available now. If you like dinosaurs, speculative evolution, or just little books full of pictures, you’ll enjoy this. Find it here:
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This is amazing. The Golden Girls did a storyline about #ME/CFS and they got it spot on. Every detail perfect, down to the virologist giving the diagnosis and advice. AND THEY DID IT IN 1989. I'm so mad that we KNEW this stuff so long ago and patients still have to go thru the gaslighting today.
This might make you laugh AND cry (at the same time): The Golden Girls: Dorothy’s Struggle With ME/CFS – Awareness Video Shared by: Melissa Mazur (@PhillyPhile215 on Twitter) #MECFS
The Golden Girls: Dorothy’s Struggle With CFS/ME – Awareness #TheGoldenGirls #DorothyZbornak #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicallyIll #Housebound #MillionsMissing DISCLAIMER: THIS VIDEO IS INTENDED FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND NOT FOR MONETARY GAIN. ALL CLIPS FEATURED BELONG SOLELY TO WALT DISNEY STUDIOS HOME ENTERTAINMENT. I CONSIDER THIS VIDEO'S CONTENT TO BE OF FAIR USE AND NOT AN INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHT. IT IS STRICTLY FOR AWARENESS. The Golden Girls is my favourite TV show of all time, full of life’s struggles, dealt with through wonderful humour, inspiring wisdom and heart-warming love by four incredible women, who share a house in Miami. (If you’ve never seen it, do. It’s amazing!) Between 1985 and 1992, the seven seasons covered a range of topics, all of which are still relevant today. It was created by US TV producer Susan Harris. Susan suffered during the 1980s and, I believe, is still suffering now with what is termed predominantly in the US as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It is also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/neuroimmune disease. The historical waters pertaining to said disease are murky in the extreme, and there is a wealth of information on the internet about its thought origin and the subsequent damage caused by medical professionals (loose term!) throughout the last several decades. Such neglect and life-threatening abuse is still ongoing today, twenty-nine years after this storyline aired, primarily at the hands of ignorant and arrogant psychiatrists. As someone with considerable medical knowledge, I can tell you that AWARENESS of this brutal, unforgiving, unrelenting and cruelly debilitating disease is paramount, in order to move forwards with EFFECTIVE treatment. I have selected the relevant sections from this special two-part episode Sick and Tired, from Season Five, which aired in 1989, to highlight how much HASN’T changed, as well as draw attention to the poignant words spoken by Dorothy throughout, and most especially at the end. Having been on the receiving end of disbelief, extremely nasty comments and woefully erroneous assumptions, I thought, when rewatching the episodes recently, someone should do a video like this. I decided that someone should be me, since those four characters mean so much to me, and have literally helped me survive through suffering I wouldn't ever wish on another soul. Please share FAR and WIDE. Thank you. For further information, please go to: To donate to vitally needed research, please go to:
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A little dragon doing little dragon stuff.
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One of the many issues (and a fixable one!): we don’t value departmental assistants enough. They used to be long-term employees with extensive institutional knowledge & could be a tremendous help. Now we lose people after 2 years because they can earn 5% more in another role and we can’t match.
Academia runs on volunteerism that presumes everyone has a full time stable job and ideally a spouse that either is non-working and does all the care work OR is in a highly lucrative field of employment. It ain’t that way any more. For many, maybe most, it never really was.
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Professors who don't get the importance of departmental staff members remind me of that meme comparing libertarians to house cats. Yes, yes, we know you *think* you're fiercely independent, but that's because the admin team has saved your absent-minded Mr. Magoo ass from failure five times a day.
One of the many issues (and a fixable one!): we don’t value departmental assistants enough. They used to be long-term employees with extensive institutional knowledge & could be a tremendous help. Now we lose people after 2 years because they can earn 5% more in another role and we can’t match.
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HiPOD: Hitch-Hiking with CTX HiRISE often rides along with observations performed by the Context Camera (CTX) on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Sometimes, we will take a picture slightly before or after the CTX observation, in order to explore new terrain. #Mars
Stop me if you've heard this one. "There is an aspect of new food technology companies that we don’t talk a lot about…many of the [VC]-backed companies involved in tech food do not really have food production experience. They don’t know the practices of integrity in the food world…"
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This one of those sales that really benefits creators, because Etsy are covering the costs. So, whether it’s my shop or someone else’s, please take advantage before the end of the month. A link to my shop here:
I got my Novosaurs 2 PDF this morning and it is filled to the wattle w/ glorious illustrations of hybrid sci-fi dinosaur/birds. Owls, peacocks, falcons, penguins… all crossed with theropods. The Tyto novosaurus alba. The Rhamphastos n. toco. The Falco n. tyrranus… Incredible illustrations!
If you backed the Kickstarter campaign for Novosaurs 2 - check your emails, because the pdfs were sent out yesterday. 😉🦖
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If you backed the Kickstarter campaign for Novosaurs 2 - check your emails, because the pdfs were sent out yesterday. 😉🦖
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HiPOD: Defrosting Dunes This image shows a field a sand dunes in the Martian springtime while the seasonal carbon dioxide frost is sublimating into the air. This sublimation process is not at all uniform, instead creating a pattern of dark spots. NASA/UArizona #Mars
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