Trent Hone

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Trent Hone

Historian & Management Consultant. Author of Learning War, Battle Line, & Mastering the Art of Command.
Reposted byAvatar Trent Hone
All the calls for “everyone” to “cool down the rhetoric” etc feel like how families so often put the burden of keeping the peace on the family members who are already working hardest at that, since the difficult/abusive folks are unfixable/cannot be reasoned with.
Reposted byAvatar Trent Hone
(Via Ben Ansell from the other place)
Indeed. This is the paragraph that resonates with me the most and I have yet to reconcile it with my faith in the US.
Reposted byAvatar Trent Hone
Breaking: George III demands restatement as King of America, points out that the Boston Massacre was an official act.
I agree. Not from the south, but I grew up in a politically active household. It was such an obvious shift that many of us learned about it from discussions with relatives.
You say “assault” like these aren’t beautiful examples of the modernism of the nineteenth century Third Republic. ;)
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Do you have a podcast related to military history, counterinsurgency, or decolonization? Are you teacjing a course that touches on related topics? I would love to join you to talk about my book!
Publication day is still a ways off—September 15!—but the book is available for peorder on @CornellPress' website with the 30% off discount code below. Check it out!
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Reposted byAvatar Trent Hone
I wrote this takedown of Victor Davis Hanson's Carnage and Culture (2004) at the Other Platform, but why not bring it over: Here is a not-even-close-to-exhaustive list of serious defects w/ VDH's famous(ly damaging) book, which you shouldn't read (both this thread and the book). 1/
Reposted byAvatar Trent Hone
US v. Rahimi shows that a majority of the Supreme Court realized that it could apply Bruen as written, or it could not embarrass itself by having to stand by Bruen’s batshit consequences, but it could not do both My analysis out now in Balls and Strikes
John Roberts Did a Very Bad Job Cleaning Up the Supreme Court’s Second Amendment The Supreme Court's Rahimi opinion shows that the conservatives aren't as sure about this "history and tradition" thing as they thought.
Reposted byAvatar Trent Hone
Booking producers who are now wondering who they should be talking to about originalism and the Supreme Court's decision in US v. Rahimi.....allow me to reintroduce myself
Reposted byAvatar Trent Hone
For #legalsky and #lawsky, I don’t know much about the law or Supreme Court, but whenever I read about originalism I look back at this quote on the Jefferson Memorial
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I just joined the editorial team of the Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies ( So do send us your good stuff in the broad field of military studies! See the recent editors' note here for more info: #CivMilSky #Polisky
As a parent, empty little shoes really get to me.
Make a movie milder: The mediocre, the tolerable, and the meh
Make a movie milder: The Militarized Interstate Dispute of the Worlds
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Make a movie milder: The Militarized Interstate Dispute of the Worlds
Make a movie milder: The Adequate Gatsby
Garzke and Dulin cover it well. The original intent was four quadruple turrets, but the desired protection and speed could not be achieved within the 35K ton limit. By the time that was clear, the quadruple was progressing.
It became a choice between 10x14in with desired levels of speed and protection or 12x14in without. The Board of Admiralty chose the former, even though it necessitated a new double turret design.
Reposted byAvatar Trent Hone
if you are currently writing a book my best advice is to start reading like a fuckin maniac. doesnt matter if it's related, just try to cram as many books into your brain as you can like it's a race. for me at least, swimming in a surfeit of words always helps
This fills me with joy. 🤣
Reposted byAvatar Trent Hone
Today's arts & crafts - a scale model of the survivorship bias airplane
Tell me you don’t understand technology without saying you don’t understand technology.
I really enjoyed it. Nice look at the evolution of Mahan’s ideas.