honer.bsky.social follows

Claire Willett
Claire Willett
Playwright. Chaos Muppet. Raconteuse. The internet’s gay Catholic aunt. Author of the time travel series THE REWIND FILES. Just a Virgo who can’t drive. http://clairewillettwrites.com (she/her) (PDX)
Seth Cotlar
Seth Cotlar
Teaches US History at Willamette Univ. Working on a book about the long history of the US Right. https://sethcotlar.substack.com/
The official Bluesky account for ProPublica
Jonathan Ladd
Jonathan Ladd
Political Scientist. Assoc Prof in the McCourt School and Dept of Government at Georgetown.

Scholar of public opinion, polling, and media effects.

Also occasionally a Marilynne Robinson stan account.

derek guy
derek guy
Menswear writer. Editor at Put This On. Words at The Washington Post, Esquire, Mr. Porter, Business of Fashion, and Vulture.
Graham Cross
Graham Cross
Historian of American and Anglo-American diplomacy and war at MMU. Lifelong obsession with the 8th Air Force, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Suffolk. Views my own.
Dr Aimée Fox
Dr Aimée Fox
Senior Lecturer | Historian of War | Award-winning author | Series Editor, War & the British Empire (McGill-Queen's UP) | Next book ‘A “World” at War: An Intimate History of Britain and the Greater War’
Alexandra Petri
Alexandra Petri
I’m not in James Thurber’s attic any more! right now I’m home yay ! I’m the one who writes this column https://www.washingtonpost.com/people/alexandra-petri/ and loves puns
Perry Bacon
Perry Bacon
Government, policy and elections writer. Views are my own. [email protected]
Jessica Valenti
Jessica Valenti
I write about abortion every day (http://jessica.substack.com), feminist books (Sex Object, The Purity Myth & more) & embarrass myself on TikTik (auntiekilljoy)
Kevin M. Kruse
Kevin M. Kruse
Historian: White Flight; New Suburban History; Fog of War; One Nation Under God; Fault Lines; Voter Suppression; Myth America. CAMPAIGN TRAILS: KevinMKruse.Substack.com
David Morgan-Owen
David Morgan-Owen
Historian of War | next book strategy & seapower in the FWW
Srdjan Vucetic
Srdjan Vucetic
Prof @uOttawaGSPIA, something-or-other @JIRD_jour, @uOttawaCIPS, @cdsn.bsky.social, @RAS_NSA...and recreational basketball
Barred and Boujee aka Madiba Dennie
Barred and Boujee aka Madiba Dennie
Words at ballsandstrikes.org, and even more words in The Originalism Trap: How Extremists Stole the Constitution and How We the People Can Take It Back
Out now at tinyurl.com/originalismtrap !
The New York Times
The New York Times
In-depth, independent reporting to better understand the world, now on Bluesky. News tips? Share them here: http://nyti.ms/2FVHq9v
The American Prospect
The American Prospect
Ideas, Politics & Power: The American Prospect is an independent political magazine. We cover Washington and beyond like no one else does.

Subscribe: https://prospect.org/membership
Phillips OBrien
Phillips OBrien
Professor of Strategic Studies, Author, Lover of Sicily
Bradford Vivian
Bradford Vivian
Professor + Author | Words in @washingtonpost
@PhillyInquirer @ConversationUS @ArcDigi | Views my own. Substack: https://bradfordvivian.substack.com/?r=2r65kj&u
Justin Pyke
Justin Pyke
MA in History. Studies intelligence, sea power, air power, and the Asia-Pacific War. Researching U.S. intelligence assessments of Japanese air and sea power, 1919-1941. Andor appreciator and PC gamer.
David Abrutat
David Abrutat
Intelligence services and military historian
Jared Yates Sexton
Jared Yates Sexton
Hoosier, Political Analyst, The Midnight Kingdom: A History of Power, Paranoia, and the Coming Crisis, Co-Host Muckrake Podcast, newsletter Dispatches From A Collapsing State
Dr. Rachel Pawling 🌈
Dr. Rachel Pawling 🌈
Sometimes I design ships. Most times I design how to design ships. Tweets not representative of employer or client policy. She/Her/Hers. @[email protected] @R_P_one
Christopher Federico
Christopher Federico
Professor of political science and psychology @ the University of Minnesota.; I study belief systems + the psychological bases of political preferences. Inveterate fan of The Fall + cat enthusiast.
Andrew Exum
Andrew Exum
Enthusiastic about Appalachia, bird dogs, a solid majority of my children, and 28-gauge shotguns. I sometimes write things here: https://www.theatlantic.com/author/andrew-exum/
Dr. Erik Villard
Dr. Erik Villard
Military/Digital Historian and Vietnam War specialist, soccer player, EDM fan, avid gamer, lives with my wonderful wife and a posse of Shih-Tzu's and cats.
Contingent Magazine
Contingent Magazine
History is for everyone. Every way of doing history is worthwhile. Historians should be paid for their work. www.contingentmagazine.org
Kate Starbird
Kate Starbird
Professor at University of Washington, HCDE. Cofounder and Director of the UW Center for an Informed Public. Researcher of online rumors and disinformation. Also, former basketball player (Stanford, ABL, WNBA).
Proceedings Magazine
Proceedings Magazine
Since 1874, Proceedings has been the open forum for critical, honest debate about the future of the Sea Services. Home of the Proceedings Podcast. https://www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings
Air Power Archaeology
Air Power Archaeology
U.S. Naval Institute
U.S. Naval Institute
An independent forum for those who dare to read, think, speak, and write to advance the professional, literary, and scientific understanding of seapower.
J.M. Berger
J.M. Berger
Senior Research Fellow, @ctecmiis.bsky.social


► EXTREMISM @mitpress http://amzn.to/2BKXLgU
► OPTIMAL: A novel http://amzn.to/3aKYZ99

Commission paid on Amazon links

Opinions my own, etc.
Mark Stout
Mark Stout
Intelligence historian, former intelligence officer. Also live on the borderlands of military history. Former Historian at the International Spy Museum. University educator. I wish I were in Seattle. The cat is Boadicea.
Nicholas Grossman
Nicholas Grossman
International Relations prof at U. Illinois. Senior Editor
of Arc Digital. Author “Drones and Terrorism.” Politics, national security, and occasional nerdery.
Tom Nichols
Tom Nichols
Staff writer at The Atlantic. Curmudgeon. Cat guy. Democracy enthusiast, defender of experts. Actor for a day on Succession, Jeopardy champ.
Eliot A. Cohen
Eliot A. Cohen
Arleigh Burke Chair in Strategy, CSIS, soon-to-be Emeritus Professor at Johns Hopkins SAIS, former Counselor of the Department of State, writer at the Atlantic. New book: The Hollow Crown: Shakespeare on How Leaders Rise, Rule, and Fall. (Basic Books)
Bonnie Glaser
Bonnie Glaser
Managing Director, Indo-Pacific Program, German Marshall Fund @GMFAsia, China, Taiwan, Indo-Pac, Europe-China, RT≠ endorsement
Dr Ross Mahoney
Dr Ross Mahoney
Editor-in-Chief of "From Balloons to Drones.' Specialist in Air Power History, Transport History, & Heritage. Brit in Brisbane, QLD. Tweets ≠ endorsement.

https://drrossmahoney.wordpress.com/ & https://balloonstodrones.com/
Gary Sheffield
Gary Sheffield
Military History & other stuff. Visiting Prof, Defence Studies Dept, KCL. Husband, father, grandfather. Christian. Arsenal. Labour. All opinions are just mine. Reposts do not = endorsement.
Chris Sams
Chris Sams
World War 1 & 2 Naval historian, also likes RAF bombers & the Luftwaffe between 1935-45. Working on pre-dreadnoughts during WW1 and the Burma campaign in 1945.
Vanda Wilcox
Vanda Wilcox
professional procrastinator, precarious historian, cat serf, romanista. Writes about the First World War, Italy, imperialism & Georgette Heyer, not usually all at once.
From Balloons to Drones
From Balloons to Drones
Exploring the development of air power from the earliest days of flight to now and the future.

Editors: Dr Ross Mahoney, Dr Maria Burczynska, Dr Mike Hankins, Dr Brian Laslie, Dr Luke Truxal, Abby Whitlock and James Jeffries.

Jason Hines
Jason Hines
Naval intelligence historian, doctoral candidate @unipotsdam, retired naval officer
Mike Bechthold
Mike Bechthold
PhD Historian | Royal Historical Society Fellow
RCAF | RAF | RNAS | RFC | Canadian Army
First World War | Second World War
Cartographer | Graphic Designer
A.L. Goldfuss
A.L. Goldfuss
writer, weirdo, recluse

work and newsletter: algoldfuss.com

WW2TV Paul Woodadge
WW2TV Paul Woodadge
🇬🇧 🎥 YouTuber, battlefield guide and historian in Normandy. All opinions, comments and newsboy caps my own. Quite "Woke" and proud of it. #WW2TV #Normandy
Olivia Garard
Olivia Garard
Angry Staff Officer
Angry Staff Officer
History person, Army officer, transplanted Buckeye. Writes stuff. Some Star Wars. Refugee from Twitter. Views do not reflect or represent the DoD's. He/him/his. angrystaffofficer.com
Richard Hammond
Richard Hammond
Historian. Senior Lecturer. Vice-President and Founder Member of the Second World War Research Group: https://www.swwresearch.com/