Trent Hone

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Trent Hone

Historian & Management Consultant. Author of Learning War, Battle Line, & Mastering the Art of Command.
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(Via Ben Ansell from the other place)
Indeed. This is the paragraph that resonates with me the most and I have yet to reconcile it with my faith in the US.
i think we should see the Trump v. United States ruling as a group of Republican apparatchiks taking their opportunity to vindicate Nixon and write the unitary executive into the Constitution.
Opinion | Your Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card Is Ready, The Nixonian theory of presidential power is now enshrined as constitutional law.
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Breaking: George III demands restatement as King of America, points out that the Boston Massacre was an official act.
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Do you have a podcast related to military history, counterinsurgency, or decolonization? Are you teacjing a course that touches on related topics? I would love to join you to talk about my book!
Publication day is still a ways off—September 15!—but the book is available for peorder on @CornellPress' website with the 30% off discount code below. Check it out!
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Reposted byAvatar Trent Hone
I wrote this takedown of Victor Davis Hanson's Carnage and Culture (2004) at the Other Platform, but why not bring it over: Here is a not-even-close-to-exhaustive list of serious defects w/ VDH's famous(ly damaging) book, which you shouldn't read (both this thread and the book). 1/
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US v. Rahimi shows that a majority of the Supreme Court realized that it could apply Bruen as written, or it could not embarrass itself by having to stand by Bruen’s batshit consequences, but it could not do both My analysis out now in Balls and Strikes
John Roberts Did a Very Bad Job Cleaning Up the Supreme Court’s Second Amendment The Supreme Court's Rahimi opinion shows that the conservatives aren't as sure about this "history and tradition" thing as they thought.
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Booking producers who are now wondering who they should be talking to about originalism and the Supreme Court's decision in US v. Rahimi.....allow me to reintroduce myself
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For #legalsky and #lawsky, I don’t know much about the law or Supreme Court, but whenever I read about originalism I look back at this quote on the Jefferson Memorial
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Reposted byAvatar Trent Hone
I just joined the editorial team of the Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies ( So do send us your good stuff in the broad field of military studies! See the recent editors' note here for more info: #CivMilSky #Polisky
Make a movie milder: The mediocre, the tolerable, and the meh
Make a movie milder: The Militarized Interstate Dispute of the Worlds
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Make a movie milder: The Militarized Interstate Dispute of the Worlds
Make a movie milder: The Adequate Gatsby
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if you are currently writing a book my best advice is to start reading like a fuckin maniac. doesnt matter if it's related, just try to cram as many books into your brain as you can like it's a race. for me at least, swimming in a surfeit of words always helps
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Today's arts & crafts - a scale model of the survivorship bias airplane
Tell me you don’t understand technology without saying you don’t understand technology.
When did “technical debt” become synonymous with “software code”?
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The perfect Mother’s Day or Father’s Day gift
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there’s more to it. part of what this crowd provides is an entire social world, and with it esteem and celebration. they are given awards and applause for their terrible decisions. that is as important, if not more, than the money.
Mastering the Art of Command front and center at the USNI Press booth at #SMH2024
For the first time in a long while, I have made dosa. It tastes like coming home to the best of friends.
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Trent's article (his three-post thread is worth a read) is excellent, and available for a very reasonably price ($10USD) from the Society for Military History. If interested, article title/abstract at, to use in form at #NavalHistory
Proud to announce that my article "From Mobile Fleet to Mobile Force: The Evolution of U.S. Navy Logistics in the Central Pacific During World War II," published in the Journal of Military History last April, has been awarded a Vandervort Prize.
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So it’s just The Manual of Style now?
The long-awaited news from the Chicago Manual of Style: Place of publication will no longer be used in citations as of the 18th edition (with rare exceptions for clarity).
Proud to announce that my article "From Mobile Fleet to Mobile Force: The Evolution of U.S. Navy Logistics in the Central Pacific During World War II," published in the Journal of Military History last April, has been awarded a Vandervort Prize.
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"We like to think that great accomplishments in American history are the result of broad national consensus. More often they are the triumph of one worldview over another." This excellent piece by Robert Kagan deserves a second and third read.
Opinion | Trump’s anti-Ukraine view dates to the 1930s. America rejected it then. Will we now? Trump’s “America First” strategy in the 21st century is a recipe for a new arms race. Does America want that?
He's right. "Originalism" is about stringing together a collection of words to support a predetermined outcome. There's no need for fidelity to facts, reliable description of source material, nor even logical consistency. It's one of the few tasks large language models could do.
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“Is it technically fascism?” “Is it technically rape?” “Is it technically genocide?” Remarkable the smug ease with which so many people have replaced moral inquiries with semantic ones.