
[type of guy who can’t manage a 20 person discord without it imploding into petty feuds voice]: i am going to lead a revolution of the workers
the worst dudes online are the guys who are like “the time for electoral politics is over, it’s time for guillotines.” yeah bud i’m sure you’ll stop posting and get the ball rolling on the guillotines any minute now.
I really hate it when some random leftist wants to start a revolution while expecting someone else to do the whole work for them. If you're going to revolt, at least give people some semblance of a plan.
Yeah, exactly--like, I'm open to revolution! *If* you've got a plan for how you intend to replace the existing system, an idea of what you'd like to replace it with, & a plan to develop dual-power logistics and governing systems to minimize civilian casualties from deprivation during said revolution
If that sounds like a lot of work, it very much is--a successful revolution takes an enormous amount of effort and coordination to pull off!
they hate the military and security services too, one or both of which you need to win a revolution also reject working with dems cuz “they wont listen something something same as republicans” but it’s a far easier lift to turn the party into a maoist party than to start a protracted people’s war
These leftists just aren't very pragmatic, are they?
anyone saying they're going to start a revolution on *public social media* is too dumb to actually lead a revolution
People had better figure out digital hygiene before next January. It's not going to be your neighbor ratting you out to the Stasi, it's going to be you doing it to yourself.
i eman i think it’s very unlikely trump wins. every gop state party is bankrupt and trumps going to embezzle every dollar he raises to pay his legal bills. imo the polls will increasingly reflect this in the coming months
Don’t worry about it, I was on the front page of the newspaper….
And yet so many people love to go with, "the system is irreparably broken, voting is worthless, there's nothing we can do" as if what their next steps would then have to be aren't obvious. (The next step, obviously, is just whine loudly about it online.)
Nihilistic doomerism helps no one but the far right.
some people are very committed to arguing themselves into being useless
I can only get behind an actual revolution if there's a solid plan in place that would help guarantee success with minimal bloodshed. Fending off the far right requires resources and manpower that have to be managed effectively.
That;'s what's so scary about right now-these fuckers DO have a plan. I submit that most of its stances are WILDLY unpopular and all US people really, really need to understand what's being planned. Now.