
[type of guy who can’t manage a 20 person discord without it imploding into petty feuds voice]: i am going to lead a revolution of the workers
the worst dudes online are the guys who are like “the time for electoral politics is over, it’s time for guillotines.” yeah bud i’m sure you’ll stop posting and get the ball rolling on the guillotines any minute now.
I really hate it when some random leftist wants to start a revolution while expecting someone else to do the whole work for them. If you're going to revolt, at least give people some semblance of a plan.
Yeah, exactly--like, I'm open to revolution! *If* you've got a plan for how you intend to replace the existing system, an idea of what you'd like to replace it with, & a plan to develop dual-power logistics and governing systems to minimize civilian casualties from deprivation during said revolution
If that sounds like a lot of work, it very much is--a successful revolution takes an enormous amount of effort and coordination to pull off!
they hate the military and security services too, one or both of which you need to win a revolution also reject working with dems cuz “they wont listen something something same as republicans” but it’s a far easier lift to turn the party into a maoist party than to start a protracted people’s war
anyone saying they're going to start a revolution on *public social media* is too dumb to actually lead a revolution
And yet so many people love to go with, "the system is irreparably broken, voting is worthless, there's nothing we can do" as if what their next steps would then have to be aren't obvious. (The next step, obviously, is just whine loudly about it online.)
Nihilistic doomerism helps no one but the far right.
Yeah. People really don't like being told, "Well, I guess I'll see you at the barricades" in response to that kind of nihilistic navel-gazing.
"meet me at the barricades" is a great title for an apocalyptic romance novel though
Oh, goodness yes. There's certainly been enough great pictures of people kissing in the middle of protests that you could get inspiration for a great cover, too.
romeo and juliet style love story but the guys security service and she’s an activist
she's an activist and he's a south park leftist who never shows up at the barricades. She's sad and feels betrayed, but then a woman with sparkling eyes approaches and asks if she knows how to make molotov cocktails
Truth be told, it feels like a steamy spiritual sequel to Anne Frank.
trying to coin the term south park leftists for these people
complete with their underpants gnomes theory of revolution