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Married cat lady, extremely boring retired web developer, pro-choice atheist and feminist. #Australian on unceded First Nations territory (Brisbane / Meanjin)

#ActuallyAutistic. She/her. My cats are Shula (black) and Jana (tortie)
Powerful Owl pair roosting together on a very blustery Brisbane day. #birds
Native joy Photo by Mike Dubois
Here is a great blue heron with a snack 🪶
As promised, here are pictures of the gorgeous Flower Quilt by @octopusgallery.bsky.social for #RomancingTheVote
Having dealt with trash pandas before: they are smart enough to know a dumpster when they see one, so this is absolutely what's happening here.
timeline cleanse hat tip @penryu.bsky.social
Jose shows off his toe beans.
A good day for little guys, weird and otherwise
I read the thread where this was all happening and it was nothing but straight up bad faith interpretations of her words and bullying. Disgusting stuff. I blocked and blocked :(
Which she wouldn't wear in Britain because that's the Labour colour there :)
*if* your server hasn't blocked Threads. Many have because Meta sucks.
Announcing my new dog. It’s taken me over two years to scotch tape my heart back together after the last one. But she’s perfect. I already love her so much.
She's pretending to be disabled in a particular way. I don't find it amusing in the slightest.
First Powerful Owlet of the season!!! Peeking out of its nest hollow about 20 minutes after sunset this evening. It'll probably be 2-3 weeks before it fledges and comes out of the hollow forever, but it's already interested in what's going on outside. #birds #brisbane
Good morning to everyone except this asshole, who stepped on the ceiling fan remote control at 3:00 in the morning and turned on the overhead light.
Discworld QOTD, from Men at Arms
Discworld QOTD, from Mort “He'd been wrong, there was a light at the end of the tunnel, and it was a flamethrower.”
Audrey the puppy came home today. ❤️
Even if he does, he lacks the insight and ability for change that would allow him to be altered in any positive way.
Is this when he will finally become president? Again? I give it a full New York Minute
And we all have to pretend that we would miss nasty old Uncle Fred when he dies, instead of dancing on his grave with pure joy
Discworld QOTD, from Mort “He'd been wrong, there was a light at the end of the tunnel, and it was a flamethrower.”
Discworld QOTD, from Making Money “Plans can break down. You cannot plan the future. Only presumptuous fools plan. The wise man steers.”
thank you 🥰 Trump can never admit fault, even fault that he didn't cause in the first place. So he can never get better. If there were people around him who loved him, they might be able to help him, but there aren't, and they won't. I can't waste energy on caring. There are better people to help.
Zooey is getting into the swing of playing with the kittens.
Female Powerful Owl roosting in the day with her partner for the 1st time this breeding season. First in the nest hollow, then roosting out of the hollow, but still in the same tree, now in a nearby tree with views of the hollow. She must be confident the Owlet(s) are doing well. #birds #brisbane
Timeline cleanse! The prettiest sunrise I can find on my camera roll I'm a night owl, and am literally never awake at sunrise, so I had to go with a sunset 😂🦉🌕
Timeline cleanse! The prettiest sunrise I can find on my camera roll